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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Posts posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. 17 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Anyone in that car is going to be dominant - Bottas is the shining example of this - the rest is just everyone making a show of sucking Hamilton's little cock, because he has the power and influence to destroy anyone in the business who speaks out against him and won't hesitate to use it.

    So (Daimler) Mercedes an international company with a massive reputation are going to let Lewis dictate to them what is what. I agree many a talented driver could do well in the Mercedes, but no way near as well as Lewis. Also why would they not get Russel in the car and pay him 10 million a year instead of Lewis? I'll tell you why because as Toto said Lewis is the best. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I have been honest. That fish-faced little bastard Verstappen would wipe the floor with him in equal machinery and Russell and LeClerc would make a fight of it. Everyone thought Vettel was the second coming when he was racing in a dominant car during the 2010's, but he can't even keep the fucking Ferrari on the track these days.

    Alonso has always been an overrated twat, IMO and Button is a lovely bloke, but he got lucky in that Brawn GP car in '09 with only fucking Barichello to challenge him for the title. When Rosberg did fight against the team and best the cunt, Hamilton made him hate the sport and call it quits to avoid working with the cunt ever again and Massa lost one of those precious championships of his because of fucking Glock before taking a spring to the face and never being the same again afterwards.

    Anyone in that car is going to be dominant - Bottas is the shining example of this - the rest is just everyone making a show of sucking Hamilton's little cock, because he has the power and influence to destroy anyone in the business who speaks out against him and won't hesitate to use it.

    @Roadkill you are obviously out of your depth in this subject. Firstly Vettel struggled with the Hybrid era at Red Bull and got showed up by Ricciardo, he then went to Ferrari and it was combination of shit car and management and hence why he is now at Racing Point, secondly Max although very talented is not an all round driver like Lewis and it seems will stay at Red Bull because hopefully Russell will get Bottas' drive next season and Ferrari are pinning their hopes on Leclerc. Lastly Massa never won any WDC so he never 'lost one of those precious championships of his'. Lol.

    Be British @Roadkill and give credit where it's due, whether you like him or not and stop being a bitter cunt. I believe in you. Way aye man. 🇬🇧

  3. 4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I know he's an uppity little overrated cunt and that Mercedes deliberately sabotaged Russel's race on the single occasion that he was showing them up in a car that wasn't even fitted for him to stop Hamilton throwing a wobbler. I know he's using every dirty little trick in the book to keep that shameful fucking excuse for a driver that is Bottas in the other car because he wants to avoid any comparisons.

    I don't like the cunt, and I don't get why saddo cunts like yourself can't handle that fact.

    You really believe a company like Mercedes are keeping Bottas on and sabotaged Russell's race to keep Hamilton happy? What the fuck is in the water in Newcastle? I've got a tin foil hat if you want to borrow it. I don't give a shit if you like him or not to be honest, but you have to admit he's the best. He says 'man' a lot like you and me as well. C'mon @Roadkill be honest. I believe in you. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Rosberg and Hamilton had the exact same amount of DNFs in that season. And the bitter little cunt made Rosberg's life so miserable through the entirety of it that he robbed the cunt of any love he had of the sport. When he joined McLaren it was already a highly competitive team, he's never worked his way up through the ranks and the moment that they started to struggle he ditched them to move to Mercedes. His dad worked hard for him, he ditched him, his team worked hard for him, he ditched them. He doesn't give a shit about the sport aside from the money it brings in, which he spends on ridiculous clothes and faggy little nights out with celebrity chums like Justin fucking Bieber, as he desperately tries and fails to make a name for himself in the music industry or as an activist.

    He's a passive aggressive little arsehole to his fans and detests the sport that made him because his ego makes him detest any possible suggestion that his success came through the hard work of anyone but himself. The worst kind of celebrity who thinks the sun shines out of his arsehole and will spout all manner of obnoxious shite before desperately back-tracking on it the moment someone takes offence on fucking Twitter.

    Why should I support a twat that I don't even like? Why do you need me to acknowledge anything about the cunt?

