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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. The hostile and tribal nature of the place is intentional. Users have developed this behaviour over decades simply as a way to have fun - a newer member such as yourself will be given a hard time to trigger a response, get a feel of how short fused you are and rate you on your writing ability. It's why people keep seemingly picking fights with you out of nowhere - you're bland as shite and we want to see you try, make some of us laugh, write a creative insult - anything other than fucking political fucking opinion news articles. If you don't up your game soon you'll end up established as a low quality poster with nothing of interest.
  2. Roadkill

    Dianne Abbott

    You shirking little twat. Like mother like son. That's fine, just leave the old man to herd the spastics. I'm selling your Playstation. You've left it here for over two weeks now and I need the money for petrol if I'm going to be doing triple shifts at the spacker ranch.
  3. You really want to open that Pandora's box, Harold? @King Billy could fucking drown you in conspiracy theories. He'll have you begging for a tinfoil hat and a map of 5G coverage safe zones. Even if you don't believe him (and you probably will, because you're a bit of a spastic, no offence), you'll ask just to shut him up. He doesn't even believe I'm real, Harold. Roadkill died back in 2020 after he got the COVID vaccine - I'm just an AI construct.
  4. I think he likes little humiliation wanks in candle lit rooms...
  5. Roadkill

    Dianne Abbott

    Oh, FFS. No, Billy, why don't cannibals eat clowns?
  6. Roadkill

    Dianne Abbott

    It's fucking nuts over there, Billy. Cannibalism is actually the tamer bit.
  7. You're genuinely mental. You're just connecting names to random statements - I'm sure it sounds like a crippling accusation to you - trapped inside that misfiring blob of sludge that was once a fully functioning mind, but you're talking boulders, Harry. Mind you, I'd pay a few squid for a quick peek behind your eggs - experience existence from your progressive. How fucked up are you? Can you taste sounds and smell colours yet?
  8. Does the shit you post actually make sense to you? Are you a stroke victim? I think you might need to see a neurologist. Edit: Actually, nevermind. You just power through it.
  9. There's some black cunt called Barbecue taking over Haiti at the moment.
  10. He is right about the Sunday thing, mind. What were you thinking?
  11. I think the new rules and lack of refuelling also play into it as well. These races are supposed to display the absolute cutting edge of technology, but you only get to see it in the last five laps if they haven't fucked the life out of the tyres and the drivers aren't too scared to make an opponent cry and receive an automatic ten second penalty. Monaco used to be infamous as the race where the majority of overtaking happened in the pits, but because of wank tyres and full race length fuel loads almost every race is like that.
  12. Fix the blatant corruption would be the only way. Design restrictions have been used since Brawn GP pissed off the big boys with their surprise double diffuser back in 2009. Think about it - V6 hybrid engines implemented in 2014 when only Mercedes had a working prototype beforehand and years of R&D to their advantage. And now, after decades, ground effect has returned when only one single team has an aerodynamicist with any previous experience designing cars dependant on ground effect downforce. The design restrictions are clearly being influenced by the interests of individual teams (the ones with the most cash to "donate") instead of the entire grid. Then there's the hostile attitude of the existing teams towards any potential newcomers - they simply shouldn't get to have a say on who does and does not join the grid - of course they'll all say "no" to Andretti, because it's more competition.
  13. My main question is who gives a fuck about the entire thing, and why? Some rich bint photoshopped a photo of her family. Why the fuck is this news? Lizzie was around for fucking ages - a face the entire world knew on sight - love or hate her, you knew who she was and had some vague interest in why she was doing what because she was always fucking there. The rest of these Royal cunts, I couldn't give less of a shit about. I don't care what they're doing or what diseases they have, they can live or die or jump off a cliff and I simply do not care. What I do fucking care about is every fucking petty family drama, every fucking sickness and perceived conspiracy, every fucking appearance in public of these boring fucking twat baskets automatically certifies as breaking fucking news - weeks of stories and opinions around the most mundane fucking shite floods the already shite news media. As far as I can tell their entire foundation and relevance is built upon giving little old ladies in cafes something to chat about over their morning tea - but only after they've discussed the more important issues of the day such as the price of milk and the bingo last night. I don't give a fuck about milk or the bingo, but at least milk and the bingo isn't plastered across the news every fucking time some crusty old bint wins a cruise to Aruba or has to walk down the street for a cheaper pint of fucking Cravendale.
