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Posts posted by ChildeHarold

  1. 21 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Get yourself a dictionary and look up plagiarism.                    (A dictionary is a book which explains the meaning of words, in alphabetical order.)


    Still on the thicko theme - go to church and pray for salvation you peasant. 

  2. 8 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Congratulations Eric. 

    ‘Top o the world Ma!’

    I went to Mo's Memorial Service in Coventry Cathedral Mozart Requiem etc. She was the real architect of the Peace Agreement not Blair. And proper old school Labour. If anybody deserves a fucking statue in Westminster it's her. 

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  3. 16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    You know something, now I detest football but all my family are Spurs fans. Now theres been a few cunts who I've detested;  George Michael, Chris Martin, Kenneth Branagh, that fat cunt off the Go Compare ads. But when I've found out they're spurs fans I've somewhat softened to them. But I've drawn the line at this tax dodging, smarmy jug eared cunt. 

    Is that softened as in Dulcolax you piece of shit? 

  4. 1 hour ago, King Billy said:

    As you clearly know as little about US politics as you do about everything else you’ve attempted to comment on here, and I say commented very loosely, I strongly advise you to kill yourself without haste. Perhaps you might be successful at something for the first time ever.

    Here comes the tired old bleach joke. Get those tits out KB. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    There’s quite a difference between brits retiring to the sun with plenty of money and boosting the economy and child refugees with full beards rocking up in Dover with no money who need feeding a housing by our state. I’d wager many of these cunts claim to be not what they say and are isis fuckers bent on revenge

    You have no idea how much sheer carnage comes with the council estate ex pat. Yeah, the beter off ones (of which amongst the Germans and Scandics we are in a minority) provide a good deal for the Spanish exchequer, but the riff raff like everywhere else, like the flotsam in the Channel, are a drag on the society they enter. Having said that, there are some real sad cases of people justvwanting to get on or escaping persecution or chaos at home. At the back of your mind, if not your conscience, you probably have a thought for the fucking amount of upheaval and trouble this country and the States has visited on the Middle East over the last twenty years if not longer. And all to prop up a filthy rich rich minority who couldn't give a flying fuck about me or you. 

  6. 1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

    If I had to guess, I would link Pelosi to Ukraine and brown envelopes derived from military contracts, you know the same shit she has been blaming Trump for.

    And when you shit in the morning it's gold not the biological waste product everyone else produces. Fucking ignoramus. 

  7. 1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Since the Mail is the most read yellow rag on the Costa de Sol, I imagine this cunt has gone down well amongst the British immigrants in Spain. Just imagine if Spain was like the Kent coast. What a fucking shit hole that would be. Mind you, some of the cheapo Brits out there are already starting the transformation. 

  8. 17 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Are you sure you don’t mean, you’ve got goatshit on the end of your cock and lots of little lead balls embedded in your back and arsecheeks from Farmer Giles’s 12 bore?

    I prefer Farmer Giles to Father Joseph. What time does he do his round up with Shep? 

  9. 6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    You can't. PM me details of what you want removed and I'll see what I can do. Unfortunately there is no guarantee as all attachments are held in a global file.

    I understand that. But just go back over my activity and delete it and it seems to work. Problem solved! I don't intend to run for President 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I’d imagine it’s hard chewing on anything with a black mans cock bashing your tonsils and his sweaty ball sack smashing into your chin

    Sounds like your talking from experience - all those hot nights in the Caribbean. My doctor says he had six cases of VD from there last week. 


    (he's alright now though) 

  11. 2 hours ago, King Billy said:

    No. It’s Gareth G.G.G.Gates you c.c.c.cunt

    You've really taken an instant dislike to ChildeHarold haven't you. I bet you love Manfred you perverted beast. 


    PS actually that's quite good. How is old Gatesy? Still doing the bit of singing - bit of stand up? 

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