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Everything posted by scotty

  1. Thats not a phrase you'll get to use very often in life, pk.
  2. scotty

    This shit.

    Very likely. Probably from the janitor.
  3. scotty

    Royal Ascot

    That sounds like a blatant accusation of cottaging, gobbler. And you're probably right.
  4. scotty

    The BMW X6

    Bang on the money there, pen. What is the fucking point of those things? I think it's called a cayenne, if so any cunt found driving one should be pepper sprayed in their fucking eyes.
  5. scotty

    Royal Ascot

    ....can't type.....drooling.....
  6. scotty

    Royal Ascot

    I'd refer to you as a lady, gypps. In fact I'd even hold the bedroom door open for you.
  7. Not sure about this one ape. I'll run it past the wife.
  8. scotty

    Chris Evans

    I remember an article about him where he was quoted as saying angrily "the windsors only wanted me for my sperm."
  9. scotty

    Chris Evans

    I'm pretty sure there's a Greek in there somewhere, snatchers. And thinking of phil, I've often wondered that if he hadn't married into a family of krauts what his take on them might have been. When you look at some of his comments on foreigners, you'd think the germans would have been pretty fertile ground for his particular line of racism, comedy of which we, as a nation, have been unfairly deprived.
  10. To be fair judge, the point of the quoted article is that the defendant was using her morbid obesity as a reason to avoid the slammer. Personally, I don't see that as a valid excuse for dodging the bird handed down to her.
  11. scotty

    Chris Evans

    Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, say hello to Pot.
  12. scotty

    Chris Evans

    Teach it only one phrase, frank. "Please help, they've turned me into a parrot."
  13. To be fair pen, deccs nom isn't about the eating of dog meat, its the method of slaughter that has him riled. In wartime people will eat whatever they can get rather than starve.
  14. Yes. You should branch out, if you haven't twigged that already.
  15. scotty

    Arsehole Customers

    There's a demographic emerging here. I'm starting to think admin were right after all, maybe its a parallel universe thing.
  16. scotty

    Arsehole Customers

    Where the fuck have you been peanut, haven't seen you on here in ages. Not that you've missed much.
  17. It's far too late for any meaningful form of gun control in the states, eddie. That particular genie has long since vacated its bottle. Just sit back, watch the carnage, and reflect on how lucky you are to live in a civilised country.
  18. scotty

    Arsehole Customers

    Depends on the context, dingers. If it was a reference to frank and his citroen obsession I'd be referring to the 2cv, or "deux chevaux". However, in this case I meant a curriculum vitae.
  19. scotty

    Arsehole Customers

    Nobgobbler: the ann summers of cunts corner That would look great on anyones cv.
  20. scotty

    Arsehole Customers

    ...errrm.. make that two?
  21. she's made a korea out of it.
  22. I kind of wish I hadn't read that, deccs. But I agree 100% with your sentiments.
  23. Cut to the chase Neil, did you manage to crack one out?
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