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Posts posted by ChildeHarold

  1. 28 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    izzit coz dey all black tho, blud?

    Put Badencoch, Bravoman, Sunak, Kwasi or that otjer fucking cunt in a row with Abbott and I think I'd go with Diane.  Why do the ethnics have to be so shit? 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    imagine Trump being the first yankee president to lead office from a cell. The alternative is Sleepy, dementia ridden "creepy old, heavensgate muthafucka" Joe Biden

    How Joe and Hunter have avoided jail I don't know.  His son is a tax fraudster which is a lot more serious than writing off personal services as business expenses.  And his dabblings in the Ukrainian minong industry is pretty troubling given the war. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Frank said:

    No because they’d never seen me with hair.. and they were educated. I remember making the youngest cry when I met her with her mum at Brent Cross in the Frank wig. I sneaked in as a casual shopper and asked her the time. She looked up at me and I’ll never forget her confused little face crumble to tears. 

    The transition to Earl of Punkape is going well.  

  4. Zelensky 


    .... now Zelenskiy


    As Sleepy Joe sleepwalks us (not them in cosy USA) into a turd world war I ask the simple question:  can we trust this cunt if he can't get his name straight? 


    This is a fucking two tribes go to war situation (as in Korea) this country should definitely not get involved in.  But with cunts like Starmer or Cameron around we will. 

    Roll on Trump to fucking breathe some sense into Kiev. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, and said:

    Where the fuck are our feckless teens gonna run to to escape compulsory 'National Service'?

    That’s what I thought, the fucking contradiction.   Perhaps national service and conscription is only for whites.    I think foreigners, who are all circling predators, see what Brits take for granted with snow blind eyes:  the UK is seriously fucked up.   Look at the Bulgarian million pound benefit fraudsters.   Cunts are being piled in and fucking shed loads is walkng out the door.  All I know is if you are a fucking hard worki g self employed guy fallen on hard times due to sickness etc the DWP and Benefits Agency will tell you to FUCK OFF whereas these fresh off the Dover Beach AWOL "refugees" or fucking Bulgarians are having cash waved in their faces. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    You thick idiot, I'm not asking about your shit nomination and the fact you think it's an amazing success because it contains 18 pages of members telling you to fuck off and/or wishing you were dead. Lol. 

    I'm asking how you rate your comments in general, as I think you have overtaken Pen when it comes to lacking self awareness. 'Change the narrative' you say, how about you change the narrative, you depressing cunt. You need to understand you are not the judge of what are and aren't worthy contributions. You really are a stubborn, irritating cunt aren't you, I really feel for your parents having you turn out the way you have, lol. Maybe it was their influence. You come across as an arrogant, opinionated, monotonous idiot, elc... factor in your clear lack of education, posting all night and day and general thickness and it all becomes too much. 

    Rather than look at yourself honestly and realise your current behaviour is not acceptable to the membership, you'd rather not change and argue it's everybody else who has a problem. 

    Wake up and fuck off. Cunt. 


    Is it a question of quantity or quality you are on about?   Possibly both.  But I wish you'd define your question.  We'd all like to see a bit more flair but some of the members who could give it seem to be sitting on the sidelines with occasional swipes (unfunny ones) at members who do post.  That seems pretty negative to me.  

  7. 4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    After what has happened virtually on the cunts doorstep one would have thought she would be less concerned about her sense of victimhood and more concerned about how out of control those in her "community " have become. Find out who they are and shoot the cunts on sight, no warnings no mercy  , nothing , just pop the cunts through the head. Put the army on the streets with orders to shoot any person who poses a threat to person or property .Behave like animals , treat as animals .End of fucking  problem.

    There's a solution to this problem which would save money in the long run.  Double the police.   Establish a gendarmerie like in Spain and France to assist.   Lock down any area where crime or anti social behaviour.   These cunts can only operate when they are mobile.   Curfew them and they are stopped.   Anybody needing to "pop out" needs to get a strictly time limited "pass" from the offi ers on the street.   If you want a law abiding society -  as in China which we denigrate by the way - then authority has to be imposed.   It's the only way. 

    Plus double all sentences and double the number of prisons.   Throw all prisoner rehabilitation schemes out the window and focus on punishment.   Abolish any courses or lectureships in crime and society at Oxbridge and stop any Oxbridge graduate becoming a judge or entering the law or having anything to do with the justice system in this country. 

