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Posts posted by Snowy

  1. 12 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Snowy, I think you should know that I know where you live. 

    I think that you should know ,I don't actually care if you know where I live.

    Eddie can  arrange a punch up for us though say Birmingham new street ?

    There is however a district nearby that is called "the gay quarter " ,so dress aporiateily ,not your usual attire,otherwise I wont be able to discern you from the other poofs.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Decimus said:

    And a glossy coat.

    Thought it was the weird cunt with some unsavoury obession with dogs .

    His old name is at the tip of my tounge ,but he's always been that much of a nobody I actually dont care to remeber it .

  3. Just now, Eddie said:

    Wash your mouth out, I’ll have you know bill had his own front door! 

    I have fond memories of bill . Mainly that his front door was the only thing he had.

    I often think about him being kicked out of his shared accommodation, taking his precious door with him ,and just floating down the thames on it ,whilst harrasing passers bye about student loans and some other leftist shite he will pump out ,god bless his soul.

    • Like 3
  4. 34 minutes ago, Frank said:

    I hope you're drunk because this is diabolical. Fucking hell.

    As i refrenced the other day about your proclaiming you're gonna make a new video for years ,I will also refrence your quote to panzy.

    I havent read your crap for years ,its only now I'm seeing the haggered husk that once was "frank" ,you might as well get a yellow tie ,or live in shared accommodation like the past two cunts who left.

    • Like 4
  5. 16 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

    Arse cancer?

    Yes, it would be the one who took it on  himself to address me via some fucking white flag waving cunt ,i guess my time here is done ,see you in 6 months you french fucking pervert ,adieu.

  6. 10 hours ago, Frank said:

    Someone on here is gonna get it in the fucking ear this weekend. I'm sick of the lot of you.

    Well as you know my time is limited, and I come on here when i will,like you saying youre making a new video for the past 5 years

    Im up for the challenge,i will get back to you when i see fit ,you fucking loather wearing wiggy fucking simpleton.

  7. On 05/09/2022 at 12:54, Eric Cuntman said:

    Do you know, Snowy was not only a member of Decs’ clique, but then switched sides and joined my cartel. He then became a double agent and switched sides willy-nilly on an almost daily basis. He is completely fucked in the head.

    The good old days young Eric ,now what i see is a bunch of fucking idiots running the show lourding over this place like some prebucent teens who think there edgy.

    Even ratcum talks normal now the fucks going on ?

    On a side note ive been reading gow daily blogs ,and the offer is still there roops to finger bash you in my cab.

    • Like 2
  8. After further research on the passing of the shrivelled cunt ,and her giving me extra holiday for this year with the jubilee, im saddened to find out the wrinkly fucking old kraut set in stone no more days off for her long ass life ending ,fuck the bitch.

    • Like 1
  9. So old snowy was walking in the city,he wonders whats going on ,he had just had a shit in the bullring,whats the fuss,it was one of them hangers on,the kind you feel so much pain in your belly your arse is trembling about whats to come ,but i digress.

    I was greeted with this big fucking bull ,ive been working in the city centre recently ,its scrub work i pick up the litter on broad street ,it pays well and gareth isnt near me ,i went to abdul what the fucks this .

    Turns out from me not being bright ,and pissed most time i missed we was holding the commonwealth games .

    Abdul then  precided to tell me what this bull represents ,its all about womens struggles ,ok abdul what about mens.....

    He was silent ,which is weird he usually tells me to cover my women up.

    • Like 1
  10. On 08/03/2022 at 10:15, Hammer of Cunts said:

    Apparently we're supposed to do something symbolic with lightbulbs this evening to show Putin what we think of him.

    I bet he'll shit himself at the sight of Doris at no. 27's curtains flapping.

    What did the potato-faced cabbage eaters do for us in the last war?   Oh yes, many of them joined the SS. Ukraine is a buffer state, it's doing what it's supposed to: keeping the Ivans at a safe distance.

    It'll be "clap for Kiev" next.

    This bunch of drivel sounds more like a rant ,haven't you painted enough fences this week,or is it you're poor now as your paint isn't sourced from Russia anymore ? Fucking paint tipping wanker

  11. Its been a long time since I've nominated someone but since Gareth has gone onto better things ,it's not good for us fucking binmen put it that way ,this is why your shit gets picked up late but I digress .

    Now we all have a quota of flids that will be brought into one's career .

    We can talk about critical race theory,we can talk about women's rights etc etc ,but there's one thing that no one addresses .

    Retards .

    Just like Gareth I've gone ahead in my bin career ,well I say gone ahead I've kinda been stumbling sideways like a bin lorry In the ice.

    So to my point I'm the logistics manager of the local depot, you have to work out who does this who does that ,but I've got a stumbling block, it's retards who we have to employ because there's a quota ,bear in mind this job isn't for the brainest of people ,even are own manky would of got in.

    But to say I was pissed today ,would be an understatement, there's me ,Mr dribbler walks In,hi sir what do I du.

    Just consolidate the shit over there and we can go onto letting trucks out.

    45 minutes later this cunt comes up to me don't know what you mean.

    I preceeded to explain this to him like I would a child or mine and Dec's private messages ,how this shit works ,you have 2 apples over there ,I have one apple ,put your spit infested apple on my pile of apples .

    They should all be gassed .

  12. 10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    The clue is in the thread title, Snowy. As far as I am aware, no one is forcing you to read it.

    I skim through it ,I have a hard problem with big words ,but I can see a recurring theme when I see one ,it's like when you watch an omnibus of eastenders,the cheeky Cockney stuff and mindless fluff seems charming at first,but by time you get to the end of it you want to gurotte Dot Cotton with her tights .

    On a side note, as I've dusted off the cobwebs and need to make a nomination worthy of my good self ,can we also get a roops nom to fight the ad nauseum of the covid stuff that spreads between each and ever discussion these days?

  13. I'm not one to Stoke the fire here but this argument is backed up by one side ,Proper the day nurse and current owner of cuntscorner ,who's conspiracy theories on the kung flu is reaching levels that even the fucking mental evans could of achieved.

    In the blue corner we have the master of deception and person who edits every Wikipedia page to her own narrative, the so called heavyweight of ,and I quote  " analytical research " ,the woman who wouldn't admit if she's wrong if someone slapped a massive cock around her face to shut the fuck up and said it wasn't a cock,statically it was very small so there by being a vulvar so I'm right .

    There's something wrong when the goon squad argue.

    What am actually trying to say is ...shut the fuck up.

    • Like 2
  14. King Billy shoving his cock about some David icke levels of conspiracies, roops being roops being her usual self with Wikipedia and her hairy growler ....its time I nominated so I will ponder on this, ask Gareth what he thinks is worthy and get back to you ,in the mean time roops if you'd like to send me any of your filth via pm I won't say no...

  15. 51 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:


    When does the silly cunts probation end? 2025? Before or after the nation becomes carbon neutral?

    I’d like to refresh my memory as the reasons why special measures where put in place 

    @Mrs Roopsa quick summary?

    I'd still fuck her ,I've never forgotten the days she told me about her being finger banged by a trucker in his cab after offering hear the reach around in my bin lorry.

    As much as she's an ugly fucking brute with a fat hairy fanny,possibly cock, I'm still sceptical it's not Mr roops is posting on here ,she turned me on .

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