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King Billy

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Posts posted by King Billy

  1. 42 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Drew, you've been on this site as long as me so you should know by now that there is one cardinal rule that any successful poster needs to abide by:

    Never EVER display signs of existential rattling. 

    Sort yourself out, for fuck sake.


  2. On 26/05/2024 at 16:49, and said:

    Who, in their right mind, would want the job of herding a shower of recalcitrant teenagers into doing anything constructive anyway?

    Everyone working in the minicab or kebab shop businesses in every town north of Watford, for a start. To avoid any confusion I’m talking only about the ones named Mohammed or Abdul (99.9% of them).

  3. 10 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    The Tickford Crapi was the one to have but, they all handled like shit at the end of the day, even the 1.3L. Yes, those cunts at Ford liked a joke.

    I know it’s a stupid question but  ‘did you ever try driving one when you were sober?’

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    If your lawyer's the bargain-basement, Turkey-teeth, no-win no-fee type lawyer like your..., er.. , teeth, I'll be quaking in my boots.

    Please accept my heartfelt apologies for my comments Drew, which appear to have enraged you to such an extent. I hold my hands up and genuinely wouldn’t have provoked you had I not made the schoolboy error of forgetting this is a bank holiday weekend and factoring in that you may have consumed a few dozen more litres of Scrumpy Jack than usual.

    Cheers 🍺 🤮

    • Like 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    So you were forced to eat your words.  I hope you enjoyed it with lashings of humble apologies followed by an egg on face for dessert.  Did Roops force feed you with one of those tubes they used on suffragettes or did you lick it off her full length black leather boots? 

    This post makes it apparent to me that you’ve totally missed the point of my second Jeremy Vine thread in as many days. Not that I should have expected any real awareness from you, or basic understanding of anything, other than your usual banal nonsense mixed with a generous splash of juvenile, primary school type fuckwittery.

    Carry on H. As you were.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    Facts, we want facts otherwise KingBullyshit will be along telling us the cow had received a COVID vaccine

    You’ll be hearing from my lawyers tomorrow Drew.

    How dare you defame my character and reputation without the slightest regard for the damage you’ve undoubtedly caused to me?

    On a positive note (if there is one) …… 2 cows in a field and one asks the other. ‘What do you think about this mad cow disease?’ 
    ‘Dunno fuck all about it mate’ said the other one ‘I’m a mushroom’.

    Fuck off.


    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    The geezer's car. My brother had one. 

    ….until the Old Bill took it off him and returned it to the ‘geezer’ down the road who actually owned it.

  8. 6 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I happen to like Frank .

    This one comment should be enough to endear you to the majority of the corner. Well done. You’ve pulled off a fucking master stroke and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Frank immediately stepped down and endorsed you as the undisputed ‘best on here’ now.

    The rest of your post I actually agree with.

  9. 4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    My ex wife had a little red riding hood outfit .

    That explains where your nickname ‘Little red wanking hood’ originated. 

  10. 18 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Gove is the latest Rat to scurry into a lifeboat,

    That’s the first time I’ve heard the cubicles in the gents down at the Admiral Duncan described in that way, but then, like you Doc I’m not a shirtlifter, so I’m never surprised nowadays by the ingenious manipulation of our English language by the deviant community. The thing about Gove that’s always puzzled me though is he looks so normal and yet his wife left him, hinting that he had a lot of explaining to do to the public about his personal life, if the fake news MSM asked him the right questions and he felt inclined to answer them. But alas that didn’t happen (surprise surprise).

  11. Just an idea for anyone like me who questions whether which of the two main (allegedly 🤣politically opposing) parties you vote for, will make any fucking difference whatsoever to the quality of your (already shit) everyday life, your rapidly declining mental well-being, your children’s (male/female/insert any of the 72 other official genders) slim but more likely impossible chance to grow up with the hopes and chances of a good and happy future, that we’ve all lazily, and unforgivably taken for granted since our grandparents and great grandparents (2 genders only) fought for, and in many cases  gave up their lives for………

    Forget about it. This country, just like every other so called ‘western democracy’ 🤥 is now nothing more than an outdated politically incorrect idea, already consigned by our overlords to the dustbin of the past, to be laughingly mocked  in the long distant future by whatever deviant hybrid AI/cockroach mutants have survived the actions of the oh so clever members of the human races persistent and repeated attempts to destroy us all.

    Don’t say  I didn’t warn you all. 
    Fuck off.

  12. 1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    You tragic old hag. Post after post of utter bollocks and propping up the site’s most spasticated poster ever. Some fuckin life you’ve got, Pen. Sit back, digest these words and admit it, you’d be better off joining your thrice dead sister(s). Just fuck off.

    His sisters don’t deserve that DC. Why do you think they chose death just to get away from the vile old cunt?

  13. 1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Frank is one of the decent ones .

    You’re even more fucked up than I thought. Seek help.

    • Like 1
  14. On 23/05/2024 at 21:17, ChildeHarold said:

    Tories will become very rare and valuable after the election.  I want to get a couple and preserve them in concrete for cashing in later. 

    Michael Gove has just announced he is standing down (to spend some quality time with his stash of coke in the gents toilets of whatever gay bar or homosexual haunt he’s photographed at in the coming weeks).

    Frank will be watching BBC Newsnight later with a knowing smile, and what would usually be described as a ‘boner’ if only it was about ten times the size of an actual ‘boner’.

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I am trusting myself that Starmer is a slow fuse who will ignite the demolition of Thatcherism in this country which has now been shown to be a fraud on our public services and NHS.  Corbyn had the same idea but a bull in a china shop approach.  Starmer might just do it. 😜

    Tbf if his past history is anything to go by, he will definitely put an end to the Paki grooming/rape gangs which are now an integral part of everyday life in every town and city in England (unless they all dye their hair blonde, start wearing shell suits and driving around in Rolls Royces smoking a big cigar).


  16. 8 hours ago, Prints Harry said:

    a partially deaf and diabetic 50 something who could booste their income by taking their works pension early.rather than skiving on incapasity benefit and DLA.

    You could have just said ‘myself a hundred and fifty years ago’. 
    And there’s no ‘e’ in boost you stupid Neolithic old freak. Fuck off.

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