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Posts posted by ChildeHarold

  1. 32 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

    It is no longer an "Hey Huw!" situation as he has resigned from the BBC .. may we all wish him a long and happy retirement? :)

    He's got enough fucking dough for that.   I reckon now's the time to cash in on his notoriety.  Family members should be saying "Go for it Daddy!  Go Daddy Go!" ££&££££💷

  2. 4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

    Oh, you're back, unfortunately. I thought (and hoped) you were dead or killed yourself. Whatever time you've had away has not improved your output has it? Spend it on a bomb and get rid of Putin and the Kremlin? Thanks for stating the obvious but I doubt even the US could pull that off, so it'll likely never happen. While it's nice to see you actually comment on the subject, as opposed to @ing Wolfie, DC, Decs and myself in nearly all of your comments with utterly shite insults, it's reminded me of how awful a contributor you really are. 

    You're a thick cunt, with no humour whatsoever and are clearly only hanging around like a bad smell (Shit, lol) because you know everyone (apart from Pen) wants you dead. 

    Do yourself a favour and fuck off. 

    Funny that's exactly what you said to me.  You're a very welcomng sort of fellow aren't you.   Do you have a doormat with "Fuck Off" on it.   Or a machine gun tower near the front door?   Razor blades on the letter box?   A hidden snake pit on the garden path?   Do you hide up a tree in a leopard skin thong and pelt visitors with coconuts while crying out "I am Tarzan Lord of the Jungle?"  🤔 

  3. On 21/04/2024 at 17:36, entitled little cunt said:

    David must have burnt his way through his  and his wife's millions at a vast rate of knots. He is now appearing in the Walkers Crisps advertising campaign  along with that french footballer who must also  be running short of euros  .It seems Walkers believe that the best way to approach the public is to assume we can all feel united by football and Mr.Beckham . Polititions are the same,  they love to state just what big fans they are of  football in the hope they appear somehow normal  .That most of them are up to their necks in gin , whores and gay sex scandles is ignored .What cunts they are .How much more does Beckham want ?, how much is enough?.Are there no limits to the depths  celebs will sink to to earn a few quid to add to their considerable fourtunes .It's fucking sick .Cunts .I'd fucking ban football , played by thick cunts for thick cunts .


    He will go down in football history as a bender. 

    My lasting image of him is the sending off after kicking out like a fucking school girl.  Cost England the match.  Cunt. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, and said:

    Re. Does Anybody Seriously Think $65 billion Will Help Ukraine Win?

    I guess it depends what they do with it.

    If they spent it on a bomb/missile that targeted, and obliterated, Putin and the Kremlin, it's money well spent!

    By the time they get to receive the first tranche in any form of armaments or weapons Ukraine will be a lost cause.   It's just kicking the ball down the tunnel. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Nope. I feel that it will do to keep the Ivans at arms length but to beat them is a other matter. When that runs out  they expect another handout and it may be the Don with his size 11s under the Oval office desk and he'll tell the pint size action man to fuck off, the wallet is closed. I can only see a Russian victory. 

    By signing that cheque Biden lost the election? 

  6. 59 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Your second nom in almost seven years... and we're presented with THIS? What a surprise it's attracted zero likes (until Anaconda Kong reads my comment, that is).

    Ffs Frank. It's a bit like waiting in an understaffed pub for Sunday lunch, and when it finally arrives, the plate is missing the roast beef. I'm almost embarrassed for you. Almost.

    I thought you was going to say "and somebody gobbed  in my Yorkshire Pudding".

  7. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    The  'dribbling  imbecile Biden administration' doesn't vote to approve the financing of military assistance to Ukraine – this lengthy process goes via the US House of Representatives, encompassing the US Congress and Senate, not the Biden Administration. Get it right, dickhead.

    And to the bit in bold above: what a beautiful irony that only an idiot could possibly create.

    Seriously, yet another piss-poor block of incoherent text which could easily have been submitted by a remedial schoolboy passing judgement on a subject he clearly knows fuck-all about. What might others think when reading content such as this? Will this piece of shit attract much-needed new blood to the site?

    Fuck off, elc. You're utterly fucking shite.

    Wolfie if you could lay off for a minute.... what's your opinion? 🤔 

  8. 14 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

    They should have left that wall in Berlin alone, there's been nothing but wars, fuck ups and assorted bother ever since  Reagan, Gorbachen and that Knight Rider Bay Watch cunt met up in Bolton necked a couple of pints with Fred Dibnah , got a quote and flash bang wallop, wall gone and the West was flooded with seething murderous ex commies hell bent on enjoying McDonalds, Ford Mondeos and Manchester City. 

    I'm glad you put that into words.  I thought that the night it was "pulled down" it's took away any incentive of Western democracies (even France/state pension) to provide a fair redistributive society with good public servces.   Western culture is now just doom scrolling and govts are just surviving by conjuring up existential external threats.  We now have fucking psycho talk about "conscription".  It's also fucking weaponised Washington imperialists as in the Balkans and Middle East.  France and Britain will just follow the Yanks like a smell after a fart. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    You'd like to think that had it been a KKK march parading a burning cross down the street, the same copper would indeed have stopped a black man from wading into it.

