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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 13 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    “Not my fault guv, but I’m very sorry and ashamed and will live with this forever. Poor old me”

    Anybody who honestly expects civilized society to believe them that going into the clergy or any other leadership role in religious groups is due to genuine belief in a higher power and not a compulsion to fuck children up the wrong ‘un, is a cunt.

    It seems obvious to me that being a vile, noncing paedo cunt is compulsory in a Catholic Church and you’ll be afforded all the protection from the very top. Any suspicion and you’ll be moved on with it all hushed up until the only hiding place left is in the sacred walls of Vatican, where all old kiddie fiddlers retire to.

    The sooner we cast aside this sky fairy bollocks and openly ridicule (by this I mean shoot) those who preach it, the sooner we can move on as a species.

    Burn the Pope and piss in his eye sockets

    A tad harsh?

  2. 12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Mr Biden has stepped down for 'medical reasons'.

    Here is your new president, Mz Lupota Um-Bongo Kgabe.

    We would urge white america to accept their marginalisation without complaint. Complaining is racist.

    Her cringeworthy televised-yet-off-the-cuff phone call to him was cringeworthy. It sounded like a hospice nurse comforting a death bed, riddled geriatric...oh...hang on a minute!

  3. ‘First rate Mayor’ of New York my swollen gland. Have you seen the state of that cunt of a city now? Fuckin Disneyland shithole started by that Spick twat. That city used to be creative, edgy, scary...fucking fabulous. Now fucked and as sterile as Mary Berry. Cunt of a place...Cunt of a mayor. Basically a cunt..then and now.

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  4. 20 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

    Head to San Sebastián and have a really expensive meal in one of the many outstanding restaurants. Once you’ve eaten your fill, kill yourself before paying.

    There’s a squadron of a Stukas just got airborne from Lisbon...why don’t you both pop over to Guernica and stand in the village square, naked whilst holding a flare in one hand and each other’s penes pequeños in the other?

  5. 36 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

    You can joke about beating women, presumably because you have never seen it happen in real life.  Its not funny, trust me on this.  

    Trust me...I’ve seen it AND experienced it...far more than you amigo.

    This is a site for and about...cunts. Get off you’re high horse you twat.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

    No doubt Amber was a bit of a gold digging money grabbing, manipulative tart, but its never okay to hit a woman.  I think the only exception would be in self defence if she was trying to stab you with a kitchen knife.  

    Oooohhh...first name terms eh...’Amber’ is it? I thought you were being a tad touchy. Personally, I’d hoof any tart who shat on my expensive, high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets...coked up or otherwise.

    Examine the fucking evidence before you start spouting more shite than flowed out of her rancid hoop onto JD’s quilt. I’ve seen that pirate fella batter fuck out of all sorts of tasty, mean-looking dead blokes. If he’d lost his rag(s) and gone after her she’d have more than light bruising, that much I do know. Slagcunt.

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