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Prints Harry

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Everything posted by Prints Harry

  1. Do you ever see them in private buildings?
  2. Are those the hills behind Macclesfield where you go up to the Cat n' Fiddle and Buxton?
  3. Another small matter is to careful about using this "spastic" word as there are a couple of "bungalow dwellers" on this site and they might get offended.
  4. Thanks .. I'll send you a list over tomorrow. Need to see a friend first as he knows how to get money out of the bank when you have not got the card to hand.
  5. I have already done it Eric .. check your PMs as I have sent his card number and security code so that you can put them in a safe place.
  6. What is the "business" that you going about .. could you not use your entrepreneurial talent to gain some financial advantage by befriending these folk?
  7. Welcome to the forum. It is good to have a newcomer with a nom covering a new subject.
  8. How are you Punker's mate .. is your name Gerald?
  9. I never get an invite any of these things but I do walk in, start chatting and help myself to whatever is on offer on the buffet and if questioned I will ask for someone at random. When finished I will mutter something like "oh this is not the staff association do" and then walk out.
  10. Do you like chocolate lollies.. If you do Punker's will be your best mate.
  11. @Punkape is fond of Roger or is it rogering?
  12. Wait until you get called up for jewery service. That will shut you up.
  13. Wouldn't you rather be somewhere in Dorset such as Lyme Regis or West Bay?
  14. He's got a Sony mirrorless camera and could use the panorama mode.
  15. To be honest the last time I visited Alderley Edge and Wimslowsic they were both very much like Cairo or Tunstall on market day so you have no room to talk.
  16. You OK Judge? ..Your mate Drew Peacock is back.
  17. Have you ever thought about the health benefits of drinking Dettol?
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