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entitled little cunt

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Everything posted by entitled little cunt

  1. They will raid it and nick the lot anyway so who gives a fuck .Mum's net types think that in gaza they'll all cute little innocent victim types. Yeah , right .
  2. The poor little thing has obviously run out of things to do so is now all pro Palastinian .She didn't seem to be in the past .Maybe shes bought "my first map of the world " and is feeling all inclusive Bless her little white cottons.
  3. Nope you're wrong, I did like it you self serving miserable cunt .
  4. She wouldn't of liked to read my mind .The more mature woman who believe they are sexually inactive are strangely attractive in a Suffolk strangler sort of way .
  5. Even so , he could be the next James Bond , instead of an Aston DB6 hell drive a 14 year old BMW 5 series with no mot. It's either him or a plimsoll wearing Pakistani , 007 licence to smell , or a trans 007 .He'll go around in a frock cottaging and bumming Scaramanga and his white cat .Poor fucking thing it'll need all the comfort stroking to get over having some 8 inch bell end rammed up its nether regions .
  6. Islamophobia , yep I suffer from that big time .I live in london , I've seen the blood of their innocent victims , have you ? I have this odd irrational fear that some fanatical carpet kneeler cunt will .1) Behead people in the street 2) blow up children and women indiscriminately 3) drive vans , cars and hgvs into crowds , especially at Christmas time 4) if you're gay and Muslim they'll want you dead 5) the one book that's read is violent and condones murder of the "infidel" ( basically anyone who disagrees with what they think ) and encourages sex with young no doubt underage girls , the 42 virgins and all that shit 6) should a person draw a cartoon of the prophet they will be tortured and shot . I can go on and on .It's an irrational fear i know . I really don't know where it comes from as Islam is such a peace loving, tolerant cult .I obviously haven't reached your level of understanding and obvious superior intelligence.When you've seen blood and a little bit of grey matter splattered about in the name of the great prophet maybe you'll get what I'm on about .Until then you can roam this world in complete ignorance .
  7. Dick had to be pushed to go .That's how self serving these arseholes are .A demonstration against violence directed at women and the met beat the shit out of a load of women. I mean , really .Fucking idiots .Fucking disgraceful.
  8. That has an air of desperation about it
  9. I doubt their weapons of mass destruction are any better than the plethora of shit they normally produce, most of which has an inbuilt ability to self destruct .Nuke the cunts .
  10. I like a girl with a soft geordie accent , they do exist .I think its something to do with my Get Carter fascination as kid.
  11. Harmony is a rare thing amongst the sad quarrelsome despots normally found lurking in the dark recesses of this site .
  12. The little cunts are also the reason the trade in endangered species exist .They are a cruel disgusting race and should be nuked .
  13. Brilliant Dickens adaptations though .He is a brilliant filmmaker .He's been dodging the bullet for years .It it were true or provable they would have had him by now surely .
  14. There are rumours Camlia has donated her cock and Testes to Charles.
  15. The BBC have been trying to educate the British public that its our duty as good woke moral citizens to adore women's football , women's boxing and even women's tiddly winks championships.That no fucker other than 4ft6 fat lesbians in baggy jeans with mens haircuts actually watch it hasn't quite filtered down to the 24 year old fresh graduate BBC producers just back from the latest river to the sea march in London.The only rivers to sea they are actually aware of is that near to their parents holiday home in Ross on Wye .It seems sportswomen are begining to believe they are important ground breaking individuals. If she wants equality, the copper should have busted her arm around her back , chucked her face down into the back of a meat wagon and had the cunt infront of the beak the following morning. That would be real equality of the sexes and classes.
  16. She's off to spend the rest of her privileged life talking about people trafficking and some other illegal immigrant friendly shit .That the white working classes are being screwed financially, being murdered by the health system they created and pay for then attacked, robbed, raped and murdered by the very people Ms.May wishes to help wont particularly endere her to the "ordinary " people she's made herself rich supposedly representing. What could you expect from a middle-class religion infested, out of touch with reality cunt like her .
  17. I got mixed up and thought this is about that black actor they want to be the next James Bond .
  18. Each illegal is tested on the following 1) Their ability using a Zombie knife .(how long to afflict a lethal injury) 2) How long before they wave flags and begin to tell us how wonderful the shit hole they fled from is. 3) can they claim full benefits and get a council flat whilst claiming they are only 14 years of age but have 2 wives and 38 children who must also come to the UK otherwise its racist. 4) They must hate the British population, our culture and sexual equality . 5) All British women should be treated with no respect what so ever . All of this to be measured and encouraged by the establishment.
  19. That's school playground but it made me spit out my malbec so thanks for that , I needed a laugh .I'm a thick cunt , not middle class. I thought I should add that after mentioning Malbec.
  20. He never had a super flight deck .poor little cunt .Landing that Phantom fighter on a string took skill and patience to master .If he was my son I'd murder the cunt .
  21. Razzle readers wives was highly rated knowing that the old slag with a fanny like a Portuguese man'o'war could be living around the corner bought an element of realism to my wanking rather than it just being a squirt in the dark.
  22. It was the imagination needed to find a safe hiding place for them.Under a corner of a foam back carpet, that was always a good one unless the foam had rotted and turned to dust .
  23. Is their no guarantee with a mail order bride ? I would have got on to citizens advice about the cunt .I bought a flat screen 42inch , it developed a problem just out of warranty , they got my money back for me .
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