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Cunty BigBollox

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Posts posted by Cunty BigBollox

  1. 18 hours ago, Basil Brush said:


    Maybe you could make a bit more sense when you put pen to paper, instead of just typing out your drooling, amphetamine-fuelled stream of consciousness.


    You stupid cunt, you know Billy can't be trusted with pens (they cause the ceramic to delaminate from his gnashers when he chews the tops) he puts wax crayons to paper.

  2. 2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Africa really is suffering what I think is termed as a "brain drain ". What other continent has millions of under 5 year olds with flies around their eyes but can still disassemble then reassemble , load and fire an AK47. Clever little cunts .

    And all on a diet of rice and whatever other shit they chose to spend the money on that Bob and Midge gave them.

  3. 17 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Well I certainly don't want to see anymore potential artists, sportspeople and lovely kids who light up rooms when they enter, having their lives snuffed out at such a young age.  It makes me sad. 

    Don't worry as we can always replace these numerous potential superstars with the ones that arrive daily in dinghies and, its a positive that they are already highly qualified and at the top of their game.

  4. On 20/01/2024 at 20:37, entitled little cunt said:

    ..........  I've seen so many near misses just lately and looking at the majority of  the  perpetrators it's quite easy and accurate to generalise .

    I know what you mean, I would have hit the black bastard if he wasn't smiling.

  5. On 20/01/2024 at 20:28, Basil Brush said:

    With all this talk of WW3 kicking off, let's have a look at how our military may fair:


    Oh dear..

    Our army is now so small it wouldn't be able to put even 1 brigade in the field, according to a NATO general. Quite a fall from grace. From one of the world's pre-eminent military forces to unable to adequately defend ourselves, all in a generation! I don't know if more recruitment is necessarily the solution either - what's worse, having only a few thousand highly trained professionals, or hundreds of thousands of obese, mentally challenged, millennial morons who would end up shooting themselves if it all ever kicked off.

    I think this may be a bit of a reality check for those who were promised the earth post-brexit.

    Not only that but apparently they even recruit women and gays nowadays. I hear they do excel at putting camo paint on their face.

  6. Deborah Meadon being a prime example when she shafted her parents by orchestrating a management buyout of the family holiday business from under their noses. Her and Tuker need to agree to a murder/suicide pact, while utterng the words, "i'm out"

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    You really are so dramatic,so over emotional and rather tedious to say the least . I do think the best thing to do is to not read anything posted on this site by myself .It's really very , very simple .If that rule is applied you won't be working yourself up into a froth of rage.I think it's better for you , I really do .I have been trying to find any form of opinion or comment posted by you that isn't a response,  and on most  occasions a derogatory response to what others post. Why dont you try to further the reach  of the site and state a novel opinion and invite a  debate 

    You silly little  cunt .

    There appears to be a lot of double spaces in this response so you're either fucking around with polystyrene cement again or more likely, you've been surfing hardcore gay dwarf porn again and you've had a spillage on your space bar. You weird little cunt.

  8. 3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Cor blimey gavnah, the BBC have only gone and sacked our beloved Tommy and are replacing him with... Yes, a Welsh Bumder. Lol.


    To be honest, as a property owner I find Homes under the Hammer an interesting programme. I'm also intrigued with the vile northern homes that fetch 27 bags at auction which are usually won by some bud bud ding ding. Anyways, I digress, Tommy although a proper geezer has been ill in the past and it's been difficult watching him a few times, definitely a bit slow and possibly senile. He's had his time and should retire, however that doesn't excuse the BBC's blatant agenda. They couldn't give the new role to someone else (like Tommy) that actually knows abaaaht phackin building and developing a property, could they? No. We'll now have some mincing Welsh faggot, chatting utter shite whilst trying to look at Dion Dublins schlong.

    What a pile of cunt.

     What do think about this @Cunty BigBollox?


    Time for Thomas to hang up his Helly Hansen braces, jogging bottoms & red-neck shirt and fuck off. As for the replacement, where the fuck do I start? my only positive comment would be, it could have been slightly worse if the BBC had chosen the ugliest dalek on skaro in the form of Nikki Fox to co-host. I guess they realised that would shorten the scope of the programme to auctions for bungalows.

  9. 1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Shame on you, Big Bollock. Where's your honour?

    There's no honour among cunts, or is that thieves? Either way, you will be pleased to know that you wouldn't be in the Deadpool.

    • Like 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Big Bollock, I can imagine you on the battlefield, charging towards the enemy... When in fact you're so pissed, instead of running straight, you veer to left and end up charging towards and shooting your own side. 

    You stupid drunken cunt.

    I would quite happily wipe out some of my team with a 'friendly fire' incident. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Basil Brush said:

    Hilarious and original my good man..! Tell me, do you live far from your local hostelery?

    Well, I can't hear any pissed up yokels stumbling past late at night, but I put that down to not being a fucking stupid cunt and buying a house near a boozer.

  12. 16 hours ago, Eddie said:

    I’m with you Greg all the fucking way.


    Eddie you spaz, I imagine you turning up for the fight with a bottle of rum and a ghetto blaster while the other side asks inquisitively, "Where's your tool?" as they cave your stupid fucking skull in, just like that other black dopey bastard in Scum.

  13. 11 hours ago, Basil Brush said:

    Why does it always have to be so loud?

    I live very near my local. At midnight every Fri-Sat I am treated to a cacophony of noisy feral beasts, loaded on ghastly cheap lager and heavily diluted cocaine. It must disturb people, and yet nobody seems bothered, least of all the council, whom I have ranted to countless times about these sub-human yobbos. 

    Most of them need a wash as well. Filthy bastards.

    If I knew where you lived I would purposely stand outside for at least 20 minutes shouting , Boom!, Boom! while laughing my head off.

    • Like 3
  14. 23 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

    No, you’re just the corner equivalent of the village drunk/idiot.

    Blimey, you’ve started early haven’t you? This kind of repetitive bollocks doesn’t usually start flowing until after 7:30 pm. Airfix and arseholes - lol LOL - fucking hilarious!

    I'm the best one on here.

  15. 7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Funny, I recently went to my GP about a foot/achilles tendon pain and was unexpectedly subjected to a thirty minute fisting session that was live cammed to a well known internet porn site. 

    I saw it, purely by accident while Googling 'Ape Airfix Kits', who knew that Google would present a massive arsehole in it's results??! Anyhow, I didn't expect them to use both fists.

  16. I agree, most of the cunts that purport to suffer from this are in reality ADD sufferers as there's definitely no sign of them being remotely active, let alone hyper-active. Lazy fucking feckless scroungers.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I'd love to get the amount of admiration Nadine get's I've got her legs and I could easily get the tits and arse in Brazil on a two for one offer if necessary. 

    It would have to be a three for one offer you thick cunt unless you just wanted one tit and your arse. I bet you would do the right one as well, you right tit.

  18. What I want to fucking know is, even our media knows the exact number of the cunts that drown when things go wrong, or right depending on your viewpoint. But our own government can't tell you how many of the cunts actually arrive on our shores. Why do you think that is??

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