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Posts posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Just now, Penny Farthing said:

    He's recently been evicted and left homeless sleeping rough on the street so please be gentle with him.

    The cunt wants to share a room and a bit more with Frank's hairy arse rim.  

  2. 11 hours ago, and said:

    Vic Reeves Big Night Out, Brass Eye, Peep Show, The Comic Strip, The Bullshitters.

    It's all in the past though, BLM and woke killed British comedy.

    So that fucking list of shite on a stick confirmed what I eas on about.  How does one of those cunts you mention compare to Steptoe, Dad's Army, Benjamin Hill Esquire, Dick Emery, Frankie Howerd, or more recently Stella Street or The League of Gentlemen.  Now do us all a favour and go and fuck yourself. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Aitch, you pretentious little gimp. What exactly do you find funny dare I ask, other than your toes?

    I can imagine you as one of those cunts who like to say that Bill Hicks and George Carlin were the seminal stand up artists of your youth and upon whom no other comparison of funniness can ever be made.

    Personally I think that they were both absolutely fucking shite and solely liked by the type of highfalutin dickhead who only names them as influential comedians because The Guardian told them so. Or @Frank in other words.

    You've left me all flabber and a bit gasted.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

    It is on here.

    Come on give us a laugh.  Tell me a funny.  How about the farting woman in the doctors waiting room and the very long window pole? 🤔 

  5. 6 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Comedy is dead .Fucking radio 4 cunts .That punt and Dennis , fucking hell  Just terrible .They make lenny Henry look a comedic genius.Its all fucking safe woke shite .We are no longer allowed to laugh at an exagerrated self incase it offends  .That was the basis of comedy .It was the reset button for society , the "dont be a  daft cunt " underlying  message that kept tbe masses  in some form of  sane order .

    It's part of the smartphone finger clicking generation avoiding face to face contact who always choose impersonal channels of communication and are encouraged by fucking mega companies sucking them dry. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

    As i don't live in a crime infested, no scenery, backwards shithole full of thick chav scum and rapey dinghy immigrants in the south like you do if i did live in a cardboard box it would still be valued at 10x more valuable than the absolute fucking hovel you no doubt live in. 

    You really do give off the vibe of one of those 'never left London' wankers on reddit, or never left norfolk in your case.

    So your dear old gran did suspect you're a chutney stabber then? 😆

    Don't worry he talks like a poor Jew, one who rents off a rich Jew in Stamford Hill. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I doubt anyone over the age of 16 would even want to possess the sort of mental faculties capable of sitting in their mother's dark basement for 23 hours a day whilst talking to ten year olds about their Minecraft accomplishments.

    Do you hang around Pokémon Go hotspots with your maggot hanging out of the trousers your mother bought you?


    This sounds a bit like that Austrian incest in the secret basement cunt who's been moved now into an "open" prison.  Oh Oh the sheer irony of it!!!!! 

  8. 24 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Golden Balls is captain, and Heskey makes it five.


    I didn't even bother to open your spastic YouTube clip.   Perfect.  I get the feeling you're Frank's willing tool. 

  9. A quick look at "Comedy" in the C4 App search engine confirmed my suspicions that this deeply unfunny branch of our tv culture has cntributed little during its existence.   Outside of INBETWEENERS which is not exactly an original idea there hasn't been a single genuine original offering it getting by on out of date Yankee shows with the cobwebs growing on them like Frasier and The Big Bang and a number of sarcastic panel game shows with non entities pretending to be comedians.  All of this shit even spawns its own spin offs like Friday Night Dinner and the Richardsons.  God help us, no wonder the younger generations seem to lack a sense of humour with this shit being thrown at them.   I am in wonderment, especially with the recent ritualised "expose" "documentary" on Kevin Spacey, which apart from a group of old queens could find interesting, commissioning shows at C4's HQ, at how this channel has kept it's licence to broadcast.   It did some good things when first started up under Jeremy Isaacs and showed such promise, but now it's a fucking local cinema that's gone through the downhill spiral of multiscreens, then bingo hall, boarded up awaiting demolition, broken into and squatted, used for illegal raves, sex parties and a Vietnamese gang for a cannabis farm. 

    None of which I was invited to or was offered a taste. 


  10. Just now, entitled little cunt said:

    Let's duo, turned out nice again!


    How about, How Much Is That Doggy In The Window.... accompanied by that grinning cunt Lang Lang on the piano.  Debut at St Pancras International, close to the public toilets. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    The sort of sinister shit that could only be dreamed up by a masochistic, ten stone weakling who was horrendously beaten by all the bigger boys at school.  

    Genuinely disturbing.

    You do seem to have an bsession with that sort of thing Dec and in particular with Frank's hairy arse and it's capacity. 

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Listen here you stupid little cunt. I don't particularly like you, but take some advice. Don't engage with this disgusting, slimy fucking worm. He's playing you.

    I also play the banjo.  My favourite I'm Standing on the Corner.... 😛 

  13. 1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

    It is educational .Bumming your way around Europe has a different meaning these days.Maggie , God bless her soul saw all this Cumming.Section 28 stopped the promotion  of gender bending ideology in schools .Labour of course got rid of it .She was hated for it as well as lifting much of the  then working classes out of poverty buy allowing them to become property owners , something they would never of been able to afford .All those cunts in their Audi's , 4x4s , BMW's and Mercedes owe her a great deal.Those in Seats don't,  they're just cheap and nasty chavs .

    I just think us dinosaurs need to let it all hang out and join the with it crowd.   Has it occurred to you, at certain phases in the history of the West this relaxation of taboo and gratuitous sexual experimentation becane widely acceptable at all levels in society.   Now we are in the decline and fall of the West and Christendom this sort of thing is to be expected.  Perfect. 

  14. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I actually watched the poor fuckers boat race when that hard faced cunt presenting told him he'd been awarded zero points from the public vote. What made it even more rewarding was when she tried not to laugh just before she told him. Fucking TV gold.

    It WAS tacky and crude and not in the spirit of Sandy Shaw.   What the fuck happened to family friendly Eurovision, which offered an educational opportunity to teach a geography lesson to enthralled children, with catchy hummable songs?

  15. 10 hours ago, and said:

    What, and have a narcissistic, psychopathic, dusky cunt as the leader of the country? 

    Oh...err...oh dear...

    Those fucking Democrats are worse look at Obama.  Happy?   The real comparison is any EU country:


    France, an Algerian President

    Germany, a Tanzanian Chancellor

    Spain, a Moroccan PM 

    Italian, an Ethiopian President

    ... can you imagine that Darling? 

  16. When asked if he regretted anything, John Betjeman said he wished he'd had more sex.  Perfect.  I wish some of the Eurovis critics on here faced up to the fact that they are past it and probably too old to understand it.  Having said that it has become over sexualised and a pick and choose political football.  

  17. On 11/05/2024 at 18:39, and said:

    What about a Ferret?

    Stoats are easier to identify, but Ferrets and Weasels are similar.   I saw either a W or F in the rear view mirror when parked in a layby/field entrance where cunts regularly fly tip.  It's probably a good hunting ground for a vicious little carnivore  - mice even rats and birds.  Ridiculously long body orangey brown, fur rat-like, quite small, smooth mover... Reminds me of somebody on the Corner..... 

  18. Is this cunt the Trojan Horse?   Stashed inside a bomb timed to go off and splatter dear old Keir's election hopes?  I sincerely hope so.  This shows the truth of Galloway's assertion that the two parties are just cheeks of the same arse you might get a sheet of Izal between with a bit of shuvving. 

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