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Serco transport asylum seekers in hummer limousine

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Gong Farmer

The Dutch government are housing our parasitic asylum seekers in tented concentration camps and also in those big shipping containers. The idea behind keeping them as uncomfortable as possible,(wet, cold and on meager food rations), is so that they don't phone their families up on their I phones to get them to come over to join them, that they will phone their families to tell how them shit and miserable it is here and they they are better staying put, it ain't what the Turkish people smugglers said it was.. Fucking good.

The ungrateful cunts are moaning about the standard of our hospitality, the food for one and that the accommodation is not up to scratch with at least a couple of them moaning that there's not enough privacy for them to shag their hairy lipped wives, I shit you not. Some have gone on hunger strike and are now complaining that the Dutch authorities are not doing anything about them going on hunger strike. You couldn't make these smelly cunts up could you?

I'm thinking of going to one these 'camps' for a gloat and a piss take. I might stand outside the camp with a KFC party bucket just see what sort of a reaction I get as I throw the bones and leftovers over the fence, or feed the drum sticks to my dog before their very eyes.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

The Dutch government are housing our parasitic asylum seekers in tented concentration camps and also in those big shipping containers. The idea behind keeping them as uncomfortable as possible,(wet, cold and on meager food rations), is so that they don't phone their families up on their I phones to get them to come over to join them, that they will phone their families to tell how them shit and miserable it is here and they they are better staying put, it ain't what the Turkish people smugglers said it was.. Fucking good.

The ungrateful cunts are moaning about the standard of our hospitality, the food for one and that the accommodation is not up to scratch with at least a couple of them moaning that there's not enough privacy for them to shag their hairy lipped wives, I shit you not. Some have gone on hunger strike and are now complaining that the Dutch authorities are not doing anything about them going on hunger strike. You couldn't make these smelly cunts up could you?

I'm thinking of going to one these 'camps' for a gloat and a piss take. I might stand outside the camp with a KFC party bucket just see what sort of a reaction I get as I throw the bones and leftovers over the fence, or feed the drum sticks to my dog before their very eyes.

Ungrateful shit cunts!  Shipping containers are fetching a high premium by transients and fucking railway stowaways.  They can turn one into a five star fucking hotel with items from the landfills and illegal dump sites they find in their travels.  Fucking asylum seeking cunts should be given one decent meal before being nerve gassed and sent back home.  

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The Dutch government are housing our parasitic asylum seekers in tented concentration camps and also in those big shipping containers. The idea behind keeping them as uncomfortable as possible,(wet, cold and on meager food rations), is so that they don't phone their families up on their I phones to get them to come over to join them, that they will phone their families to tell how them shit and miserable it is here and they they are better staying put, it ain't what the Turkish people smugglers said it was.. Fucking good.

The ungrateful cunts are moaning about the standard of our hospitality, the food for one and that the accommodation is not up to scratch with at least a couple of them moaning that there's not enough privacy for them to shag their hairy lipped wives, I shit you not. Some have gone on hunger strike and are now complaining that the Dutch authorities are not doing anything about them going on hunger strike. You couldn't make these smelly cunts up could you?

I'm thinking of going to one these 'camps' for a gloat and a piss take. I might stand outside the camp with a KFC party bucket just see what sort of a reaction I get as I throw the bones and leftovers over the fence, or feed the drum sticks to my dog before their very eyes.

You utter cunt Gongers. How could you think of such a thing. 

No one in their right mind would give KFC drumsticks to their dog.

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Guest nobgobbler

Seven African male asylum seekers were transported from London to Manchester in a 16 seat hummer limo. Cost three grand! Surely taxis for seven would have been a lot cheaper. They got all the way here, perhaps getting to Manchester by coach or train was considered too hard. Fucking hell that is the cost of a classroom assistant for a term cunts, cunts, cunts!

We might as well start as we mean to go on. The rest of the world has a problem and our government chucks our money at it. Stupid stupid stupid cunts.

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Guest nobgobbler

Limos don't cost 3 grand, that's bollox.

Still, would have been cheaper to push them off the white cliffs of Dover.

Cunts the lot of them.

I bet this one did. Cunt limo company people traffickers - we pick up the bill.

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Guest Gong Farmer

You utter cunt Gongers. How could you think of such a thing. 

No one in their right mind would give KFC drumsticks to their dog.

Well he doesn't like KFC coleslaw. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

Ungrateful shit cunts!  Shipping containers are fetching a high premium by transients and fucking railway stowaways.  They can turn one into a five star fucking hotel with items from the landfills and illegal dump sites they find in their travels.  Fucking asylum seeking cunts should be given one decent meal before being nerve gassed and sent back home.  

