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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. Oh shit we've made Punkape happy...
  2. Roadkill

    Donald trump

    What is this?! Social studies at the Open University?! Stop having such a respectful conversation and call each other cunts for a bit!
  3. The best kind in my experience.
  4. Bugger off you jumped up little shite. No one likes you.
  5. Oh, it must have been a pre emptive post. Turns out I'm physic.
  6. No no. I was just stating the obvious
  7. How about that Punkape, eh? What a wanker...
  8. Roadkill

    Donald trump

    Hopefully the political ramifications of this year can slow the worlds slow but steady fall into becoming a politically correct affirmative action ridden shit hole. If not I think all of the white straight males are well and truly fucked.
  9. It must be painful to resemble something he has a deep hatred towards.
  10. That's funny, Manky. I would vote to get rid of you also lol.
  11. Roadkill

    Donald trump

    Idiots who protest democracy just because their side lost need a good smack across the frontal lobe.
  12. Exactly the site would be better for it. It's for the greater good.
  13. Aye, but plenty of people did and it wasn't funny. It was just sick. He's a new user and obviously fucked up posting personal stuff like that but fucking hell do you all feel the urge to be totally unsympathetic wankstains and tear him down like that? And Frank you miserable old cunt that was the most connected to reality you've seemed on my entire time on here. Finally put down the JD's long enough to type with both hands did you? You greasy looking big tongued bastard. If I hadn't seen the picture I'd have guessed you were some fat little troll in mammy's house playing keyboard warrior for kicks. Considering your real age I don't know what the fuck your problem is but it seems pretty fucking bad, mate.
  14. You fucking wankers. That was out of order.
  15. No offence, Bubba but that's like the pot calling the kettle black. You've even admitted on occasions that you're not enough of a cunt despite being one of the most personal insult focused people on here. You angry little bastard, you.
  16. Do it Roops. We'll all back you up. We'll just say he slipped and brained himself in an entirely non conspicuous way.
  17. Roadkill

    Donald trump

    Ah. So we know who will be holding the rifle if he's assassinated.
  18. You already used deformed as an insult in the original post. Vaguely offensive and incredibly repetitive. The Punkape way.
  19. Well I guess you have a right to judge seeing as how you are small and deformed yourself.
  20. Touché. I'm all out of comebacks. You sure you're not a fag? You're about as bitchy as some of the worst ones.
  21. Shit now I feel bad. Sorry man.
  22. Don't try and dump this on me. You're the one who just gave me a step-by-step guide to what you would consider the ideal pufter to shag.
  23. Well it's is the best way to go if you've got a burning desire for cock but aren't man enough to admit you're a fag. I see why you'd chose it.
  24. Roadkill

    Donald trump

    The job leached the life out of Obama, Trump's gunna end up shrivelling up like that guy who choses the wrong cup in The Last Crusade. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/45138/indian-jones-o.gif
  25. Aye a little diva like you is probably more used to those fancy Thai ladyboys. My mistake.
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