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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. White, middle-class ‘Grand Theft Auto’ LA Hood brothers...cunts!
  2. There’s a 78 yr old spookess from Jamaica lives near me. She’s ok, for a primate. She despairs of this generation of cunts. She experienced real predjudice & grief when she came over on the Spaderush and she reckons the country is fair and far better now than its ever been. What she can’t comprehend is the anger & fury of her teenage grandkids who claim to have been oppressed all of their lives. She also can’t understand where their Jamaican accents come from when the little gibbon cunts haven’t been further south than Ibiza in their lives.
  3. Anatomical ignoramus...the brain is never ‘between’ the jap? You’ve had some entertaining dates, clearly.
  4. Actually, that’s incorrect...he was getting a name for himself by then having curtailed his pensioner smashing activities...little cunt.
  5. Cocky was still to roll his 1st pensioner leaving the post office in those days...
  6. Who can speculate what goes on between your ears...all three of them.
  7. The donkey was from Stoke-on-Crewe....
  8. It has been genealogically proven how the Coalyokel Geordie nation came about. Apparently, over 2000 years ago, a mead-infused pissed up Pict, clambered over a Hadrian’s Wall and raped a donkey..twice.
  9. I was at Orgreave and Toxteth. Toxteth, primarily was opportunistic looting and fuck all to do with blackism. That was piled on later. Michael and Delroy Showers were interviewed on Granada crying that ‘the police have ruined my city!’ These cunts were the bosses of the biggest organised crime mob in the city...they drove around in pink Rolls Royces ffs! Delroy was a rapist sphincter stretcher who died of aids...sad really....Orgreave....cracking dust-up of which I still carry the scars....
  10. I decided to have a squabble with one of the big boys on here (which is why I didn’t pick you.) Part of my ‘apprenticeship’ as I see it so, no obsession merely professional enablement. No I is not a puffter and Eric sent me a signed pair of crusty y-fronts in his welcome pack. Jealous? Didn’t you get yours? Now fuck off back up your tree.
  11. ....but we have the bile & the guile...
  12. Yes that’s right...proper cunt him...I was hoping he was on here and wasn’t sure if he’d morphed into some other Cunt.
  13. She’s got fuck all else to do though has she? She can chew Farrier’s skydivers mouth out before breakfast & the kippers will mask the taste & smell.
  14. Slight difference with slopes...there’s 900 trillion of the cunts.
  15. If you lunatics put the fear of Dagda into the Romans, what the fuck is going on up there now. Cowering ‘neath the intimidation of a dwarf, moustachioed, vulva gobbling commie who looks like she should be chasing Harry Potter around? A proud nation of warriors, poets, engineers and inventors laid to waste by a talentless, one agenda, crusty cunted, harridan with a downs syndrome haircut? Rise up Rev and have her cervix torn asunder with a barb wire wrapped caber.
  16. This appears to be a team game...which is a bit shit methinks. It’s like vulgarian tag...
  17. Why ‘Rocky?’ Some of you veteran cunts have been waxing lyrical about silent ‘members’ who don’t contribute at all...and you are quite right. Seems odd when a new guy dives in, it’s suggested he bides his time before fighting his own cunt corner and should moderate his invective until he’s been a ‘member’ for some mysterious and pre-ordained time. I say ‘get fucked!’ I’ll bang a financial donation to a site that I have anonymously observed for a while & am happy to debate/abuse any of you cunts...even the esteemed Eric. I see no necessity for any imagined apprenticeship here, I’ve been advised by CC legends to steam right in, which I have done and frankly, I have Whatsapp groups and pub mates who I debate in more warped ways than anyone on here...I’m not 18years old, or Scouse incidentally. Onwards and upwards cunts, now if I can only learn to navigate the infighting on here, who hates who, who despises who, who gangs up and exchanges ‘likes’ with who.....anyway, all frighten a radiologist...soon!
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