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Cunty BigBollox

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Posts posted by Cunty BigBollox

  1. 1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

    To know that the description was accurate, you must have watched it yourself. Don't bandy logical inferences unless you're prepared to take the consequences.

    Okay. You got me, but in my defence the TV was on mute so I would rather consider myself as a wanker rather than a cunt as, I have to be honest, that was what I was doing at the time.

  2. Have you ever had a mortgage Neil?

    The only difference is the residual value of the item. Your £260k house that you originally purchased for £160k will cost you £400k over the lifetime of the mortgage* 

    (*rough calculations based on my common sense, which is fuck all if I'm honest)

    I have to admit that you've failed in life if you need to borrow money for anything other than property or perhaps a vehicle.

  3. Does anyone else find it surprising how so many people managed to extract money from the council by fraudulently claiming they were effected yet, when it came to finding the circa £270k to put the correct cladding on the thing that wouldn't turn it into a 25 storey candle, they couldn't afford it. And, is anyone surprised that they're all Johnny Foreigner, some of which are illegal.

    Fucking piss take.

    • Like 1
  4. Oh well done Steven. I was in two minds about this Brexit thing but seeing your placards and you dressed like a stupid fucking, anorexic European Tellytubbie has made my mind up. 

    If you like Europe that much you can fuck off over there before we secure our borders.

  5. 2 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

    You should be knighted and put in charge of the BMA. My experiences of such things in my latter years in the health service were beyond fucking parody. 

    Were you actually qualified? Just asking like, you can't be too careful nowadays.

    • Like 1
  6. The problem here is mobile phones. You can now do everything from the comfort of your armchair from playing on line bingo, socialising with friends on FuckFace or Twatter, you can even go fishing or play darts. So, my prescription would be, take the fat cunts internet access away.

  7. Pen, you stupid cow. Why don't you just nominate death as a cunt then next time you're trawling the obituary columns you can just add another post for someone rather than nomming non-cunts, as cunts.

    No offence intended, you dopey old hag.

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  8. Black Friday is just a day created by big businesses to give thick cunts like yourself, the impression you're getting a good deal. Wednesday and Thursday of this week will be spent brushing the dust off of last year's stock they couldn't sell to idiots like you for the MRP.

  9. 4 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

    You get what you deserve ...fuk yiz



    You're not fucking wrong there Panzer. Back in the day when we wanted the Norfolk Broads constructed us bog dwellers employed the services of cheap Irish navies now, where a journey by road from Norwich to Wroxham is only 7 miles, by river on the broads it is nearly 50 miles. I said at the time, "yuz git wot yiz pay for". Stupid fucking oirish cunts.

  10. I've just witnessed an ad with Su Pollard advertising Vagisan moist cream. Apparently it's for dry post menopausal fannies. Upon seeing this advert I had a mental image of Su applying this to her twat which is a massive fucking cunt because I can't now get this image out of my head. I guess in that respect the ad worked although I'm not going to buy any. Why the fuck couldn't they use somebody like Suzi Perry, who I would quite happily apply it to.

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