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Mike Hunt

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Posts posted by Mike Hunt

  1. Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    This story keeps building momentum and the public are not going to let this go. It stinks and I'm sure their presenter paid the alleged victim off, again, to say it's all rubbish. I was hoping someone would use parliamentary privilege and name him today, maybe tomorrow. 

    I'd wager the BBC are praying for another 9/11 very, very soon.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    On the principle you can’t defame the dead, I think it’s worth a fiver e/w on Dale Winton, if only because he gave me endless indigestion talking about balls, red areas and big ones on that lottery show he did. Hiding in plain sight if you ask me. 

    He was always coy about his broadcasting roots and with good reason.  When I lived in the Nottingham area in the mid-late 70s he was the faggy, piss-poor DJ on Radio Trent.  No surprise he kept that quiet.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    You're not wrong. We're encouraged to put our 'pronouns' on our email signatures and there has been numerous correspondence about the upcoming Pride event. Apparently it's not just shit stabbers who are expected to prance around in gimp suits and other fetish gear in front of children, they are asking all of us "allies" to join in too.

    I'll join in alright, with a pair of garden shears and some pliers. I'll grant half the degenerate scums wishes without a tax funded NHS operation and I'll even throw in a free brick to the fucking head.

    It's bloody ridiculous.  90%+ of the population being 'encouraged' to bend the knee (so to speak) For what? Well under 10% of the UK population, and only 2% if you're talking just trannies.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You should have paid for the imaginary road clearing ballistic option. The South Africans came up with some ingenious solutions to the township carjacking problem. But sill mounted flame throwers never got approved. 

    Still chuckle when I think of those high skip lorries full of army snipers picking off the rioting kaffirs in the townships.

    • Like 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Just as bad are those grey haired old spunkers who stand on a grass verge in their shitty little Miss Marple villages, holding a speed gun leased by the old bill, wielding it like a crumbly version of Jason Statham and creaming their courdoroys when a car is registered going 2mph over the speed limit. Fucking auld bastards.


    I've been caught by one of those, but they're not legally enforceable.  Shitting meself I was for 10 days, waiting for the NIP and the prospect of an 8 hour waste of time in a classroom lectured by a patronising twat who seriously believes going 35 in 30 area will kill but 34 won't, and then all I got was a police-letterheaded warning.  "GREAT NEWS!".

  6. On 06/07/2023 at 13:10, Ape™️ said:

    I got really excited when I saw the title and author of this nomination, as I was hoping you’d received a diagnosis of a terminal illness. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be just another load of inane, tedious fucking shit.

    Fuck off.

    I never like taking sides, but that was fucking funny Ape.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    Two phones a Samsung on O2 and a Huawei on Vodaphone .. do you deal in dope?

    No, sorry, but that's certainly a very bold request to be making here.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    To be honest if they are enjoying the game I do not see any problem with this so called "hawkeye" hand clapping.

    They're inconsiderate cunts who don't think of the millions of licence payers who have to put up with their silly game.

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