We even put resident troublesome Moroccan families in shipping container complexes, cunt Moroccan families that have  been warned to behave themselves but refuse to do so. They're forcibly extracted from their social housing dirt boxes to be 'relocated' into these new abodes until they get fucked off with it and fuck off back to Morocco.

Getting back to parasitic asylum seekers,  http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2015/10/coalition-agrees-to-cut-provisions-for-asylum-seekers/

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The Dutch government are housing our parasitic asylum seekers in tented concentration camps and also in those big shipping containers. The idea behind keeping them as uncomfortable as possible,(wet, cold and on meager food rations), is so that they don't phone their families up on their I phones to get them to come over to join them, that they will phone their families to tell how them shit and miserable it is here and they they are better staying put, it ain't what the Turkish people smugglers said it was.. Fucking good.

The ungrateful cunts are moaning about the standard of our hospitality, the food for one and that the accommodation is not up to scratch with at least a couple of them moaning that there's not enough privacy for them to shag their hairy lipped wives, I shit you not. Some have gone on hunger strike and are now complaining that the Dutch authorities are not doing anything about them going on hunger strike. You couldn't make these smelly cunts up could you?

I'm thinking of going to one these 'camps' for a gloat and a piss take. I might stand outside the camp with a KFC party bucket just see what sort of a reaction I get as I throw the bones and leftovers over the fence, or feed the drum sticks to my dog before their very eyes.

Are you still CEO at Oxfam gong?

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Guest Ahriman

The Dutch government are housing our parasitic asylum seekers in tented concentration camps and also in those big shipping containers. The idea behind keeping them as uncomfortable as possible,(wet, cold and on meager food rations), is so that they don't phone their families up on their I phones to get them to come over to join them, that they will phone their families to tell how them shit and miserable it is here and they they are better staying put, it ain't what the Turkish people smugglers said it was.. Fucking good.

The ungrateful cunts are moaning about the standard of our hospitality, the food for one and that the accommodation is not up to scratch with at least a couple of them moaning that there's not enough privacy for them to shag their hairy lipped wives, I shit you not. Some have gone on hunger strike and are now complaining that the Dutch authorities are not doing anything about them going on hunger strike. You couldn't make these smelly cunts up could you?

I'm thinking of going to one these 'camps' for a gloat and a piss take. I might stand outside the camp with a KFC party bucket just see what sort of a reaction I get as I throw the bones and leftovers over the fence, or feed the drum sticks to my dog before their very eyes.

These cunts are beginning to sound more and more like dissatisfied tourists then downtrodden refuges. Oh boo hoo, you don't like the food and accommodation that is being handed to you for FREE by a country that was generous enough to take your whinny entitled asses in to begin with. I wonder how many homeless Dutch people there are that would quite happily kill for three square meals a day and a roof over their head. Round up these ungrateful, freeloading middle class cowards and ship them right back to Syria, preferably in the middle of an Isis camp.   

Edited by Ahriman
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If these cunts stood and fought for their country then maybe ISIS would have a harder time of it. Instead they take the easy route,fuck off and wait for the rest of the world to to it for them all the while living for free and whinging and moaning about it.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

If these cunts stood and fought for their country then maybe ISIS would have a harder time of it. Instead they take the easy route,fuck off and wait for the rest of the world to to it for them all the while living for free and whinging and moaning about it.

If our grandparents had bravely run away in 1940 we would all be eating sauerkraut and speaking German. No fucking backbone these cunts.

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Guest Gong Farmer

These cunts are beginning to sound more and more like dissatisfied tourists then downtrodden refuges. Oh boo hoo, you don't like the food and accommodation that is being handed to you for FREE by a country that was generous enough to take your whinny entitled asses in to begin with. I wonder how many homeless Dutch people there are that would quite happily kill for three square meals a day and a roof over their head. Round up these ungrateful, freeloading middle class cowards and ship them right back to Syria, preferably in the middle of an Isis camp.   

Here here! The rights and liberties we enjoy in Europe were hard won over many centuries with the struggle to separate church from state being a bloody fight costing millions of lives. These parasites have never fought for anything yet they expect to come here and live off the back of the sacrifice of others that came before us. That's what sickens me, that the countries they come from are shit because the populous is for the most cowardly gutless lazy crap that wouldn't lift a finger to help themselves even if their lives depended on it. 

 Don't count on any that have made it here to defend their adopted country if push ever came to shove, they'd just up sticks and fuck off somewhere else, They are 'demanding' sanctuary and protection from a society they utterly despise.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

If these cunts stood and fought for their country then maybe ISIS would have a harder time of it. Instead they take the easy route,fuck off and wait for the rest of the world to to it for them all the while living for free and whinging and moaning about it.

Don't forget about their constructing dirty bombs and scheming to blow up innocent people on the sly in their free housing and eating free food, the despicable, slithering fucking cunts

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