  14. Did you see those videos from that music festival a few months ago? Hundreds of cunts got their phones nicked and almost all of them are saying they're in China on the same fucking street.
  15. Naturally. Corporations are happy to put a premium price on items due to their brand name and illusion of quality despite being built with sub par individual components. Japan is famed particularly for the very high quality of their capacitors, however Japanese companies (like the rest of the world) are increasingly outsourcing manufacturing to China. You think China and Taiwan are pissy at each other, but China can't get enough of cheap, low quality, Taiwanese capacitors - it's their new opium. I had a power supply for my old PC made by SeaSonic - a company inundated with reviews of high quality products made in Japan - however this one specific model had been quietly outsourced to China for manufacture, built with the cheapest Chinkie components and proudly stamped with the official company logo. It blew up after six weeks and fried the motherboard, CPU and half of the RAM. The personal computer industry as a whole suffered similar quality of product issues in the late 90's and early 00's - especially companies like DELL and IBM - who knowingly cut corners on millions of their base models often sold in bulk to other companies. A lot of this old electrical shite finds it's way back to China and ends up cannibalised on the cheap for components to be used in new "premium" products.
  16. Because it's cheap you fucking idiot. Four year olds can't unionise for better pay or working conditions and Western politicians have started thinking of their constituents as nothing more than "consumers" - stupid fucking cattle to be inundated with the cheapest to manufacture, mass produced products possible. You don't get to have national pride, you're not allowed to have a negative opinion on immigration, you don't need a family home, or even to buy your mass produced shite for the full price - you just need to rent everything you own and shut the fuck up, because the rich cunts are getting richer and you should be grateful you get to live with the illusion of wealth and get the fuck back to work before it's all taken away. The common cunt on the street doesn't care where their iPhone was built, and the cunts who sold it don't care that it was made under conditions that would never be accepted in a "first world" country, and the government doesn't give a shit either as long as they get a cut of the profit. There. The fucking obvious. I've just stated it for you, Harold. How long do I have to operate on this frequency until it starts feeling like I'm actually saying something interesting?
  17. It's really just a front for drowning the cunts.
  18. Keep forgetting - the cunt doesn't deserve any fucking credit for just happening to bring up the Chinese in a conversation. @ChildeHarold, fuck off you detestable little credit seeking spastic. As for the subject matter, I'm really not that surprised - the West has given these fuckers an incredible chip on their shoulder over the centuries and then revealed a soft, politically correct underbelly within the last few decades that they're all too willing to exploit. If the fuckers want a Party approved education then they should stay home and learn how to grind Pangolin bollocks into a salve to treat piles or how Xina the Warrior Pingcess can kill COVID with his jizz. This is what happens when fuckers start altering and censoring history to make themselves feel good, the fucking pros at the game come over and can't figure out why we're doing such a shit job.
  19. Samsquanch got him.
  20. Scraping clean your thrombosed fucking prostate with my bare hands as some leather faced, gravel voiced slag chain smokes in the corner is, surprisingly, not my ideal weekend, Harold.
  21. They don't do that shit over here - they wouldn't get away with it once a black lesbian comes down with the shits, but it's actually a real thing over there.
  22. They feed tourists to their country food cooked in recycled oil they collect from their sewers. They call it "gutter oil" and it's a flourishing business operating in conjunction with their massive street food industry. Individual Chinks can be fine, most of the cunts over here already are probably here because they don't like the backwards step their country has taken in terms of Communism and an increasingly demanding and older population that depends on a much smaller and younger minority whilst constantly restricting freedoms and privileges out of generational spite and party politics. I say we keep the cunts we know are OK but shut the gates to the rest of the twats - the chances of getting a hardcore Commy, Boy Egg enthusiast nutter are only increasing due to the well being poisoned.
  23. You do understand Hamilton's father basically paid for his entire early racing career, right? Up until he caught the eye of Ron Dennis? In fact the only difference between Hamilton and the modern generation of daddies boys is that he told his dad to fuck off as soon as he didn't need his wallet.
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