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Posts posted by ratcum

  1. 22 hours ago, judgetwi said:

    The Fuhrer’s birthday today so congratulations Herr Oberst. I expect you have been drinking Aldi beer all day and are feeling a bit morose by now so I won’t bother you. Have a nice evening.

    We did have a few steins at Schloss Ratten Jewdy. I hear a holocaust survivor (Christ there's so many) has copped it in Ukraine. I reckon the Azov boys did for her, rather than Vlad's crowd.

    Love to Mrs Jewdy

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    He's growing on me Ed. I feel all smug, like one of those middle class people who invite blacks to dinner parties so they can tell everyone about it. 

    don't forget to give the senior matriarch a gaily coloured bag Authoritah, They love that sort of shit. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 17/04/2022 at 15:36, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    I've started feeding the local Foxes and every now and again I leave leftover lamb, chicken and pork (bones and all) for them. Some might say I should give it to the poor instead. 

    the poor have never had it so good. I reckon Africa is exporting begging bowls OCR

  4. On 14/04/2022 at 05:54, Major Cunt said:

    Glad that it meets with your approval, Ratty. I thought it might bring out some of the quality Herr Oberst post's. I was beginning to worry that you forgot the Reich never surrendered. The German Army did but the Reich did not. 

    There's enough discontent stirring in the newbie E.U. states for the homeboys to make a comeback MC.  From the Calais in the west to the Sea of Azov in the east, a curtain of reckoning is descending.  


    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    No, the video tapes were all enclosed in black plastic, the Betamax ones were small and heavy with one window as you said. The Philips V2000 was a big double sided tape like Pen described, and VHS was what you remember. It was the cheapest, with lower picture quality than the other 2, but price won the war, leading Philips and Betamax into obscurity. 

    Remember 12 inch video discs?

    My Aunty Vi had some old Bakelite cylinders. 

    "Rat" she used to say, "stuff these up my Billingsgate and see if you can get a tune out of me".

  6. 1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

    An inflated figure. I've just checked it out on Trip Advisor and apparently there's no towelling in the showers, but there's a ghetto to hotel train service which guarantees arrival or your back passage smuggled gold back. 

    Great avatar MC. Handsome devil was old Ernst.

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I think it's just another slab in the pavement to normalising paedophelia. Keep introducing more and more ridiculous ideas into society, get everyone confused about what they are and how things work, then when everyone is a proto-gender-unicorn-Bhuddist-hippy-rawfood-vegan-communist forced into genital reassignment surgery at birth and the population is in severe decline as a result, some greasy cunt will come up with the idea of "free range" baby farms (we'll all be grown in vats at this point) - and it'll just happen to be fifteen years before the point of no return.

    Probably the Chinks.

    Good old Killer, like empty dugs on a starving Ethiopian; fuckin hysterical

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Indeed, and in all the right places, almost as if there was some sort of international Jewish conspiracy...

    The credits at the end of any Hollywood film are still a useful source for me Deco. You don't see them in 'stuntman' or 'catering', but everything else is infested.

    My money's on Iran stepping up. How about yourself?

  9. 3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    For such a supposedly minority religion, there do seem to be billions of the cunts. 

    Yeah and considering how murderously efficient the holocaust was meant to be, a shit load of these fuckers seemed to survived it. And they ALL seem to have encountered Mengele. 

    Still, we should never forget CB

  10. 1 hour ago, Decimus said:


    I'm watching a documentary about Mohammed Ali Deco. It's one of those talking heads things and it's jew after jew after jew, all making big bucks out of the black man

    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    You probably can't address them as "boys and girls" because it's unacceptable as it might upset some poor brainwashed little cunt. 

    And this shit where everyone is addressed as "guys" fizzes my piss as well


    there's still a few boomers who address an assembled group as 'people' Gypo. Total cunts to a man (see what I did there?)

  12. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    @Mrs Roops what's going on? You seem to be getting more and more frustrated with @King Billy with each message. I've always noticed you seem very cool (cold even) when responding to members however it seems you are near boiling point. Have you ever had a public meltdown on the corner before?


    the truly professional drug dealers never partake of their own product OCR. Roops is an amateur.

    • Like 1
  13. On 30/03/2022 at 14:38, Roadkill said:

    Tracey Connelly, professional Andre the Giant lookalike and mother convicted of abusing and allowing others to abuse her child, Peter Connolly (Baby P), until his death in 2007 is, according to parole officers, ready to rejoin society.


    Unfortunately, said parole officers have failed to ask society's opinion on the matter. In fact, I think society would be well within its rights to take this as an opportunity to hunt the horrible, child murdering cunt down the moment she ventures out into public and serve up some good old fashioned mob justice, seeing as regular justice simply doesn't seem to have the teeth to deal with this level of human scum anymore.

    Of course the reality of the situation will be very different. Cunts will make a fuss for a bit before being distracted by the next celebrity punch up and a parent who was responsible and actively involved in the painful and humiliating death of her own child will be quietly whisked away, given a new identity and life, and offered all the support she desires at the taxpayer's expense to ensure her second chance is successful, despite ensuring that her own son's first chance at life was cut short early. 

    If Minty (sniff..) was still alive Killer, I'd sew him up inside her womb and let him peck his way out via her ovaries.

    Christ I miss that little green bastard.


  14. 20 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    You'll see kidney machines replaced by gefilte buns,

    And the earwigs want, what the earwigs get,

    But I don't get what these Zionists want.

    I've sent some giant strap on cocks to the prison where Ghislaine Whore is being held Deco. I'm hoping big mama inmates use them on her for some toffee jousting action. I'd be fuckin furious if she managed to top herself mind

  15. On 31/03/2022 at 14:24, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    You have interesting taste ratcum, would this be better if rats were involved?

    I'll be dressed as one OCR. Ready to hit my marks , complete with my little rat pecker. Eric said he wants to play the part of Minty.

  16. On 29/03/2022 at 15:58, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    The poor, like the rich have more than their fair share of thick cunts. The rich however can financially accommodate their thick ones, and can enable them (through money) to have some sort of respectability. The thick poor however have no shame, and under the guise of being no nonsense/working class etc, lay it all out in the open for all the decent folk to see. 

    I've had enough of it all Ratcum. 

    I'm hoping that Laura Coonsberg from the BBC will do farmyard porn though

  17. 19 minutes ago, Dead Penelope said:

    TBH I see both Panzer and Billy as being caricatures of either side rather than real people .. if Panzer was for real he would be for a truly independent none EU united Ireland .. the shiners have sold any notion of an independent Ireland down the River Liffy. Billy totally unreal .. where is his religious protestant destroy all catholics fire and brimstone?

    dog plop

  18. 19 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Rock’s mother is reported to be very scared by the incident, and has insisted that he moves in with her sister in Bel Air.

    This is funny CB.

    Get the fuck off this site

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