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King Billy

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Posts posted by King Billy

  1. And another thing. Last year while my missus was at her mums funeral. I decided to phone up and book a couple of prossies to relieve my feelings of abandonment and betrayal by my so called “soul mate” Imagine my surprise and, to be honest anger, when my name started flashing up on the telly thanking me for my donation towards the local womens refuge. I went down there fucking raging but to no avail. All the birds in there looked a bit fucking battered. One can only assume their pimps were responsible and none of them really did it for me.And to top it all I had to fake a street mugging when she questioned me about the missing money from her credit card.

  2. My dad had a serious alcohol addiction. George Best turned down his liver, but that’s another story. He had the reddest nose imaginable. He never received a fucking farthing from these cunts. The whole thing is a fucking massive ponzy scam. So without wishing to appear uncharitable they can all fuck off and do whatever cunts do after theyve fucked off.

  3. 2 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

    He got 16 years for raping his daughter. Now he is burning in hell with fellow Adams sex gang member Gerry Adams Sr. Hopefully Gerry Jr the architect of numerous murders of innocent children won't be far behind him.

    Da da da da  Da da da da  The Adams Family. Fucking pervert nonce cunts the lot of them     IRA  (I’ll rape anyone) as long as they’re kids.  IRA -  terrorists or freedom fiddlers?

  4. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    It's repellant. Women talking about fannies and removing all the mystery and allure. I bet they'd be up in arms if some cunt started advertising 'Itchy Scrot-away' on the telly. 

    I blame that shovel faced cunt Germaine Greer.

    Hi I’m Barry Scott.  Fuck Cillit Bang      In tests 9 out of ten women preferred “itchy scrot-away.     Funny they never mention the other one. I bet she’s fucking gorgeous.

  5. 59 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    It's repellant. Women talking about fannies and removing all the mystery and allure. I bet they'd be up in arms if some cunt started advertising 'Itchy Scrot-away' on the telly. 

    I blame that shovel faced cunt Germaine Greer.

    My missus confessed to me once after I got her drunk and slipped a few Rohypnol in her Lambrusco that all her and her mates do all day is laze around watching Loose Women and Ellen (whatever the fuck that is) and play with their fannies all afternoon. So I don’t actually feel any guilt for phoning the tv licensing about her. I’ve thrown her out now and still got 10 months left on it. Whose the clever cunt now?

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    The 90s Golf was so good that VW still issue them to their 'Directors of Engineering' as company cars..

    ..don't they @sean5302?  You bullshitting little crybaby cunt.

    The 1942 Heinrich Himmler special edition Passat is now very collectable. It has a very fetching color scheme based on the first edition Belsen range by Hugo Boss. Unfortunately very few survived the war somewhat coincidentally.

  7. The Home Secretary has just announced that he will reinstate her citizenship if she says sorry and stays with Anna Soubry on her return to Britain. Apparently she has immediately rejected this offer and her lawyer, (How the fuck do you have a lawyer when you live in a fucking tent, with a tarpaulin on your head in the middle of a desert with a baby chimp hanging off your saggy tit and dung beetles all over your chewed up arsehole and a wasps nest in your manky vagina) has appealed to the stupid sorry great British public for sympathy and compassion until her husband gets out of jail and murders them all. Seems reasonable enough to me.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Crab said:

    The argument to bring her back and pump her for intelligence falls to pieces when you look at a face like that and remember she won't even warm up the interrogation chair with her fat arse before the soft as shit do gooders get her out into civvy street in a nice little flat, start up cash and a feather bedded life on benefits. 

    Just behead the fucking thing and post the bonce to MI6 for further questioning. The offspring can be raised by scorpions on the local camel dung heap and when it’s old enough to understand right from wrong then fucking behead it as well .Its not fucking rocket science


  9. 10 minutes ago, Crab said:

    They are a bit of a nuisance I agree. But I find so much fucking shit in town centres (druggies, mainstream petty crime, anti social behaviour, unacceotable dereliction and squalor) and "normal" life now I don't see them as the main problem even when they have pitched up in the locality.Only the fucking posh well caked areas are pristine enough to be detracted by a caravan appearance. Everywhere else is now in such a poor state a few pikeys doesn't make a lot of difference to the local crime rate or visual scenery. 

    Last summer about 6 carsvan loads of these lovely people arrived overnight about 200 Yard’s from me. It was a Sunday morning and I said to my bird “ Have a look out the window” Where? she asked  to which I responded “ the rectangular hole in the wall. The gyppos have fuckin moved into the park. She stuck her head out of the  window and replied “ Aww that’s nice, Maybe we can have a barbecue with them later” At which  point, having lost the will to live I pathetically mumbled, Yeah that’d be nice babe and went for a shit.

    • Like 2
  10. 37 minutes ago, Crab said:

    Could you elaborate? As for the pikeys - their miles of neatly pegged washing lines (tied to my fence) testifies to their cleanliness. A short walk round the river today (don,'t say "Jump in it with a pair of concrete boots") in this glorious weather revealed to me that there is lots of DIY extending, refurbing and new building going on in many secluded pockets off the beaten path. Property is prob still the best way to make a few bob for the average person. 

    The conning pensioners out of their life savings game must be very slow at the moment then.

  11. On 23/02/2019 at 01:49, Khiwa said:

    I think it was yes, last time I was a bit pissed. Thought I recognised her!

    Well thanks for that, much appreciated.

    At least we have the common decency to put our own faces up on here.

    Ps Don't we have similar ex labradors?

    I was going to buy a Labrador, but have you seen how many of their owners go blind?

  12. On 23/02/2019 at 00:56, judgetwi said:

    One of those rare occasions when I agree with you My Lady.

    This is obviously going to be a highly charged political trial.....libtards v The Tangoman

    As I understand it the prosecution witnesses are a couple of Nigerians. Nigerians are well known to be thieves, liars and not very bright. I can see some slick lawyer destroying them on the stand. The defence will obviously try to stack the jury with effnicks, gays, wimminz and snowflakes ( remember OJ Simpson?)

    Even if found guilty the cunt will spend a year in the nick getting spit roasted, no big deal for him. I bet he’s got an anal passage like the Mont Blanc tunnel. When he comes out there will be a book and a film waiting for him.

    Of course, he has to stick with his story and not break down and confess like the limp wristed Gaylord that he is. Plenty of people will believe him because they want to believe him, just like they wanted to believe OJ. It’s all about politics.

    PS.  If his parents actually gave him that name they can’t be surprised that he turned out to be a raving woofter.

    They probably gave him that name in the hope he would be beaten every day by strangers, to save them the bother of doing it themselves. Hopefully it’s an idea that will catch on.

  13. 3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Don't fucking try and ruin it, thanks to spray-guns, he can have it whatever colour he likes. And manual choke conversion kits are available from Weber, Stromberg and Solex. 

    @Decimus, I gather you were busy, so I've sorted out this 'parade raining' cunt for you.

    I believe SU also do a manual choke conversion kit

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