    All of the teams had the same amount of time to prepare for the hybrid era and his decision to move to Mercedes when McLaren were on the decline (thanks to Button and Whitmarsh) was genius. Now look at him. What a champion, you should be proud. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    Rosberg and Hamilton had the exact same amount of DNFs in that season. And the bitter little cunt made Rosberg's life so miserable through the entirety of it that he robbed the cunt of any love he had of the sport. When he joined McLaren it was already a highly competitive team, he's never worked his way up through the ranks and the moment that they started to struggle he ditched them to move to Mercedes. His dad worked hard for him, he ditched him, his team worked hard for him, he ditched them. He doesn't give a shit about the sport aside from the money it brings in, which he spends on ridiculous clothes and faggy little nights out with celebrity chums like Justin fucking Bieber, as he desperately tries and fails to make a name for himself in the music industry or as an activist.

    He's a passive aggressive little arsehole to his fans and detests the sport that made him because his ego makes him detest any possible suggestion that his success came through the hard work of anyone but himself. The worst kind of celebrity who thinks the sun shines out of his arsehole and will spout all manner of obnoxious shite before desperately back-tracking on it the moment someone takes offence on fucking Twitter.

    Why should I support a twat that I don't even like? Why do you need me to acknowledge anything about the cunt?

    You're talking absolute bollocks by the way, but don't let facts get in the way of a rant. If you are trying to suggest Lewis is not only the best British F1 driver but also one of the greats then you do not understand F1. Any team strives for the best formula and a driver is part of that. Of course you know more than McLaren and Mercedes top dogs who pay his wages don't you. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    He's a smug little hair implant sporting pygmy cunt who's had everything handed to him on a silver platter because of his skin colour and still moans that he's hard done by because of the same reason. An egotistical little faggot who'll drive under the badge of a vehicle manufacturer that got a completely unfair head start under the new engine rules and is sponsored by a company that made the military uniform for Nazi Germany at the height of its power, who has the audacity to use it as a platform to talk down to people on matters concerning religious and racial matters in a country that he hasn't even lived in for a decade. A cowardly little fruitcake who crumbles under the pressure whenever a team mate comes close to challenging him in the only other car on the entire grid that can match his pace and uses every opportunity possible to manipulate his team into supporting a lesser driver in the second seat for this exact reason.

    I fucking hate him. He's a privileged little cunt who thinks that his skin pigmentation makes him a victim and a blatant racist towards white people despite owing everything he has to them, including his very existence, which he desperately tries to validate every single day. A detestable little cunt who I dearly hope to see screaming in agony one day after a horrible crash with his legs ripped off at the knees and arms waving desperately in the air as the flames slowly engulf his writhing body.

    Reported for racism.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    He's a smug little hair implant sporting pygmy cunt who's had everything handed to him on a silver platter because of his skin colour and still moans that he's hard done by because of the same reason. An egotistical little faggot who'll drive under the badge of a vehicle manufacturer that got a completely unfair head start under the new engine rules and is sponsored by a company that made the military uniform for Nazi Germany at the height of its power, who has the audacity to use it as a platform to talk down to people on matters concerning religious and racial matters in a country that he hasn't even lived in for a decade. A cowardly little fruitcake who crumbles under the pressure whenever a team mate comes close to challenging him in the only other car on the entire grid that can match his pace and uses every opportunity possible to manipulate his team into supporting a lesser driver in the second seat for this exact reason.

    I fucking hate him. He's a privileged little cunt who thinks that his skin pigmentation makes him a victim and a blatant racist towards white people despite owing everything he has to them, including his very existence, which he desperately tries to validate every single day. A detestable little cunt who I dearly hope to see screaming in agony one day after a horrible crash with his legs ripped off at the knees and arms waving desperately in the air as the flames slowly engulf his writhing body.

