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Major Cunt

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Posts posted by Major Cunt

  1. On 26/01/2022 at 23:42, judgetwi said:

    Retorts? Well how about this retort?........

    Oh shit! I’ve just realised that my retort would involve me explaining the concept of irony to you Marje. Fuck that, I can’t be arsed.

    I’m not a fucking Special Needs  Teacher am I Marjorie?



    PS. To be honest I thought “retorts” was a posh word for farts. I ain’t smart like all you clever cunts.

    Chim chimeney, chin chimeney chim chim cheroo .........😁

    Irony? If we were talking about being an iron hoof instead then I'd agree with you beyond any degree of reasonable doubt, and that you could easily stretch a 500 word post on the subject. 

    Play to your strengths, Meyer, like acting the persecuted, red triangle emojis, and 3am pissed up rants. 

    You can actually be quite funny when drop two of the above, but irony is certainly not your strong suit.

    Oh and drop the English teacher possessive apostrophe shite as it just makes you look like an even bigger cunt. This isn't the Oxford proof readers forum. 

    No need to thank me, obviously! 

    • Like 2
  2. On 23/01/2022 at 22:23, judgetwi said:

    All your insecurities displayed right there Countryboy. I’m getting to you ain’t I? You and Mr Roops.....two fake peas in a fake pod.

    You're giving an incredibly bad account of yourself in recent retorts. I think it's time you got the crayons out and go back to the drawing board. 

    You repetitive fat fucker! 

    • Like 1
  3. On 22/01/2022 at 12:04, Cuntybaws said:

    Cheer yourselves up by watching some paraplegics turn themselves into quadriplegics.

    wheelchair-fall.gif  tumblr_m7w3bnrwzm1r3gb3zo1_400.gif  Ink5.gif

    I'm pretty sure that the raspberry in the middle clip is sporting a Charlton FC top. Now this could just be coincidence or possibly the Judge attempting to make the 'Guinness World Records Book'.

    Special Brew has a reputation for not only early onset liver cirrhosis, but also convincing fucking idiots that Evil Knievel inspired stunts are possible.


    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Cheers, you just reminded me of that single him and Mick Brown released.

    you vile cunt.

    Hahaha. You're welcome. Next time you might think twice when awarding a like to a monotonous post from the kike during one of our duels. I've got the fat fucker on the ropes in that thread. Beautiful!

  5. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    I can't understand why people still drink this horrific tramp's piss and don't fork out the extra (relatively small) amount for bottled ales, or even stretch for one of life's great pleasures – a freezer-cold Leffe or Duval.

    Stella in Belgium is smooth and deep and more wheaty, and miles away from the gassy, yellow, acidic, sulphite-rich, dehydrating and speed-brewed watery shite sold/served throughout the UK. A pathetic excuse for a proper beer.

    Unfortunately the Nelson Mandela has been gradually watered down over the last couple of decades. When I first started drinking I'm sure it was over 5%. It had a bad press, but surely putting it into the same bracket as the weak as piss aussie lagers isn't the sharpest corporate decision, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a move to get the millennials on board. 

    In the next twenty odd years we are going to be governed by these easily offended, weak as Fosters snowflakes, and the thought of these cunt's negotiating with a seventy odd year old Putin makes me shudder. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we're back in the EU by then though. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I wouldn't have minded a threes up with her and the slightly rough looking blonde one who played the guitar. Just for a bit of balance.

    I'd happily partake in a menage a trois with the blonde twins from Pat Sharpe's Fun-House. I might even let Pat watch the proceedings through a glory hole, but only if he chops that mullet off! 

  7. 21 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

     No! Blasphemy. Linda Carter was Wonder Woman, Susanna Hoffs was the bird who sang in 'The Bangles'. Manic Monday, etc?

    That rings a bell. I should have just done a Roops and Googled it, but Susanna Hoffs would definitely be anointed with the pork sword mate! 

    • Like 1
  8. On 14/01/2022 at 20:43, Eric Cuntman said:

    Susanna Hoffs?

    Was she the original Wonder-Woman, Eric? If so, I reckon it was the fuck-me-boots that sealed the deal. Even if it's a case of a body from Baywatch and a face from Crimewatch I'm in, literally. As long as she's wearing the above! 

  9. On 15/01/2022 at 07:35, judgetwi said:

    Are you bent?

    I hope that's not an offer, Abraham?  I  only suggested that you finally come out of the closet and turn up the volume on your Barbra Streisand album's. I'd have no idea how to shag a cripple anyway, or the inclination. 

    I hope this clears things up. 

  10. On 11/10/2021 at 22:31, judgetwi said:

    I’m afraid Her Maj has to take responsibility for her three fucked up sons and there’s no getting away from it. 

    The idiot Charlie boy being King doesn’t bear thinking about. When she snuffs it there  will be a lot of weeping and virtue signalling but then we are left with the shit. That will be interesting.

    Interesting. I would have had you down as a royalist, Jewdy. You know the sort of cunt who refuses to lick a stamp, and has a small portrait of Liz on his wall next to an even larger one of Nick Griffin.

    I'm just hoping that Maxwell has set up a data dump with Wikileaks in the event that she's topped by the authorities, and drops a few images of Andy and Co. However she's a Mossad agent so expect her to mysteriously disappear into the the federal prison systems bowels, and then a year later out the backdoor to a waiting private jet. 

