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Cunts who can't use a cash point

Guest Judas

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8 hours ago, deebom said:

This happened to me today. 3 thick as pigshit hardworking, refugee, asylum seeking swan tasting builder cunts. All crowded round the atm seemingly putting their cards in randomly, printing statements and handing them to each other. Fuck knows what they were doing, but they walked off with no dough. 

The person they nicked the card from hasn't had their wages paid in yet.

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Guest Lady Penelope

Its the cunts who decided to use the machine just as you are walking up to it that annoy me, until they saw ou heading towards the machine they had no thought of using it. They then spend an age checking the money and the advice slip after the machine has paid out.

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Guest Dai O'Rhea

If you think it's bad now, just wait until the new 'i-pad style' ATM upgrades start being phased in big time (October 2016 in the UK), then we're all bollocksed. Apparently a lot of new banking features will be added so that the retards that can't fucking work out what peice of plastic is going to let them have some money they haven't got, while we stand there behind them dying of old age, will be fartarsing around to kingdoms come. I reckon murders will be commited. Oh yeah, and a lot of the independent cash machines will disappear becuase of the cost of upgrading putting more demand on the bank ones. Happy Days.




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