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Prints Harry

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Posts posted by Prints Harry

  1. 30 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Alan Clark was a fucking champ, for a Tory twat. His Diaries are excellent, but very of their time. He got major points from me for saying Michael Heseltine was “the sort of chap who buys his own furniture”. A unapologetic cunt to his toenails, but I’d take him all day long over the short of shite that wears a blue rosette these days. Andrea Jenkyns? Esther Mcvey? Jackboot Rees-Mogg? Fuck my life. These people. 

    Back in the 1970s he opposed the UK joining The Common Market .. he told Dennis Skinner that he would rather live in socialist ruled UK than in a UK ruled by foreigners .. a similar sentiment was later expressed by Enoch Powell.

  2. 1 hour ago, and said:

    Good morning, Pete, you're up early, does the Bentley need washing? 🚗

    He tried throwing a bucket of water over his one year old Bentley whilst his flatmate was on the other side of it .. his flamate got soaked because his one year old Bentley does not actually exist.

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  3. 55 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

    Ah, I see. So to convey your point about what a shit hole you believe Australia to be, you “embellished” your idiotic post by being fucked up the arse by some outback hillbilly? You couldn’t have made your point without this addition? Fucking poof.

    "Jolly Swagman"

  4. 6 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Personally I think the whole England squad are potential bummers.Kissing and showering together in some weird homoerotic testosterone filled orgy of staged masculinity  . They dont fucking fool me .Disgusting .They should be birched .

    @scotty won't like you saying these sort of things. He slapped my wrists when I said that they were irons :(

  5. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    We used to have a member here called ‘Manky’ who described himself as a cycle-ninja.

    @Decimus, Manky disappeared around the same time as Ding. Any idea what happened to him? I remember his little pint of beer avatar.

    There was another cunt that I sometimes mixed up with Ape that also vanished around the same time, he claimed to have been in the National Front and a skinhead and biker . I can't remember his name.

  6. 8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    You’ve left it a bit late to reinvent yourself as some sort of quick witted funny guy. 
    About 100 years and half a million of the most unfunny and boring posts ever tbh.

    The only things I’ve ever found remotely amusing that you've ever posted are….

    1. Your ridiculous claim to be a biological female.

    2. Your rapidly failing eyesight.

    3. Your massive penis.

    And 4. The funniest of all….your dead sisters obviously. 🤣

    Fuck off.

    Haven't you got homework to do? Them 12 times tables won't do themselves.

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