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Prints Harry

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Everything posted by Prints Harry

  1. You're a bit behind times .. the coal mines have closed and the WAG are in a tissy about wood burning stoves and looking into banning them.
  2. I've lost an inch in height Juggles.
  3. You also get it when you try to ignore street chuggers and street beggars. In the case of street chuggers if they do this I go back to them and inform them that they are breaking the law by doing it.
  4. Stubby, next time you see a 6' 5" tall bloke with fists the size of a football I want you to go up to him smile, and then ask him if he "tucks his one meat and three veg".
  5. £1000 plus for some jobs (not that I get any of those) but one way to make the bill look smaller than it actually will be at the end is to put (plus expenses). If I am £400 up at the end I will be happy .. better than Eric's £95 a night to stand out in the cold.
  6. I have just done a discrete engagement shoot for Brian and Gregor.
  7. Decco keeps fucking me as well.
  8. My eyesight isn't all that bad Juggles .. you not heard a glasses?
  9. If nothing else this ugly cunt looks as thick as two short planks
  10. Ape's so grateful and proud .. all he wants to di to sing it out loud!
  11. I've got a booking to do the photography at a wedding in Acle in April .. any ideas of a good hotel for a couple of nights?
  12. I thought that you had a Fiesta.
  13. @Decimus. When you have got some time to spare, would you mind telling me exactly what it is like to be a very, very angry little man?
  14. He loves me. He keeps fucking me every time I post.
  15. Stubby's nothing special, in fact he's a bit of a bore. When Stubby tells a joke you've probably heard it before.
  16. Shut the fuck up and get back to your "tucking".
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