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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Probably his 'Superted' y-fronts, but that's academic. I've certainly stirred something within him. I reckon I've scalped him previously. Let's see.
  2. I'm enjoying watching you make a right cunt of yourself, again.
  3. Don't encourage this fucking halfwit, Stubbs. It reminds of Reptile after an afternoon on the Sunny Delight. It's looking like Frank's attempting a Chernobyl level reactor encasement. What a cunt, eh.
  4. Your days of playing a convincing Machiavelli are long, long gone, Franco... My money is on Wolfe.
  5. I dunno who you are trying to convince, but I'm definitely sensing a biblical Skol Super fueled meltdown. Incredulous.
  6. Envy's a terrible character trait, Pauline. Would you like to suck my dick?
  7. You've raised a valid and historically accurate point there, Dec's. Time will obviously tell if it holds any water or not, but I'll definitely not be holding my breath. @Paulie, study the above whilst in the cooler, and maybe you'll be a more worthy opponent in the next bout. I've got my eyes on you.
  8. Bantam, Wolfie. I'm back to my fighting weight after shedding some unnecessary fat and muscle, it's overrated.
  9. Put a word in for me, sensi. It's been emotional.
  10. That's a fair and amusing point, Drew, and if he has managed to pull a bird I'd imagine she's as blind as Pen, and probably as barren. I'll award you a like when I'm replenished... Shalom.
  11. Well, you've just shown yourself up as an utter cunt, and a thoroughly unworthy opponent. I'll let Franco finish you off, but obviously not how the dog does...
  12. I've already got you stomping round your bedsit whilst rambling incoherently, and you've already had to resort to overkill as the assembled faithfull can see. I've gauged the cut of your jibb, and I'll openly admit that it's an incredibly poor fabric. I've been laughing myself to tears during this feud. I'd suggest that you watch and observe. You fucking idiot.
  13. But you'll be lapping up my porridge from your missus snatch like a thirsty Labrador this evening. I'm really getting to you son, ain't I. You had your warning...
  14. I warned the fucking weirdo not to fuck with me, Eric, but he thought he had a shot at the title... Now I've got the the cunt frothing at the mouth as well as the knickers. Marvelous!
  15. You're a sick puppy pal given that fantasy, but not to worry as I've acquired your IP address and will be forwarding it onto the local constabulary. Are you still regularly visiting Uncle Jimmy's grave...
  16. You know me, Eric. I'm only here to amuse and ruffle a few simpleton's feathers. I dunno what this cunt's on but it certainly ain't skunk. If I had to hazard a guess I'd go for the poor man's bugle... I've also just noticed that Jewdy has posted, but has to wait for ze ruppenfuher due to being tagged with the Star Of David*. Things don't get much sweeter. * My mistake, red triangle it is.
  17. Button it, cuntchops, before I call your Mum and ask her to unplug the Xbox. Obviously I'll be popping round for a victorious nosh as that woman could suck a cue ball through a hosepipe.
  18. I can't say that I am, Scotty, given my recent self imposed exile. However, I decided upon a low key comeback after reading this morning's acerbic wit headed old Judge's way.
  19. The fucking idiot's looking for an early scalp, DC, or he/she's possibly a disgruntled kike. Trying to turn over an old hand never ends well, and he's also made the cardinal sin of inferring I live further north than Hertfordshire... Whatever way the wind blows I think it's fair to say it's fucked... Certainly the product of an incestial relationship.
  20. Who the fuck are you, cunt? You're on to a severe hiding starting a beef with me you fucking inbred halfwit... I don't think you understand the rules of the game yet, but there's plenty of time. Respect your better's, and what are you anyway? I'm guessing a recently indictied Rotherham taxi driver...
  21. Ze Juden, eh. I'd like to say that I'm suprised by this revelation but the cunt's have got their finger's in anything that furthers the Zionist agenda. Come to think of it they had a whole hand up Tony 'the war criminal' Blair's rectum, and had old Corbyn hung out to dry. It's nice to see that this place is still a bastion of anti semitic cunt's flying a low key swastika, and I'd take the Third Reich over the fascist state. I reckon the Rat's been lifted by Shin Bett and forced to hand over his credentials. Maybe this was @Frank road to riches and perdition after all...
  22. Dec's, what the fuck's going on here? A couple of hour's ago I was almost in tears at LCS' and others cunting of our scooter bound dishonor only to find the thread evaporated. Are the servers now located in Oregon, or have we pissed the North Korean's off again? I'm back motherfuckers, and about to verbally break the Joker's shit encrusted fingers. Allah Akbar.
  23. Hold your fucking horse's, Polanski... Firstly, if you had ever made it above special-needs constable then you'd at least have a working knowledge of the english penal (don't cum on your pvc covered sofa yet) system. With the above comment only the fucking retarded would buy your Ray Winstone-esque hard detective veneer, but I'd imagine the Joker would happily play Carter. Secondly, most cunt's on here with an ounce of witt and savvy routinely laugh at your rants and special status. Stick to shouting "I'm watching The facking Sweeney" at the visiting carer's as you're no Jack Reagan, but you're absolute comedy gold in the we're laughing at you stakes so don't go changing. I actually find you fucking hilarious, and this gaff wouldn't be the same without you. I've also just discovered that you tried your hand in local politics, a gem that I shall return to in Jew course. Shalom!
  24. I'm always on "black-ops", Eric, which also happens to be Jewdy's go to Pornhub search. Nice to see you too pal.
  25. You seem to be obsessed with taking a length up the harris from spearchuckers, don't you, Jewboy? Given your previous for curtain twitching related issues I'm hardly surprised. Nope. I'm working freelance these days, Jewboy. Mossad want a bit of wet work done in South London, and called on the Major's service. After the whole Epstien scandal they've decided to cull a few bacon's from the tribe - know what I mean mate? I'm just adjusting the optics on my Barrett. 50, and waiting for a certain mobility scooter to roll down Mr Malik's off licence ramp.
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