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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. Dyslexic cnut


    Get back on them. You’re fucking mindnumbingly chronically shit otherwise. Spastic cunt.
  2. Dyslexic cnut


    Absinthe in his crème egg? Doc…what the fuck is happening here?
  3. Dyslexic cnut


    All very valid, however I’ll be tuning in to watch Raastwat in the cerebrally challenged pole vault. Should be a laugh.
  4. Dyslexic cnut


    During my three month sabbatical, while I was away in the Ukraine with no ammunition other than a knuckle-duster. I noticed, Russian shells permitting, most of your posts were begging me to come back. After rescuing several twenty-two year old Ukrainian women, and housing them, nonetheless, I dipped back in to CC. Since I did, you’ve been vocal in having me ‘fuck off.’ What’s it to be, Raaaastwat? Shall I leave or shall I stay. Genuine question. Incidentally, Olga says ‘Hi!’
  5. Dyslexic cnut


    Just the name of the fuckin baccy. The new wife is tired of the phlegm on her back in the morning. An old friend asking for help. Have a heart.
  6. Dyslexic cnut


    ‘Years’ though? 🤷🏿🤷🏿🤷🏿
  7. Dyslexic cnut


    Work failed to ramp up Killa. I’m back on the fags which has to stop. What’s the name of that chewing baccy again?
  8. Dyslexic cnut


    Fuck me. That’s got me thinking tbh.
  9. Dyslexic cnut


    @Ape™️ has my number. He’s a very terrible cunt…so he is.
  10. Dyslexic cnut


    ‘Years?’ You joined this site 18 months ago. Lame, wooden, limited and cowardly. You mouth breathing fucking idiot.
  11. Dyslexic cnut


    Twice? You breathtakingly spasticated fuckwit cretin. Frank has killed you. Begone.
  12. Dyslexic cnut


    That’s my nights sleep ruined. Fucking imbecilic bellsniff.
  13. Dyslexic cnut


    BEASTS. I’m warming to you.
  14. Dyslexic cnut


    I’ve raised your game. There’s something in there and I’m trying to wheedle it out. Seems to be working but don’t drop your guard boy. I’ve been taught by the best on here. I’m watching you.
  15. Dyslexic cnut


    I know nothing, but do humour me. If you’ve been on this site for that long, why are you so embarrassingly shit?
  16. I had the misfortune to sit with him in the VIP lounge, across a table on the Seacat from Dublin to Liverpool in 2003. 4 hours of listening to him. The strangest 4 hours of my life. I flipped between awe, admiration and friendliness to disgust, fear and utter bewilderment. One odd man but he had, I have to say, a weird charisma…the man held the room in the palm of his hand…it was utterly bizarre and confusing. Still, I’d swap a minute of his company today over having to read Raastwat’s latest Corner offering.
  17. Dyslexic cnut


    You’re finished here. You never really got going. Killed, three times in 10 days. Begone, simpleton. No-one will ever miss you.
  18. Dyslexic cnut


    Abysmal. Do it again.
  19. Dyslexic cnut


    Nothing less than Gentlemen…which takes some doing is this quagmire of filth.
  20. Dyslexic cnut


    Teetotal for nine months. I got the message. Even @Ape™️ had a word.
  21. Dyslexic cnut


    Sometimes…you’re something of a Cunt.
  22. Dyslexic cnut


    Of this there is no question. ‘Twas ever thus…Bonny lad.
  23. Dyslexic cnut


    I was crushed. But…it was one of the finest examples of reverse/snide/vicious pieces of work that I have ever seen. After several sleepless nights I re-evaluated. You let your soft underside show by apologising. But it was a masterclass of Cuntology, visited on a junior by an old beast. Bravo.You despicable Cunt. In short…a thing of beauty…but warped.
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