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Damon Allbran demands re vote like a cunt !

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Guest Manky

IMHO, all these wankpot celebrities, assorted shitbrained personalities and reality stars ( some useless cunt who came 97th in Big Brother or something equally noteworthy ) who said if we voted for something they didn't like would leave Britain forever, should be charged with Treason.A choice of 2 punishments. Death or permanent voluntary exile to the place of their choice.

That should shit the cunts up a bit. 

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20 minutes ago, Manky said:

IMHO, all these wankpot celebrities, assorted shitbrained personalities and reality stars ( some useless cunt who came 97th in Big Brother or something equally noteworthy ) who said if we voted for something they didn't like would leave Britain forever, should be charged with Treason.A choice of 2 punishments. Death or permanent voluntary exile to the place of their choice.

That should shit the cunts up a bit. 

I'm all for kicking seven shades of shit out of Sean Connery and Rod Stewart now, on a retrospective basis. There's no statute of limitations on cunts.

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Guest Manky
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'm all for kicking seven shades of shit out of Sean Connery and Rod Stewart now, on a retrospective basis. There's no statute of limitations on cunts.

My guess is that the horrible little Krankie will try to drag Jockland into a EU and Euro that will be in its death throes. I hope the twisted little cunt is proud of herself. There is more to life than just hating the English. Good luck, I think Scotland may need it.

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12 minutes ago, Manky said:

My guess is that the horrible little Krankie will try to drag Jockland into a EU and Euro that will be in its death throes. I hope the twisted little cunt is proud of herself. There is more to life than just hating the English. Good luck, I think Scotland may need it.

Very good point Manky.

Let the demented Scottish witch drag Scotland into a Union with Europe and the Euro only for it to fall about their ears.

If I was a wallet watching Scot I would be terrified of leaving one Union to join one tearing itself apart. What would Glaswegians do to immigrants when they have a 30% unemployment and a failed currency?

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Guest Manky
20 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Very good point Manky.

Let the demented Scottish witch drag Scotland into a Union with Europe and the Euro only for it to fall about their ears.

If I was a wallet watching Scot I would be terrified of leaving one Union to join one tearing itself apart. What would Glaswegians do to immigrants when they have a 30% unemployment and a failed currency?

Play golf with them?

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Guest DingTheRioja
4 hours ago, Manky said:

IMHO, all these wankpot celebrities, assorted shitbrained personalities and reality stars ( some useless cunt who came 97th in Big Brother or something equally noteworthy ) who said if we voted for something they didn't like would leave Britain forever, should be charged with Treason.A choice of 2 punishments. Death or permanent voluntary exile to the place of their choice.

That should shit the cunts up a bit. 

exile to a place of our choice thank you very much... the Mariana Trench is one favoured option

4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'm all for kicking seven shades of shit out of Sean Connery and Rod Stewart now, on a retrospective basis.

I thought that was already an enacted British Law?

2 hours ago, Manky said:

My guess is that the horrible little Krankie will try to drag Jockland into a EU and Euro that will be in its death throes. I hope the twisted little cunt is proud of herself. There is more to life than just hating the English. Good luck, I think Scotland may need it.

Have you seen the photo of that bint gurning in some shitty little office in Brussels?

I'm not sure they had a smaller meeting room to pass her off into... Vive la France and Viva Espana!

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Guest Bill Stickers
14 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

If you don't notice the affect of European law in your day to day life you are fucking blind, thick, and totally accepting of being ruled by the faceless corporates you dead between the ears cunt. If that's the future you want let me paint you a very possible picture..... The year is 2036 and after another 20 years of gradually eroding power we finally have no parliament and all European countries agree to dissolve them with Brussels taking over.  The president is some no name grey suit you never heard of, but hey you don't give a shit as you are brain dead.   The suit gets replaced by an eager up and coming power monger from Moldova called Vladimir Putinski.  Now he's a proper cunt and he sets in motion the following,, no people allowed on the streets after 8 pm to try and stop terrorism following the 2000 dead at the gay pride Hamburg bum fest a year earlier.  He then removes use of the Internet due to the threat of terrorists using snap face chat to arrange the Barcelona v Real Madrid bombings where someone sat behind Ronaldo who is manager at Real, blows the cunt up.  Many other restrictive laws come into place like, you can only use you hand to wipe shit from your are due to toilet paper being deemed too harmful to the environment.  Only men over 6ft 2" can have sex with women to prevent short arses being born, only fun sized mars bars are allowed to be sold due to obesity, and fish and chips are banned because the daily mail,say they give you cancer.   Finally all children must salute a picture of the president every morning and the must have fashion hair cut is a Combe over of dark hair on one side with a little tooth brush goaty beard. Modern day twist to a fucking Hitler....but by then 98% of da yuff will not have a fucking clue who Adolf was because it was ages ago man, and we don't do history, it's boring shit...... Like you are !  Cunt.

Is the enter button broken on the keyboard of your Windows 95 Dell, or are you just a staggeringly stupid individual? 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
11 hours ago, The Beast said:

I don't know who this person is. What I do know is that the entire British political establishment that wanted people to vote to remain, never thought leave would be the outcome. The sheer arrogance they had in the belief the British people would do as they are told has come back to give them a bloody nose. They didn't think a plan B was necessary, so sure the outcome would be what they had expected. They are in complete disarray. 

I don't disagree, rolling the dice on mayhem. Fucking wanks .

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13 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Rambling Fantasy, and about as long as one. Sorry, I couldn't read it only scan, suffice to see words like "hitler" and "2036", presumably you're jibbering about some dystopian future. 