    Firstly he didn't have everything handed to him at all, he got in at McLaren on talent which Ron Dennis spotted. His father worked many jobs and he started off Karting to my knowledge unlike a lot of 'pay' drivers these days who get in because of Daddies money or their country putting up the cash. I don't know why you are bringing skin colour into it either, all the other white English drivers on the past decade have been shit Jenson, Jolyon, etc. Lewis matched 2-time WDC Alonso in his rookie season so I would hardly say he doesn't have the skills causing Alonso to throw his toys out of the pram. Every winner has a dominant car like Vettel at Red Bull, and that German cunt Rosberg only won by a point or two that season due to mechanical issue in Lewis' car. He was also so drained after going up against the champion that he retired soon after. I get Lewis' has pissed a lot of people off with his BLM bollocks and the fact he is super rich, but you cannot deny the talent, the talent @Roadkill the talent. 

    I rate George Russell and he will be a future champion at Mercedes no doubt. Lando Norris is very good also. 

    It's all about talent @Roadkill, talent. 


  8. 5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    He's a smug little hair implant sporting pygmy cunt who's had everything handed to him on a silver platter because of his skin colour and still moans that he's hard done by because of the same reason. An egotistical little faggot who'll drive under the badge of a vehicle manufacturer that got a completely unfair head start under the new engine rules and is sponsored by a company that made the military uniform for Nazi Germany at the height of its power, who has the audacity to use it as a platform to talk down to people on matters concerning religious and racial matters in a country that he hasn't even lived in for a decade. A cowardly little fruitcake who crumbles under the pressure whenever a team mate comes close to challenging him in the only other car on the entire grid that can match his pace and uses every opportunity possible to manipulate his team into supporting a lesser driver in the second seat for this exact reason.

    I fucking hate him. He's a privileged little cunt who thinks that his skin pigmentation makes him a victim and a blatant racist towards white people despite owing everything he has to them, including his very existence, which he desperately tries to validate every single day. A detestable little cunt who I dearly hope to see screaming in agony one day after a horrible crash with his legs ripped off at the knees and arms waving desperately in the air as the flames slowly engulf his writhing body.

    So your'e not a fan then.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Hi Ras, from 

    Evening Eddie, nah never been married. I'll wait another 20 years or so when I need a woman to clean up etc and keep me company. Until then I'll happily go in and out of relationships. There are so many sexy women out there it would be shame not to try and get together with as many as possible. I leave getting married and becoming a miserable cunt untill much later.

    to self-deprecating in one thread, my work is done, LOL X


    3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Hi Ras, from 

    Evening Eddie, nah never been married. I'll wait another 20 years or so when I need a woman to clean up etc and keep me company. Until then I'll happily go in and out of relationships. There are so many sexy women out there it would be shame not to try and get together with as many as possible. I leave getting married and becoming a miserable cunt untill much later.

    to self-deprecating in one thread, my work is done, LOL X

    If you don't leave me alone I'll eat another pizza and Häagen-Dazs, and call a prostitute. 

    • Like 1
  10. The world champion and most successful British sportsman ever has signed a new deal with Mercedes AMG Petronas. Although I'm a McLaren fan I am sure the decent folk of Cunts Corner will join me in welcoming Lewis' future success in F1. He will will no doubt overtake Michael Schumacher's WDC record which he equalled last year. Apparently he had to back down a bit on his £40 million a year demands but he is worth every penny in my opinion. As I write this I am looking back at the great time I had at Silverstone cheering on a champion with God given talent.  🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 PS Sir Jackie Stewart is a bitter Scotch cunt.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Moring Ras, you do seem to have a lot of time on your hands for a player of your magnitude, elasticated waisted diabetic stud you.  

    Afternoon Eddie, I'm on the dole remember...I've also put on another stone since our last conversation. 77 stone now.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    A little bit more here .. Anglia (which is a small area in Germany) has a significance far beyond its current small area and country terrain, in that it is believed to have been the original home of the Angles, Germanic settlers in East Anglia, Central and Northern England, and the Eastern Scottish Lowlands. Their migration led to their new homeland being named after them, from which the name "England" derives. England, East, Mid and West Anglia as well as the English language, thus, ultimately derive at least their names from Anglia.

    Thanks for proving my point that you northerners are psycho cunts. Fuck off. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    England is the name of a country .. you might be a Saxon or trying to Angle for something but you talk tosh and your are most certainly a wrong 'un.

