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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I have had enough of these go it alone/go my own way chimps who whimper how much they need to go to the gym, get their beauty treatments and nails done, student party, get in a few days in Spain, feel entitled to a pre-covid social life whatever... 

    I was having this row today. Gym owners demanding to be allowed to open up because they’re providing a mental health service. Get fucked, you want to make money which is why you started the fucking business in the 1st place. Since these cunts reopened, clients have to remain in a very restricted space. Therefore you can exercise in your flat/lounge/ garden/prison cell. You can still jog, cycle or hop around a park or on a beach. The idea that without getting lycra’d up and fucking about in a poxy gym, surrounded by narcissistic mirror-dwellers, we’d all go mental and top ourselves is utter bollocks. I hope the cunts infect one another or get killed by loose flying gel-lubricated dumb bell...in the eye-socket. Cunts.

    • Like 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    All credit to him for trying, but the reality is he's one of the least desirable people to have by your side in a fight, especially as he's got no arms and he's already on the floor.

    Black belt his arse, ffs. Just imagine him as someone's minder or bodyguard, as he follows them around town in his wheelchair or mobility scooter.

    What’s his knickname....’shitty-arse?’

  3. 2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    That's a pity. Homophobia was the only positive thing the Catholic Church had going for it. Although they have been tolerant of relationships between priests and small boys for centuries.

    I renounced Catholicism after Father Ratzinger heard my confession and for penance told me to do five Hail Mary’s and ten Heil Hitlers. Popey Kraut Cunt

  4. 4 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Talk about lukewarm. Are you going to get this account going or what? If the stats are anything to go by, for a second-timer your post-to-like ratio is the worst in Corner history.

    ‘Lukewarm?’ The incarcerated ferret in Porridge?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    It is a bizarre and infuriating phenomenon. Alan Carr, Rylan Clark etc', have all adopted this screechy shrill way of talking. Like an overexcited auntie after too much Sherry. They have fuck all to say either. Just mincing around screaming 'OOH, 'ARK AT ME! WHAT AM I LIKE!

    I want them all dead. And that faggot cunt out of Coronation Street.

    I’m waiting for some Cunt MD to verify this but there maybe a link between having a 1” diameter brown letterbox and the ‘postman’ delivering oversized parcels. It would probably alter my tonal utterings if I’m being honest.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Despite being a mincer, I think Kenny Everett was the funniest cunt on radio. 

    They can do what they want to one another’s nobs & ringpieces for all I care and some of them are decent blokes. It’s the squealy little hyper-camp cunts that I loathe, & the hijacking of the meeeedja by them and it’s promotion as a trendy lifestyle option that boils my piss. Oh, that and why, when one of these cunts comes out, do they suddenly get a lisp and start talking like a woman x 10? Anyone on here with medical training who can tell me if there is a connection from the lower colon and sphincter to the voice box?

  7. ‘Scottie’ was a black Bermudian ‘rummy’ who was hung like somebody with a huge black penis. He was arrested on several occasions for parking his paralytic rum-soaked arse in a local park, in the summer sun, digging a hole in the ground and shagging it within an inch of it peaty life. He got locked up for horse-rodgerisation on several occasions too. The said gee-gee’s had to be put-down....nice fella though if I’m being honest.

  8. Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

    And the ones who aren't chavved up to the baseball cap are mincing around trying to be girls. Having a panic attack because boots have run out of ankle wax and watching Harry Styles' make-up tutorials on YouTube. I remember when 'male grooming' meant a bar of soap, a razor and a splash of Brut 33 so you could smell like Henry Cooper's arse.

    My mate’s daughters are at a local private school...they are 12 & 14 years old. There NINE kids in their two classes for whom the school are having to implement new protocols because they wanna be blokes? Trans/gender-fluid whatever. What the actual fuck is going on now? Anyone remotely ‘mincey’ at my school had it, very courteously, volleyed out of them or at least hoofed underground...where this kind of deviancy belongs. And anyway, if I was secretly a bloke & I could spend my schooldays in a teenage girls school’s bogs and changing rooms I’d be tempted to keep my fuckin gob shut and wank my way through my adolescence...fuckin thick cunts.

  9. On 16/10/2020 at 20:42, Weary&Disgusted said:

    The general was defence minister in Mexico from 2012 to 2018.  During this time, he is alleged to have rigged things so that the H2 cartel, who are infamous for their willingness to torture and murder, could "operate with impunity" in Mexico.  

    No wonder the "War on Drugs" never seems to make any serious headway.  You only need one very highly placed official to be corrupt, and the rot sets in.  Apparently the General fixed things so that similarly corrupt minor officials could be appointed into posts where they could help him keep the heroin and cocaine flowing into The US.  

    They have arrested him, so there is one big fish caught, but god alone knows how many of these shameless figures are still operating within the Mexican state.  

    There are police, army and intelligence officers who risk their lives on a daily basis to try to stop drugs coming into the States.  Then there are monsters like this guy undermining their every effort.  The extent of his duplicity and betrayal is hard to calculate, but it will be what he is remembered for.  