You fucking lot were sleep walking into an undemocratic nightmare and we grown ups saved you.   I do recognise the fact that you will be totally unappreciative and we get that, we also know that Churchill was called a moaning cunt when Chamberlain came back from his trip to see Adolf, and said he's alright that undemocratic chancellor...look I have a piece of paper saying he's not a cunt !

just look at how the big dish of austerity was served up to the Greeks.......slap cold!

just look how they are posturing against us, no negotiation will be had, you must leave right now ( yeah right) we leave when we are ready cunt!

just look how Jimmy cranky got a slap in the face today, by the EU saying fuck off little Scotland, we only talk to UK parliament !!!!     Now that's her fucking dealt with ! No messing around.

these cunts are unelected shits in suits who are therefore answerable to nicht man !   They would impose anything on anyone to keep in power and flex their rule.  Open your eyes!!!  Do you have any idea how far reaching the laws, euro parliament, and austerity measures they have imposed on us all have effect everyday. You are a fucking dick to think they are nothing to do with us.  I can't even call you a fucking, spastic retarded gay cunt in a public place anymore due to their law directives, and that's not good.  Because you need telling right now.

i would luv a united Europe....an elected one.  A fucking United States of Europe does not fear me.  BUT this current set up is undemocratic, has shown its hand on how it deals its power when the smiles are gone, and No unelected governing power ever did anything good.......fuck me take a look at  Fifa for a kick off before we start talking about North Korea, Argentina in the 70s, Libya, Iraq, etc...since time began.

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8 hours ago, Punkape said:

Very good point Manky.

Let the demented Scottish witch drag Scotland into a Union with Europe and the Euro only for it to fall about their ears.

If I was a wallet watching Scot I would be terrified of leaving one Union to join one tearing itself apart. What would Glaswegians do to immigrants when they have a 30% unemployment and a failed currency?

Nah...she got a dose of German jack boot today....they told her to fuck off as THEY only talk to,UK government!

im no supporter of Jimmy cranked......but it shows how very fucking off hand these unelected cunts can be when they want to.

P.S. Did anyone out there vote for Jean Claude Junkers?    NO thought not !!!

hes a proper unelected cunt


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
3 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

You fucking lot were sleep walking into an undemocratic nightmare and we grown ups saved you.   I do recognise the fact that you will be totally unappreciative and we get that, we also know that Churchill was called a moaning cunt when Chamberlain came back from his trip to see Adolf, and said he's alright that undemocratic chancellor...look I have a piece of paper saying he's not a cunt !

just look at how the big dish of austerity was served up to the Greeks.......slap cold!

just look how they are posturing against us, no negotiation will be had, you must leave right now ( yeah right) we leave when we are ready cunt!

just look how Jimmy cranky got a slap in the face today, by the EU saying fuck off little Scotland, we only talk to UK parliament !!!!     Now that's her fucking dealt with ! No messing around.

these cunts are unelected shits in suits who are therefore answerable to nicht man !   They would impose anything on anyone to keep in power and flex their rule.  Open your eyes!!!  Do you have any idea how far reaching the laws, euro parliament, and austerity measures they have imposed on us all have effect everyday. You are a fucking dick to think they are nothing to do with us.  I can't even call you a fucking, spastic retarded gay cunt in a public place anymore due to their law directives, and that's not good.  Because you need telling right now.

i would luv a united Europe....an elected one.  A fucking United States of Europe does not fear me.  BUT this current set up is undemocratic, has shown its hand on how it deals its power when the smiles are gone, and No unelected governing power ever did anything good.......fuck me take a look at  Fifa for a kick off before we start talking about North Korea, Argentina in the 70s, Libya, Iraq, etc...since time began.

Churchill, Adolf, North Korea... More rambling, incoherent fantasy.  Fuck the Greeks , they didn't sort their shit, but then un-fuck the Greeks, they knuckled down and took their shit, and the rest of Europe was better for the coherence , or more accurately did not have all this shit happening. This is like being the only grass in the classroom. 

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On ‎28‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 6:46 PM, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Aye I get the downside, it's only that the ensuing chaos is not I don't think worth it. If it all does blow over without too much damage id be happy to eat my hat.

Economies go up and down. I'd rather have a bit of that than give up on democracy to that Jean Claude cunt anyday.

quite fitting its anniversary of the Somme.  Just the odd MILLION died in that single battle, so we didn't have to have some euro cunt tell us what to do.   Being 21st century about it I Wouldn't mind a euro running all Europe if I could vote him out.


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10 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Churchill, Adolf, North Korea... More rambling, incoherent fantasy.  Fuck the Greeks , they didn't sort their shit, but then un-fuck the Greeks, they knuckled down and took their shit, and the rest of Europe was better for the coherence , or more accurately did not have all this shit happening. This is like being the only grass in the classroom. 

Or is it like the lad who tells the teacher to fuck herself, jumps out the window, big v to the headmaster.......goes onto become a millionaire by time he's 25.    

Dont be a shithouse all your life, don't worry us adults will sort it out.  You have a little weep and a lie down for a while, it will all be sorted. 

Beats having to fight a war for democracy and 25 million of us dead.  That's what my parents had served up as their problem to solve.    Fucking grow a pair man.   

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10 hours ago, Manky said:

My guess is that the horrible little Krankie will try to drag Jockland into a EU and Euro that will be in its death throes. I hope the twisted little cunt is proud of herself. There is more to life than just hating the English. Good luck, I think Scotland may need it.

No referendum for Jimmy Cranckey after Junkers out cunted her today.

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Guest DingTheRioja
14 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

Can we implement something similar to the daily like limit, but instead a daily character count for MC? 0 should do it. 

I'll paraphrase it for you...

  • that scottish bitch got bitch slapped
  • EU cunts can fuck off cos some nazi looking cunt has power without being elected
  • greece are bent tax-dodgers
  • bitch fuck wank cunt bitch
  • cunt


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