    In this case, the copper actually offered to safely escort the Jew to where he wanted to go, but that didn't suit his persecution narrative. I hope all these cunts jumping on the bandwagon now are burgled, beaten, and raped, and the Met don't bother showing up to investigate.

    "persecution narrative". that is only half of it.  It's actually a strategy to camouflage with a smokescreen some pretty unappetising attitudes and activities on part of hard right Zionists.  The lid has blown off now and not before time.    We don't continuously have the Russians bleating about their millions dead so why give the Jews any more special treatment?   There must be an angle behind it. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Harold , was the bloke treated differently because he's Jewish? Would a black or Muslim be treated in the same manner? Its a question rather than a statement .

    I doubt very much any difference.  Whatever you think this little cunt has single handedly done as much damage to the Jewish community in Britain as Netanyahu.  You have to ask yourself how much of this amateur agent provocateur activoty by Jewish militants with their brains in their arse is being waved on in Tel Aviv.  It's been completely counterproductive.  In fact the cunt's groveled off by accepting an apology which is probably one of a thousand the Met issues every day. 

    And don't Harold me.  I'm not your Harold.   I am a free man.   Run free my beautirs, run free and fast across the land.   Yippee! Hei! Ho!   😅 

  11. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    The fact is that he should be able to walk where he wishes without fear of being attacked  just because he is Jewish. If it was black person,  Indian or Chinese person would that be OK to stop him ?.It is the responsibility  of Khan's idiotic police force to ensure the man isn't attacked , it is not their place to inhibit freedom of movement or expression.If he did that to a black person he'd be sacked within 24 hours .Muslims have done far more harm to the fabric of this country than Jews ever have .Jewish people on the whole mind their own business and cause no polarisation of society. Whilst all religion is utterly proposterous and ridicolous jews have no interest in promoting what they believe to non believers,  they don't want us dead basically. The sane can't be said for many flowers of Islam.They chant death to Jews , death to The USA , death to the UK death to anybody who doesn't  believe their medieval crackpot shit. That's the difference .Death.


    Fucking take a reality check.   Yeah, I can't walk about the street at 1.00am with my tits hanging out and no knickers under a pair of arse cheeked leotards without being harrassed and sexually abused.   London is a NO GO ZONE.   Yeah, I am a fucking cocky pushy Jew I can't walk through a pro Palestinian demo at a very sensitive time and the copper was a racist.   Loobdon is a NO GO ZONE!   Use a bit of common. 

  12. Just a straw poll on this site to see what the overall opinion is. 

    Seems to me Russia's already achieved its war aims and is within literally metres of going much further.   Crimea is not going to be handed back to the West.   The Donbas is not going to be ethnically cleansed and replaced with a pro Western anti  Russian population.  Ukraine or what is left of it will never become a viable state, economically or politically, with a credible Maiden Right Wing extremist dictatorship in Kiev purporting to be democratic. 

    When you rustle it up the plate of shit is just getting larger. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    They should have let the cunt cross the road and stood their watching him get pummeled while quietly muttering, "I told you so, you fucking know-it-all Jewboy cunt"

    He has got that Jew boy arrogance which wins them so many friends.   Part of their religion is a form of racial superiority - that's how our interpret "God's chosen people" it is inherently racialist and sinister. 

  14. 2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    You obviously have the right to your opinion .That Jewish fellow also had the right to stand and walk  were the fuck he liked without one of that Muslim nazi cunt sadiq  Khan's brown shirt cunts telling him he couldn't. You should be  bothered that freedom in this country is diminishing. Its fucking outrageous .

    3 cunts on the site will now report me. 

    You are wrong on this one.  He's a fucking troublemaker and part of the cuntdem that says ANY critcism of Jews or Israel is antisemitism.  Cunts.  The principle is he does not have the right to close down democratic demonstrations which are quite rightly getting on their nerves.  He is the nazi not the demonstrators. 

  15. That's £12 billion out of our ROADS, PENSIONS, OLD PEOPLES HOMES, HOSPITALS ETC to play patsy to Yankee empire building where there is always a lucrative directorship for old Etonians.  Let's face it, no Imperial Service now, no East India Company but always the Yankee Empire. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    What do you reckon are the chances of the winners of the elite races making it back onto the plane to fuck off home.

    Where the fucking word elite came from to describe these shifty eyed bag snatchers I don't know.  The commentators strain every ounce of credibility trying to make these cunts into likeable human beings when in fact all they are is point and fire cash machines for their fucking little entourage.  They are like the sheep in a pen standing on the dead bodies of other sheep. 

  17. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Cameron, the Eton cunt who looks after his mates .Stammer , pretend Labour who's used to the finer things in life .Raynor .Now,  how easy is it to understand if you're not living in a house full time its not your primary residence therefore subject to GGT.The lions maine  northern munter.

    That £85k plus xps is a nice little earner for blabbing your mouth off.  Their first thought: property and rent.   The second home expense is so so juicy and tempting.... 

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