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Inbred chav mothers encouraging their four year old to drop litter

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

So there I was outside my house loading a mates car, when the whole pavement came to a halt while this multiple inbred, fat, dog ugly chavess and her friends tell her four year old to drop his energy drink can by my gate and to step on it, so that it wouldn't roll around in the wind annoying people!
This is wrong on so many levels, but the main one is that 100 feet from where this happened is a fucking bin for Christ's sake. Not only that, but they had to walk past it to get to their filthy scum hovel.
I called out to them sarcastically that 'its alright I will pick up your litter', maybe the language was more Anglo Saxon than that, to be told that 'my boyfriend will come and stab you if you dont fuck off'.
Scummy, filthy, lazy, idle, useless, thick, fat, pug ugly, dole scrounging, white trash, inbreed, cunts!

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I wouldn't waste bullets on their arses, let alone gas. Tie them together and throw them in the river. Failing that, put them in a dogs home. Or Nottingham University Science Faculty.

The Philpott solution has more cons than pros, but no-one can deny that it is very effective in preventing repeat littering offences.

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I wouldn't waste bullets on their arses, let alone gas. Tie them together and throw them in the river. Failing that, put them in a dogs home. Or Nottingham University Science Faculty.

probably make a good future fishing spot.
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The problem you have here is having words with her "boyfriend" before he has words with you.

The problem being that she doesn't know which one to send round,or if it's going to the twat she'll meet later that night on a street corner.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

The problem you have here is having words with her "boyfriend" before he has words with you.
The problem being that she doesn't know which one to send round,or if it's going to the twat she'll meet later that night on a street corner.

I am quite a big ugly cunt with hardly any hair. I do have all my teeth and no tattoos though. So scaryish but not as scary as the cunt she calls a boyfriend. So cant see how I scared her, she had a face like a pinched and puckered rectum and arms and legs the size of tree trunks. She scared the fuck out of me, how they ever get to breed I dont know. I can see where the Neanderthal gene is residing in the human population now. Told him to fuck off or I will post their litter and unpicked up dog shit through their fucking letter box. Bring it on cunts. I have a water cannon of a jetwash and lots of pieces of 4 by 2 waiting for you if you come back.
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So there I was outside my house loading a mates car, when the whole pavement came to a halt while this multiple inbred, fat, dog ugly chavess and her friends tell her four year old to drop his energy drink can by my gate and to step on it, so that it wouldn't roll around in the wind annoying people!
This is wrong on so many levels, but the main one is that 100 feet from where this happened is a fucking bin for Christ's sake. Not only that, but that had to walk past it to get to their filthy scum hovel.
I called out to them sarcastically that 'its alright I will pick up your litter', maybe the language was more Anglo Saxon than that, to be told that 'my boyfriend will come and stab you if you dont fuck off'.
Scummy, filthy, lazy, idle, useless, thick, fat, pug ugly, dole scrounging, white trash, inbreed, cunts!


Actually there are some very feint signs of progress here among the underclass so maybe hope is not all lost. At least the Chavess was thinking of other people by telling young Darren or whatever its name is to flatten the can so as not to annoy people. 


OTOH threatening you with a stabbing is an offence so the Cosmic balance between social progress and scum underclass behaviour is restored.

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You made the mistake of expressing your annoyance at her in a public manner. Remember that revenge is a dish best served cold and if they don't know who you are all the better. Just smear dog shit on the catch to her front gate. That way the next time she leaves her house she will get a handfull of shit and have to go back inside to wash, making her late for signing on and therefore she won't receive next weeks 'hard earned' giro. Fucking gold plated result in my book.

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Guest judgetwi

I share the OP's righteous anger. If there is one thing i fucking hate it is littering cunts. What pisses me off is that you hardly ever see litter in other countries. Is there anything more depressing than staring out of the window of the Gatwick Express. after 2 or 3 weeks abroad, and seeing the shithole that this country has become? It wasn't always like that, we have become a bunch of cunts and nobody cares. Being threatened with a "stabbing" is a criminal offence but if you expect the coppers to do anything about it you may as well kiss my fat hairy arse. If this scum know where you live i would advise the OP not to get involved in some sort of vendetta situation. They have nothing better to do all day except make your life a fucking misery. This cuntry is fucked.

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Guest KuntaCunty

I share the OP's righteous anger. If there is one thing i fucking hate it is littering cunts. What pisses me off is that you hardly ever see litter in other countries. Is there anything more depressing than staring out of the window of the Gatwick Express. after 2 or 3 weeks abroad, and seeing the shithole that this country has become? It wasn't always like that, we have become a bunch of cunts and nobody cares. Being threatened with a "stabbing" is a criminal offence but if you expect the coppers to do anything about it you may as well kiss my fat hairy arse. If this scum know where you live i would advise the OP not to get involved in some sort of vendetta situation. They have nothing better to do all day except make your life a fucking misery. This cuntry is fucked.


If the little chav bastards come at you with a knife, then I hardly see any reason why not to employ the crossbow, or bird hunting gun loaded with slugs or large shot.  Burying our national head in the sand isn't going to fix the problem, it's only going to get us stabbed in the back side, and not necessarily by a knife. 

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