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Well 'doctors' of the world, if you want create a really angry time-bomb of a cunt go ahead and feed them some of these lovely totally legal excuses not to even try to do your jobs. So for those unaware of the process after treatment starts here is a little insight. The first thing you will notice is apathy, the agar jelly of the angry parasite. Followed closely by lethargy, effectively a incubator. Then comes the stupidity of newly developed learning disabilities, its takes forever to read, you can't articulate and say goodbye to your memory. Finally your gonna start getting REALLY hungry, i'm talking immortal hunger, you will forget you have just eaten and BOOM your a right fat cunt. Oh did i forget that your trading all of these things for a just 25% decrease in psychotic symptoms. So now you want to stop taking them, its no easy feat when the hospital grunts will happily force them down your throat in liquid from so get used to being a vegetable until you can convince them your sane enough to leave. Even with freedom the chemicals in this shit will have rotted your brain something fierce, so prepare for daily headaches, confusion and all of the psychotic symptoms you aimed to remove. What a cunt.

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