    The whole fucking dump should be used for nuke target testing, along with that big black house brick in Mecca...mid-Hajj. Just about everywhere the mediterranean countries colonised were raped & abandoned & are now fucked, corrupt and vile, yet we’re the one’s who should be guilty about Empire. At least when we left, or were required to, we left some infrastructure and administrative wherewithal to enable these newly independent nations to flourish.

    Just about everywhere the Spanish went are now fucked and always will be. Having spent a long time in south and Central America I have some idea of their problems. Look at Argentina, a stunning country with endless reserves along with natural attractions pretty much unrivalled in one country. Mountains, vineyards, endless arable land, jungle and beach resorts. The 4th wealthiest nation on earth at the turn of the century now fucked and an economical basket case in no small part down to the Latino penchant for corruption and general cuntery. (Stunning snatch however.) Most of the Argentinian professionals that I worked with stated that they wished it had been the British that had colonised the gaff.

    Mexico is another vile, filthy rotten country run by Latino-blooded thieves and killers. Life is very cheap in Mexico, take a wrong turning a mile outside Cancun’s tourist centre and you’re fucked. Acapulco, once the Monaco of the Pacific is finished due to cartel wars. Give me Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc anyday. Even in the Caribbean, look at Barbados and even Jamaica then take a trip to Haiti or DR...fuckin vile shitholes run by bent, corrupt, evil Cunts of dago-extraction. Fuck ‘em all...wopcunts.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    I live in hope that one day we'll have the technology to weed these sick cunts out pre birth. What on all that's holy would possess a man to fuck a chicken, or any other livestock for that matter...i then clocked the guilty in the news segment and it all made sense...its no doubt perfectly acceptable in their book. 

    They can be quite alluring with the right shade of lipstick and correctly applied mascara, not the cockerels because that would be just plain wrong imho.

    • Like 1
  11. On 16/10/2020 at 18:56, Wolfie said:

    I live in a beautiful AONB region, right in the heart of rural England's West Country. I escaped here some years ago from Essex/London, from which I left the 'wigga' dialect – and the growing foreign culture accompanying it – far behind.

    Or so I had thought. Just yesterday, upon returning from work, I overheard two scaffolders working on my neighbour's house, in their late teens or early 20s, both white, and obviously local, sounding as though they'd just set foot out of a Hackney-Bronx ghetto:

    'Yo bruv, whaddit be for munch tonoite?', followed by 'I'll be meetin' me mates dahn frum Exeter, know whaddym sayin', and something similar to 'So I says to da man smack me blud again and ya best be watchin' ya back cos I'm gonna bustya up big-style innit'.

    Jesus wept, what the fucking fuck is wrong with these little Sports Direct idiots who try to sound like Lewis Hamilton on steroids? Has the ongoing legacy of cultural dilution (borne from the BBC's Eastenders and other mainstream TV media) completely manifested itself in Britain's white youth? Do these little wannabe gangsta pricks speak this way to their bosses, parents or grandparents?

    It really, really pisses me right off. If there were no laws in place I'd: 1) employ Eric and Billy to beat the little cunts to a pulp; 2) douse them in lighter fluid and promptly set fire to them; or 3) ideally both – simultaneously.

    Honestly, I've almost given up on the future of this once proud country. Maybe serial Francophile Withers has the right idea, after all.

    The ‘Grand Theft Auto’ ‘Call of Duty’ generation of twats. We’re surrounded by these little cunts, strutting around with their hoods up talk in’ L.A. ghetto, ‘bitches,ho’s,bro,Po-po’ etc. Most of these little cunts are privately educated, winter in Les Arcs & Barabados with mummy &daddy, yet they identify with black, poverty stricken American ghetto criminals somehow. The police are ‘grasses’ which is weird because a ‘grass’ in my day, was a police informant. The closest thing they get to a fist-fight is blocking some cunt on Instagram/Twatchat (whatever!) The lamest generation in memory/history. At least my parents were appalled at my generations deviant/shocking  behaviour, and there’s before them. These bunch of fanny’s are pathetic. The sooner they bring back National conscription the better, suspend habeus corpus and the hoooman rights shite Until they’re 22 and beat some discipline into the whining little cunts I say....

    • Like 4
  12. 15 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I look at that whimpster Philip Schofield the greedy x million fucker and see a plum job falling right into his lap. There is a harrigan lobbying group of basically anti-male Yankee inspired feminists pervading this country's institutions, most visibly in the BBC. Indeed, BBC Radio has run out of British feminist contributors and now regularly resorts to American women to either present programmes or come on ad invited guests. I haven't seen a foreign correspondent on BBC News who isn't a woman. The end result of this lobbying was that they were beginning to unduely influence the outcome of rape prosecutions in terms of the police's normal work in collecting evidence and the CPS's conduct in allowing fair and equal access to that evidence by defence lawyers. In effect, the criminal justice system was being unfairly stacked in favour of the plaintiff against the accused. When this was revealed the feminist lobby had a melt down in much the same way they went hysterical when they tried to play the equality game with the State Pensions and it was turned against them. It was the BBC in the 1950s who was the propaganda machine for the government preaching about women in the world of work and denigrating traditional family gender roles. Since the 1950s has been at the forefront of undermining masculinity and male role models in modern Britain. We now have the situation where in state schools (not good old private schools where traditional values have never been attacked) at Primary level less than a fifth of teachers are men while at Secondary level the proportion of male teachers is one quarter and falling. A feminised educational system, culture and society is one reason why the UK is rapidly de-skilling and has low productivity. 

