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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Everything posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. If you weren't challenged, you would have been talking shit about it all evening and you know it. You don't think before you post any old shit, unless you're deliberately taking the piss and trying to make people laugh you need to be able to back up comments and nominations with facts. I've learnt in my time here that there's always someone more knowledgeable or able to point out flaws. You stupid, daft cunt.
  2. https://www.muslimwarmemorial.org/education/the-role-of-muslims-in-ww2/#:~:text=It is said that 5.5,Muslims were killed in action. I'm not the one creating nominations defending one particular people. You really spout any old shit that comes into your thick fucking head don't you. You idiot.
  3. Did you not know many Muslims died fighting with the British in the world wars? I'd wager more Muslims died fighting than Jews... I don't hear you mentioning them. It would appear that you are the one who hasn't done any research and knows fuck all. I'm going to make your existence here miserable, you bandwagon jumping cunt.
  4. elc, you're trying to be the knight in shining armour again, aren't you? When @Wolfie rightly asked you for facts and statistics to back up your racist rants a while ago, you had none. You carried on and on repeating the same shit you heard and didn't know if it was true or not, it obvious you've tried to play to certains crowds here. You've now taken it upon yourself to step in again, like you did for Pen and take the blows like some spastic superhero... You utter fucking cunt and hypocrite to boot.
  5. Changed your tune now, haven't you? I'm sure a lot of those fine people came over on the Empire Windrush, after the war. You are a disgrace.
  6. I have no doubt @PANZER MURPHY, fed up at being ignored because he still goes on about Brexit and the Dole office investigating him and his undeclared busking income, tried to climb through the damn Portal... In the hope of a new life in America, like his ancestors. The daft cunt.
  7. I don't notice your lot mixing with other Londoners for example. In fact, your lot seem to like putting boundaries up... https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/row-over-plans-to-erect-new-jewish-eruv-boundary-around-north-london-a3438501.html There are border walls in Israel as well aren't there? Have you ever eaten in a British, Indian, Caribbean or Italian restaurant before? Like most British people do, you know, supporting the businesses etc. Did you go to a mixed school, as in it has whiteys, some darkies and some asians? Or did you go to a strictly your lot one? Have your lot represented England, on a football pitch or in a boxing ring for example? I could go on but I think it's obvious who has integrated the most. Eat some more shit.
  8. I cannot understand why you would stand around, starving and waiting to be gassed. I'd rather charge at some cunt, get shot and die with honour rather than stand around waiting to die.
  9. Dear oh dear, you bitter, twisted, traumatised from too many hidings cunt. Lol. A lot of the Caribbean is still British and Jamaica for example was founded by the British, centuries ago. Caribbean men answered the call and fought in the World Wars for the Mother country and to help your lot out, you ungrateful cunt. What the fuck did your family do? The cowardly cunts. Lol. You should be mopping the floor of every Caribbean restaurant from Enfield to Brixton in appreciation, you lacking respect piece of cunt. Eat shit.
  10. I've brought what on myself? The wrath of @and and him calling me 'Windrush'? I'm sure I'll cope, Pen. Lol. My name is carefully chosen to represent my heritage... Old chap (British, informal direct address to a man of any age) in recognition of my English old man @Roadkill and Raasclaat (Jamaican, meaning 'Arse cloth') because I used to use womens used period cloths as a youngster in my early Voodoo rituals after shagging said women whilst they were on. Do you understand it now?
  11. Considering it's @and, he probably saw a dog farting and got his face right in there exclaiming 'a rush of wind, Windrush' in between inhaling. The vile, shit sniffing cunt.
  12. One minute you say I'm a whitey and then you call me Windrush. Make your mind up. Lol.
  13. ... When I give you permission. You're learning.
  14. What do you call 4 dogs and a blackbird? The Spice Girls. Lol.
  15. Shut the fuck up, thick little cunt. You're already on your way out... do you want to be remembered for siding with a beast defender, as well as being shit or for simply being shit?
  16. I bet you've spent a fistful of fivers on some rough brass before, you can't get a girlfriend gamer wanker. What were thinking defending wrong'uns on here, you vile perverted cunt. Sneaking back in under a new guise in the hope you will go unnoticed. What a fucking sinister you cunt you are. Explain yourself.
  17. I think the little cunt has thicker skin than @Penny Farthing, he got a proper hiding, went to bed and returned, minus some body parts but still up for another hiding. Lol. @Cunty BigBollox is the only other member who can make a massive cunt of himself and return the next day, with no sense of shame. We all know Big Bollock is a drunken cunt with the memory of a fish but how do explain @entitled little cunt's fighting spirit?
  18. That's a bit rich coming from someone who's admitted to being 70 years old on here isn't it? Shut it, you demented old cunt.
  19. Pen, how's the blood pressure today? Readings?
  20. When they give the wrong'uns, freaks, transbenders and weirdos too much of a voice, everything goes to shit, as is happening now. When I was at school, said weirdos formed their own cliques... A bit like @Frank, @and, @Penny Farthing and @entitled little cunt have here. They kept themselves to themselves and their mouths shut in the hope of going unnoticed by the normal kids. They still got the piss taken out them and the odd hiding, however I'm sure they realised it was for their own good later in life. It also reinforced what it was to be normal for the normal kids. Nowadays you've got freaks trying to teach kids and amputee children's TV presenters. Let's celebrate fat cunts, kids that are shit at sport... It's taking part that matters and don't let the class spastic play on his/her own. In the animal kingdom these cunts would be killed or exiled. What a pile of cunt.
  21. Agreed, I cannot understand any cunt over 16 who wants to waste their life away 'gaming'. It's an excuse to escape reality and clearly indicates their inability to deal with real life. They are in their own personal hell and most likely don't have a woman and never have. I imagine him to be some greasy haired, spotty, ugly cunt who visits the local second hand game store every day. Considering the fact he still lives at home with parents who hate his guts and want him dead, suggests he really would be better off dead.
  22. There's something quite sinister about @ClitWestwood, I picked up on it and told him there was something of the night about him in one of our first exchanges. The fact he tries to sneak in under a new name here after being exposed (like the other sex case Cocky) tells me he's most likely doing that in real life. I'm glad the cunt lives in North wales, the no good wrong'un cunt should exiled to Anglesey never tell return to the mainland again.
  23. Not content with thinking you're the resident judge on corner related matters, you're now stepping in like some spastic in shining armour for Pen. You are suffering from serious delusions of grandeur, you can't spell fucking wanker. The reason why you've pissed so many members off (that have been here way longer than me and you) is the fact that your such an arrogant cunt and can't back it up. You must be at least 60 years old and can't spell for shit, yet think you have the right to flood the board with utter shite... every day. When rightly asked to shut the fuck up and give it a rest your ego didn't let you and you posted even more shite. You clearly have an issue with authority and were no doubt hated by all your teachers (hence your awful punctuation, lol) and think the corner is where you'll finally prove yourself... It's not going very well, is it? If you'd been a quiet spastic, like @pegleg and kept your output minimal you wouldn't be in this shit, elc. You've made a right cunt of yourself and I don't think it's the right place for you. You've even called @Penny Farthing 'He'... talk about how to alienate your one of two allies. Lol. You're such a fucking idiot, it's actually quite entertaining.
  24. You've obviously had your Weetabix with an extra helping of sugar today, haven't you, elc. You keep rebuiding, you're doing great things here at CC and you're much appreciated. Lol.
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