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Penny Farthing

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Everything posted by Penny Farthing

  1. So today (so the media tell us) is the day that Theresa May will announce the date of her departure. A time to celebrate? I am not so sure. Which cunt will replace her and what kind of fuck up will they make of a process that should have taken place two months ago? By now at worst we would be negotiating new trade deals, but instead .. what a fuck up! .. The end of May looks to be the 7th of June.
  2. I have had to jump under trains a few times Judge .. me and the big tough driver once had to remove a dynamo from underneath a coach at Lichfield using my ticket nippers as pliers. One small point Judge .. a lot of people spend time around trains, they use them every day to go to work. I have been on four trains this week ..
  3. OggyOggy in Plymouthwould be more Ape's style as they do beans on toast.
  4. So why have you never tried it?
  5. This shit is everywhere .. you go in a station buffet and there is a queue a mile long because all these puffs and fairies want a mocha or a latte on top with chocolate on top. Worse still some of the cunts are as old as me. I order a black coffee .. "Americano?" Is the reply followed by "do you want milk in it?". NO I FUCKING JUST ORDERED A FUCKING BLACK FUCKING COFFEE! The other trick they have up their sleeve is this filter coffee slop.
  6. Its not part of my plan Eric, as you must have realised my plan is for world domination and I need a low profile for that.
  7. Thi is not part of my plan Baws .. I did not even know until Dulilmus blasted it out on the airwaves
  8. BAWs how the fuck did this happen?
  9. For fucks sake https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-48149985
  10. Not sure how many are in the HGV game .. mowing down crowds of innocent passers by apart.
  11. What I am getting at is that most of those pushing for strict adherence to fasting during the hours between sunrise and sunset live in places where those hours are invariably around 13 hours .. an easy period to fast during and to get a full nights sleep with no ill effect. Would these same cunts do so if they had to fast for 18 or 19 hours .. somehow I think that they would change their tune. The other issue is that poorly thought out legislation regarding protection of religious beliefs is preventing medical professions from being able to advise again such practices which have been proven to cause danger to the public .. one example a few years ago was a train driver involved in a derailment at Paddington who was fatigued by the fact that he had been fasting .. the other obvious issues is taxi drivers.
  12. One of the twists is that the inclusion of religious belief (which in truth is [or was} a choice) into legislation protecting people from discrimination on the grounds of race, disability, sexual orientation which is not a choice) has had the double effect of downgrading protection on the three latter grounds and also for many in practice removed the right for those of certain religious faiths of questioning or indeed leaving those faiths and placed them in mortal danger if they do so.
  13. You never see fat Germans do you?
  14. The daft cunt actually posted on ratty's original nom on 14th May!
  15. Repeat bollocks .. ratty did this a few months back.
  16. This is the Irish Education Minister .. I wonder why education in Ireland is under crisis? .. @Panzerknacker
  17. Welcome back .. well I will the other Rsoles to work that one out.
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