    These people must be out. 

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Neil said:

    More backward cunts.

    I think we're the backward cunts for letting them in.  Why fucking brexit if this going on?   Lambeth has an Eritrea Committee to look after them.   I can only think the whole thing is deliberate to keep the indigenous British citizen down and subservient. 

  9. Welcome.  Evading military service?  Come to Britain.  Get re-housed, benefits, a leg up etc.  

    This is how they behave the fuckers... 


    According to the 2021 UK census, there were 24,812 Eritrean-born residents in the UK fleeing human rights abuses, religious persecution, and compulsory national service. In 2021, the UK census recorded 24,812 Eritrean-born residents, with the majority living in London, particularly in Brixton and Stockwell. 

    Between September 2021 and September 2022, people from Eritrea had an asylum grant rate of over 97%. 

    University student Al-Zubier Adem fled human rights abuses in Eritrea as a teenager, making a perilous journey across Africa and Europe to build a new life in the UK. Here he tells his story and calls for a more humane government policy towards people fleeing conflict and persecution. I came to the UK in early 2014 as a refugee at the age of 17. I left Eritrea in late 2013 when I was in 10th grade, so I didn't even finish school. The Eritrean regime is not nice. You have to do military service or leave the country – there are no other options.  Young people leave Eritrea to escape the compulsory national service. The majority of Eritreans coming to the UK have remained in London, with Brixton and Stockwell as the main areas where people from Eritrea live and socialise.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Biggest pussy on here, that KB. I wouldn't be too keen on meeting you, H. You've got a very Dennis Nilson tone about you. 

    I want to use you as bait on the end of my hook. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Should have got @Neilto take care of body disposal. They would never have found him if he'd done it. And she'd have a lovely patio to boot. And being the gentleman he is, he'd have slipped her a length over the kitchen table

    The boot of the Bentley? 

  12. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    I just dont understand it .So what if I masturbate in front of his wife whilst in the garden ,  is that so offensive?It's a free country , or it  was the last time I jizzed over their red hot pokers .Some people , they've all gone weird since that Chinese cold shite that was going around a couple of years back.

    Are you referring to your council flat balcony with the rusting mountain bike and sack of marrow bones for the pitbull pups you're selling to local drug dealers, as "my garden" I should add overlooking a Deptford metals scrapyard with some fine views of the local cemetery. 

  13. 1 hour ago, King Billy said:

    Im sure they think the same about you, so at least you’ve got something in common to break the ice and get a conversation started over the garden fence, when you’re hanging your Y-fronts and string vests out on the clothes line.

    I can't get that sordid image out of my head.   Billy, was there anything else on that line that might calm me down? 

  14. 1 hour ago, King Billy said:

    It’s not proper wanking unless you’re using your own hand. Don’t listen to Frank telling you otherwise.

    I'm going to Hampstead Ponds tomorrow afternoon.  Frank didn't invite me but I'm still going anyway.  I'm already packing my trunks and towel.   We are going to re-enact the D Day landings in the deep end.  Fancy joining us?   Your silver certificate for life saving might come in handy. 

  15. 25 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Throw a brick at his head and put him on one of those 999 programs, the ones where people suffer horrendous injuries and an entire film and sound crew are their as they gasp for breath .

    I wonder whether they share the same 13amp socket as the life support machine.  Unplugging accidents? 

  16. Just now, entitled little cunt said:

    She's too good for him.

    That fuckong judge mist have had a hard on for her.   She'll be 70 in twenty years time.   Just ready to make OCR a happy 95 year old. 

  17. 16 minutes ago, and said:

    She's bound to get plenty of marriage proposals from deluded and desperate cunts, OCR's down the post office as we speak.

    Looks the type who could be swayed by the thought of a grubby BBC and a Bob Marley T-shirt.


    I don’t mind a bit of domination, but when it ends up with you pushing up daisies in the back yard it's not funny.   Mind you Dyslexic and OCR could try it see if it suits them. 

  18. 28 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Wanking is one of the few remaining activities nowadays that is still free. When you’re old enough to try it you’ll understand that.

    Is that a denial, or Teach Yourself Sex, a Handbook for Cunts. 

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