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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I think you should take your complaint to the landlord on a Saturday night when the pub is rammed make sure you leave your address and telephone number.
  2. All these surviving royal families operate a slick PR operation to exploiting elements of glamour, gossip. As far as I can see they've benefited from the feminisation of society as its women who are the main supporters for keeping it. That Princess Beatrice in Spain is regarded as the next in line despite the constitution having a strict male only line of succession so how does that work? Are they going to wait until the last minute then do a bit of jiggery with the laws? Getting rid of the monarchy and the Lords would be the best things this country could do right now in order to progress because it seems to me the UK has been in a rut for many generations.
  3. It's ITV2 and Channel 4, and the internet, and not enough playing outside in the street.
  4. The case is now closed (like my gaping arsehole thank God!)
  5. Now I'm starting to get some feeling back into my legs I'd rather forget about it.
  6. Plus a pair of crutches to help me walk straight.
  7. I expect you sweet talk like that all your fans on Tik Tok with your flexing videos. Are you vascular? Eh? Shredded?
  8. ChildeHarold


    Yeah, but anywhere like that. Please try not to be a
  9. ChildeHarold


    Greg's half right, I am oiling something.
  10. Spanish government has changed its constitution to eliminate "handicapped" in official language in favour of "people with disabilities". This follows after the Prado changed its Goya catalogue entries to delete the word "dwarf".* They say it puts the description after the word people which according to them makes it more acceptable. But what if you say "disabled person" isn't this the same as "handicapped person"? Anyway, what happened to the word "spastic"? I haven't heard that for awhile. Then there was "mongol". In my school days and beyond it was quite common to call somebody a "mong" as a sort of mocking laugh not to be taken too seriously. * Some of the labels now read "skeletal dysplasia". What then of midgets who don't suffer from any disability, but who are just small? Is "midget" banned?
  11. I'll do my best (so don't expect much) 🙂
  12. It's not a question of talking posh or in a certain way, it's about fucking laziness and care like everythink else. It's these fuckers who's thumbs are flying over their Smartphone keyboards on their Twitter feed all day long messaging in gibberish acronyms and contractions, silly emojis and the latest trendy phrases. I doubt whether these cunts even know what a piece of paper and a pen is.
  13. ChildeHarold


    I would let go of all the Overseas Territories. If the Yanks want to pay for a base in Akrotiri let them negotiate with Cyprus and pat for it themselves. If they want to have some fucking guns permanently trained on the Straits of Gibralter let them talk to the Spanish govt over it. If they want all those fucking bases arpund the world then let them get on with it. It's not our bag or in our interezt anymore in a nuclear age.
  14. ChildeHarold


    What's the opposite of meglomaniac? You’re it.
  15. Western foreign policies are so fucked up it's become clear to even the most docile citizen that everything is being run for the benefit of a handful of rich fuckers and their allies chief amongst them being Jewish business and finance and any pther system that dares to doffer is branded Public Enemy Number One. It's interesting now is that the Zionists have shown their hand and the Antisemitism or Holocaust arguments can no longer carry any weight.
  16. Funny, I recently went to my GP about a foot/achilles tendon pain and was unexpectedly subjected to a thirty minute fisting session that was live cammed to a well known internet porn site.
  17. On the other hand what Netanyahu has just said about there being no chance of Palestinian state and that Israel must control all the land from the Jordan to the sea (which is a security reason given by Russia regarding Ukraine!) and the West's more or less going along with it means these people are forced into terrorism. If Germans had occupied Britain in 1940 you'd expect the same from British freedom fighters.
  18. Fuck me it's the son of Snowy dispensing a fucking philosophy lesson now.
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