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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. In all fairness I think these people started off as different nationalities but morphed into Filipinos like everyone does who's held a job in the NHS. Why do you think the hospitals are full of them?
  2. I feel a little bad for him being stuck with those UKIP party spackers, too. One of the silly bastards was hospitalised after he tried to nick another ones Pogs a while back. Divvies. Utter fucking Divvies.
  3. Cameron is a right twat. He only proved Nigel right when he chickened out and jumped ship before signing Article 50 - like he swore he would do if Leave won. Balloon faced, silver spooned, posh little bastard, just like the rest of the private schooled wankers.
  4. That's a hell of a sales pitch... I'm gunna buy a van load and eat nothing but this magical shite for a month. Straight from the carton with a spoon to make sure I'm getting the maximum effect. Thanks for showing me this, mate, I'll put you in my will after I've successfully completed the training program.
  5. So what you're saying is that we should nuke London immediately, killing all of the useless bastards in their sleep and start again? My God it might just work...
  6. That's only because you have dementia, love. It's not your fault.
  7. Roadkill

    UFO sightings.

    Sorry to hear that, Punk. At least you have a sense of humour about it.
  8. Roadkill

    My Boss.

    Actually when you consider the recent horse meat scandal it's quite likely they're looking for an alternate source of cheap meat.
  9. Roadkill

    Guy Martin.

    No denial. Progress has been made. I'm proud of you Punkie
  10. Quality Control. Bubba is an angry, grudge bearing, wee Welsh bastard. Last time I made a post below his standards he used his shaman powers to reach through my computer monitor and disembowel me with the bottle of Brown Ale I had on my desk at the time. Be wary of him.
  11. I didn't know the ancient German tradition of Geschlecht mit Gans was still in practice. Such an enlightened people.
  12. Will there be an open bar? Can I come?
  13. And a woman one at that. What ever happened to the 'Three strikes and you're out' rule? If I was in charge the stupid cow would be barefoot in the kitchen and the only balls she would be allowed near would be of the anatomical variety. What a world.
  14. I'll have you know I am part of an underground coalition with plans to rid the world of anyone who doesn't have half a face and green skin. You've just made the 'Prime Objective' list. You have five days to sand that symmetrical abomination down and find some green body paint. We're an oppressed minority so you know the pigs will turn a blind eye when we turn up at your house at four in the morning with sawed-off croquet mallets to pulverize your kneecaps, so I'd advise you get it done fast, bucko.
  15. We would have all done it under such circumstances. Roops is scary.
  16. I, however, am not. Fuck whitey.
  17. You're like a walking library of whimsical bullshit, ratcum. Gotta love it.
  18. Why do you think he's got an assistant?
  19. Oh please. Chickens are right sluts, it probably jumped on there when he wasn't looking and latched on.
  20. I think Punkape is just a rogue agent, not part of some intricate plot to take you down.
  21. Pot. Kettle. Black. All that stuff.
  22. We need the Krays back. They'll get this site back on track in a jiffy.
  23. Uncle Kim is using Soviet era technology and pig metal to build his. He'd be lucky if they made it ten foot off the launch pad before blowing up. Especially considering every other country probably has at least one aimed directly at his bedroom window.
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