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Cunty BigBollox

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Posts posted by Cunty BigBollox

  1. All odds are 'fixed' in my opinion. Besides, if you can afford to bet £100 In one outcome then why not have the freedom to do so? Just because some filthy, social housing dwelling cunt doesn't have a clue how to manage a budget we've all got to suffer another change.

  2. 1 hour ago, Iam Ape said:

    Don’t be ridiculous - I want rid of the repetitive wanker the same as everyone else. He’s a slithering, conniving, devious piece of shit. 

    Oi! Bloo Funder! What the fucks got you all in a spin?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

    I must confess it’s not the televisual entertainment observed in our household.   We prefer highbrow programmes  like cash in the attic.

    We enjoy the paradox of watching Googlebox in our house. A bunch of cunts watching a pile of shit.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

    They're pretty good shots considering they are using crude non fin stabilised black powder ordnance ..i count at least three  hits 


    What the fuck do you know about exploding ordnance, you oirish cunt?.............. Oh, hang on.??!!!

  5. On the subject of tax (i dont care what you call it, its a fucking TV tax), TV licensing reckons over 7000 households still watch TV in black and white. Racist fucking cunts, i didn't think you could still buy one., I mean opt for the lower tax option.

  6. 3 hours ago, Earl Albert of Ross said:

    My legs won't reach both rails.

    If they have a rail in the middle you can stand on that one instead. And, just to make sure the driver sees you i would recommend you wave a scaffold pole or aluminium ladder above your head. The longer the better.

  7. So it seems UK gov doesn't trust Joe and Janice Public to make informed decisions themselves so they are introducing another tax on something that any adult should know, is not good for you - excessive quantities of red meat. Yes, they've done fags, alcohol, plastic bags and more recently sugar.

    So come on, what do you reckon is next? A self pleasure tax? A skulking around bushes & sinking your balls in a hole (golf) tax?

  8. That's because you're asking the wrong person. You need to speak to the driver, so the next time you hear one approaching stand on the rails directly in front of the train to get him to stop. Then you can ask him. Simples!

  9. I agree. People who do this truly are cunts. I would describe myself as a man with balls ( albeit somewhat shrivelled now) and a back bone which means I don't grass, I fucking tell them to their face so at least they have an opportunity to correct their behaviour. 

  10. 1 hour ago, cooze said:

    Bollocks to that.

    In my fleeting moment of pleasure I don't want to be looking into the eyes of another sweaty bloke just about to lose his load out of his rapidly shrivelling bell-end.

    Please your fuckin' self, but another bloke's bits and pieces don't interest me in the slightest.

    Ooooooeeerrrr! I think the queen doth protest a little too much!

  11. 2 hours ago, Lord Punkape said:

    Why the bacon avatar ?  Very creepy.....

    I have only the finest air-dried bacon from free range, organic Gloucester Old Spot pigs with my free range eggs.

    Your bacon looks like cheap supermarket rubbish. Did you go shopping with Ape ?


    Looks like a plate of cunts to me.

    Yes, some of the girls I've seen are really that rough!

  12. In all seriousness, although this is in very poor taste, I am more sickened and pissed off by the number of cunts that have falsely claimed they were in Grenfell and the amount of benefits that have been fraudulently bestowed upon them. 

    The fucking thieving scum deserve to be roasted alive.

  13. I hate those sickening Premier Inn ads this fucking gibbon does and if you ask me the only time he needs to see crisp white sheets is when the KKK are chasing him down.

    Fucking unfunny cunt hit his peak as the David Bellamy impressionist on Tiswas.

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