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I've got to say I much prefer any version by Donna Summer, though I can see the appeal of a live show such as this. Lovely set of tits at 0:43 however.

    Gloria Estefan has just popped into my mind for some reason. As a nipper in the 80's her along with the bird who played Wonder-Woman being responsible for my naive first bonkers. Estefan had a voice to match her face and body. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    That's precisely what he wants you to think. He's a very sneaky woman.

    He certainly is. I saw a glimmer of the slippery old bastard we all love to hate a few days ago. He was in an exchange with Wolfie regarding boxing, and for a brief moment it looked like he had a combination set up, but the Wolf read the signals and reacted with a swift uppercut.

  13. On 09/01/2022 at 01:22, Stubby Pecker said:

    It’s true; @Frankwas at Barrymores that fateful night and was the key instigator of shoving a glass ashtray up that poor benders arsehole 

    Barrymore is currently his civil partner and they share a bed every night with a least one black man 

    A glass ashtray up the Khyber is one of only a few objects capable of bringing a tear to Punker's eye whilst simultaneously generating a granite-eque boner.

    Knowing old Franco's deviant nature then surely only an 80's model would fit the bill. You know the ones found in proper old boozers, and capable of caving in twenty craniums without showing any signs of damage.

    • Like 1
  14. On 09/01/2022 at 18:59, judgetwi said:

    Just to be clear.......did you take it up the arse in the nick Marje? None of my business, obviously, but i’m a right NOSEY cunt as you well know.

    You're an arse-bandit my hook nosed old pal, and so deep in the closet that you're a regular in Narnia.

    We've all known for ages due to an abnormal interest in incarcerated males giving or receiving a length.

    Look, I'm no head doctor, but you wouldn't need to be Sigmund Freud in order to reach the conclusion the above is your deepest fantasy, and I'm certain that your browsing history would make even Punkape blush.

    It's 2022 for fucks sake, and you're certainly no Alan Turin.

    Obviously, there will be no judgement from me mate as it's hardly a suprise. Adorn the scooter with rainbow stickers, and ask Frank for some fashion advice.


  15. 29 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

    'You received' and 'no further action will be taken' are conflicting statements. Am I SaltyPissFlaps or not?

    Not sure I trust your investigative powers, unless of course you have down syndrome and wear a miners light on your forehead when in the shower, just to make sure you don't miss any clues when fingering your own bellybutton.

    I said hunch not "received". So if you're going to get all high and mighty then at least fact check.

    Given the tone of the reply you could well be Salty masquerading under a new alias.

    I'd also wager heavily that the only time you've a glimpse of your cock is whilst straddling a full length mirror strategically placed on the floor.


  16. 14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Is there a clever twist on what appears to be a grammatical faux pas, in a subtle attempt to illustrate your point? This is the sort of mistake you're likely to see in Nigerian pidgin English. Are you an African immigrant, MC? Coo.

    Fucking predictive text old bean, but I could have styled it out. I'm many fucking thing's, but certainly not a fresh off the boat (or dinghy these day's) spearchucker despite hailing from S.E London.

    I was half watching one of those fly on the wall old bill shows where they were funnily enough after a gang of Ghanian fraudsters. One cunt had about a hundred pairs of Louis Vuitton trainers that even Kleftiko wouldn't wear.

  17. 20 minutes ago, Lairy Larry said:

    He's Para for short, so Michael Watson mightn't be far off. I hope it him, as it would be nice to see him back on his feet, as it were.

    Funnily enough I saw a clip of him standing and talking in a reunion with Eubank hosted by that cunt of interstellar proportions Piers Morgan. It would have been nice if he'd said I've still got it Chris and knocked Morgan spark out.

  18. 4 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Was just holding a mirror up to bally when I saw he was getting himself all worked up n call in the terrible majesty of the roops n her metal yardstick because LCS questioned him about his whore mongering bizniz...izall


    Do me a favour, Panz, and drop the fucking pigeon English. I don't wanna have to use an Enigma machine whenever I need to decipher your posts. Unless it's got anything to do with Brexit in which case just use Gaelic.

    How's that border on the Irish Sea working out for you?

  19. 1 hour ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

    This is the kind of lunatic shit you hear in 80s horror movies, right before the antagonist injects a homemade serum into a kidnapped couple to melt them together. You are a sick unit. Seek help. Drink toilet duck.

    Evening, PC. I've been monitoring your content since arriving due to a hunch that you could well have been SaltyPissFlaps, and were attempting to fly under the radar after that lifetime ban and Michael Watson level hiding you received.

    I'm pleased to inform you that after a thorough investigation by the 'CC' fraud department no further action will be taken.

    As you were.


  20. On 07/01/2022 at 15:45, Dead Penelope said:

    Joan Rivers is also dead.

    How much bird do you think Maxwell's likely to get, Pen? Personally I'm amazed that she's even made it to trial given the dubious Epstein suicide.

    I reckon that she's either got some sort of data-dump set-up as an insurance policy, or the Mossad are working behind the scenes as she's an alleged agent.

    I don't think sucking Wild Bill Clinton's cock is gonna cut the mustard this time.

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