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The Election Committee To Form A temporary Governing Body whose Sole Mandate Will Be To Form a Official Governing Body For Cunts Corner


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Pretty straightforward this as the title indicates. Basically it has been realised that some kind of governing body should be in place on Cunts Corner. Although there have been numerous comments and suggestions put forth over the last few weeks none have materialised. What's needed is a short term governing body who will establish the official governing body of the corner. I myself have no ambitions to govern anything due to personal laziness but I don't want any silly cunts doing it, so I want to be in a position where I can have a say in who is chosen for the temporary governing body! Clear? good! What we need then is a committee to sort this mess out once and for all. Please note if you post on this thread you are automatically in the selection committee. Item 1 for the new committee will be the best way to choose a governing body! Straightforward vote or a percentage ballot? obviously we will need to have a referendum.

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