    Thanks for pointing out the fucking obvious...yes England is the name of a country isn't it. As for that bollocks you've spent the last half an hour googling...I'm about as interested in that as I am the other shite you try to pass off as posts. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I was born in Mercia .. a Saxon Kingdom. When you say "mostly English" what is not "non-mostly" bit?

    Yes but you as you have admitted you are mostly Celtic which is not English is it? Doesn't matter where you are born, it's your DNA make up. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    The Saxons and Angles mostly settled in East Anglia .. essentially Norfolk and Suffolk but they did not wipe out all of the pre-existing populations .. what they did do though was to quickly impose their own language upon those who they had dominated but their language absorbed many of the words from those they had come over. That was the start of English as we know it and it quickly evolved into something that was no longer incomprehensible to the places from which the Saxon and Angle invaders had come from  Their blood was quickly diluted by the by interbreeding with the resident Celts, Vikings and others who were already here .. What is now recognised as England is simply a country created by the merging of Mercia (a Saxon Kingdom) with Wessex, Northumbria and various other smaller kingdoms the residents of whom mostly became known as the English My own DNA indicate mostly Celt but with around 25% "East European Jewish" .. I am English born and bred (probably more English than yourself).

    The Vikings didn't raid until way after the Anglo Saxon settlement/invasion of Britain which happened after the Romans fucked off. As for you being more English than me I have also done a DNA test and I have mostly English and not Celtic ancestry. So I am probably more 'English' than you and also more likely some of my English ancestors conquered your Celtic ancestors. I was born here also.

  16. 8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    I just like not being woken up by verses of the Qur'an bleated out over loudspeakers at six in the morning by some grey-bearded, goat herder looking kiddy fiddler and being able to look at tits on Metro posters without some dusky little cunt telling me it's wrong on the news.

    Now give me your fucking money so I can buy a pasty, you limp-wristed little southern monocle fondler.

    Little? I'm 6'3 and 16 stone...blah blah blah

  17. 6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    The only things Sunderland"s famous for is Bryan Ferry and that cunt who pretended to be the Yorkshire Ripper. "Aalo George. Ah see yoove 'ad noo look caatchin' me". Fucking shitheap. 


    Wasn't Raul Moat from ooop north? Fucking psychos the lot of them..



    1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    London and much of the South-East voted REMAIN loud and clear in the 2016 referendum .. they should have been allowed to remain and fucked off over the channel .. at least we from the North are English.

    I disagree @Dawn Chorus, the word England comes from the 'Angleland' the and the Angle's and the Saxons settled mostly in the south east and the Saxons were based in the south. Essex and Wessex for example (east and west Saxons). York (Yorvik) was the Viking capital of the north and you can notice a difference in the lingo and culture up north due to the Norse influence. Most places names ending 'By' are Norse like Grimsby...quite appropriate because it's probably grim. Proper English homesteads etc end with 'Ham' like Grantham. There is a reason the 'Home counties' are here in the south.

  19. 18 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    We have some Jews as well, but they keep to their own little makeshift ghetto estates and will only be seen at three in the morning scurrying around Tesco and buying toilet roll as they hide under their funny little cowboy hats and fuss at their curly sideburns to avoid direct eye contact. As it should be.

    The fact that yourself, Cunt and Dec, and Alan Shearer are from there means I'll probably give it a miss. I'll go to Sunderland instead.

  20. 3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    We have some Jews as well, but they keep to their own little makeshift ghetto estates and will only be seen at three in the morning scurrying around Tesco and buying toilet roll as they hide under their funny little cowboy hats and fuss at their curly sideburns to avoid direct eye contact. As it should be.

    Always fancied paying Newcastle a visit...dunno if it's worth the petrol though.

  21. 3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I just like not being woken up by verses of the Qur'an bleated out over loudspeakers at six in the morning by some grey-bearded, goat herder looking kiddy fiddler and being able to look at tits on Metro posters without some dusky little cunt telling me it's wrong on the news.

    Now give me your fucking money so I can buy a pasty, you limp-wristed little southern monocle fondler.

    Where do you live then? Bradfordabad, Leicester Arabia or Newcastle upon the Nile?

    You sound pissed off. Move down south. 

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