    Agreed. I notice that the weird little switch-hitter’s career has taken off since he was dragged out of the closet before a young ‘researcher’ on his show outed the Cunt. Back in the day, for deceiving his wife & kids for decades, this cunt would be finished and spat on in the street. Not any more. He’s now ‘brave and courageous’ for sucking off teenage boys while his missus ironed his shirts and slaved over a mangle. 
    Low productivity is primarily down to a piss poor infrastructure imho. Shit railways and undriveable roads that are dug up every five miles for ten months at a time. As for de-skilling, that is a factor. Piss poor, watered down apprenticeships and meaningless, useless degrees create a shite product I’m afraid. We need to look to the German approach and adopt it, very quickly. This is what happens when a country rewards bankers, lawyers (spits) and accountants while diminishing engineers and technicians.

    Anyway, rape/molestation accusers who are proven to be liars should be outed and sent to a special correction centres, in Rotherham, run by devout followers of the prophet to be ‘cleansed’...vaginally...with a prawn phaal. Cunts.

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  13. On 20/10/2020 at 11:32, King Billy said:

    She was just an average looking bint whose only talents that I can make out, were being able to point at a green screen while talking bollocks, and an insatiable capacity for cock, if it helped her up the celeb ladder. Nasty little swede cunt.

    They’ve found her perforated hymen in an archeological dig outside Malmö. They’re struggling to accurately carbon date it.

  14. 14 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Arthur. Firstly, I've removed the abomination that you uploaded to the music thread as the content has nothing to do with music. It was a tumbleweed moment by you.

    Secondly with regards to the quoted post the good news is that I am not suspending your account. The bad news is I'm deleting it. Piss off.


  15. 52 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I was under the impression that a bunch of heavily insecticided bananas left on his doorstep every week was the only care he needed. He can wipe his arse? Can he? Does he bother? 

    Not sure who does it now, the zookeeper’s still furloughed I believe.

  16. 14 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Blowfish is Fugu dimwit. For someone who claims to have had all the benefits of a public school education, you aren’t half fucking thick.

    Up your game or Fuck Off bananabrain.


    I was about to post the same. I guess by using the word ‘Fugu’ he thought it would appeal to his mongoloid bunch of followers. But we had his measure. I’m still waiting for the fraud to inform me of the gamekeeper’s name, but he won’t, because he can’t. That’s the thing with bluffing, your match is out there and this snivelling cunt has just run into his. I’ve eaten fugu by the way...it tastes like blowfish/puffter fish, I woke up with halitosis and a smarting brown eye. Just saying.

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  17. Full blown Crown Court caper, tv vitriol and two years of trauma and upset for his family...again. It’s a fuckin disgrace. John Leslie (Stott...which is a fiddler’s surname if ever I heard one,) has been cleared of fondling a woman’s Charlie Wobblers at a party in 2008. The fondlée should now be put in the dock in my humble. A great man, who was a top children’s entertainer and as talented as any coathanger-mistletoe-tree decoration artist as there has ever been on television, has been vilified in the press and rendered suicidal by this, and twenty-seven other lurid and false accusations. The misuse and abuse of this country’s legal system is quite frightening when one witnesses the demise of great talent like this on the whim of a bint with no sense of humour or tactility. 

    • Like 3
  18. 6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    My 7 o'clock in the winter morning on Whitechapel tube platform Metropolitan City Line was brightened by a nice crisp £20 note. 

    That would pay for a Carer, for two days, for the Cunt that is...Ape. So spend it on something more worthwhile and let the incontinent snide slither in his own anal debris for a while.

  19. Just now, Dyslexic cnut said:

    Let’s flush this fraud out, once and forever. Which moor in Northumberland did your school pal shoot on, mid-October, and kindly name the appropriate gamekeeper. In your own time...Lord Fraud.

    Careful now...be very careful.

     Bare in mind, William Close’s wife is pregnant and about to drop, so he is ‘off course.’ Name his replacement..big clue..he’s from the Central Lowlands and he is there until December. Over to you...phoney?

  20. 9 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

    Try some badly prepared Fugu fish next time you go...

    Let’s flush this fraud out, once and forever. Which moor in Northumberland did your school pal shoot on, mid-October, and kindly name the appropriate gamekeeper. In your own time...Lord Fraud.

    Careful now...be very careful.

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