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Everything posted by colonelkurtz

  1. fecking workshy scrounging inbred layabout cunts
  2. colonelkurtz

    Band aid 3

    These so called celeb cunts 'donate' their precious time and talent ..... whilst us mere mortals are lectured on how we should give money. Geldoff .. fuck right off .. because for every one of you and your self serving ego tripping arsewipe mates there are at least some public figures who donate in private without feeling the the need for sordid career moves and photo opportunities. If you're so concerned about africa take some time out from tax evading and go and live there for a few years ...oh ! ..wait a minute !
  3. These so called celeb cunts 'donate' their precious time and talent ..... whilst us mere mortals are lectured on how we should give our money. Geldoff .. fuck right off .. because for every one of you and your self serving ego tripping arsewipe mates there are at least some public figures who donate in private without feeling the the need for sordid career moves and photo opportunities. If you're so concerned about africa take some time out from tax evading and go and live there for a few years ...oh ! ..wait a minute !
  4. If you for some reason you need to know what the smell of a turd,vomit,minge squelch,fried onion,arse crack ,horse shit,knob cheese and piss cocktail is like then blackpool is the place for you.
  5. colonelkurtz

    Vanessa Mae

    is this that fat jewish lass that has an opinion on everything or am i thinking of someone else ?
  6. me and mrs kurtz met piers morgan and lennox lewis in central park nyc [spending her redundancy pay out] where they were promoting some yank tv show and while mrs kurtz was all "ooh ... he's so nice yadda yadda" , my preconceived opinion of morgan was confirmed ...a grade 1 cunt [and for the record - lewis was the complete opposite].
  7. colonelkurtz

    The French

    with all of the above commendable qualities what's not to like ?
  8. the one that really gets my goat is the parkinson cunt with his sneering life insurance shite ad - done with about as much "sinserridy" as a fucking housebrick . note the relish with which he declares the tempting offer of some skanky pen " just for enquiring " ...... no , just look at the fuckers face and you just know his preferred closing line should be "i mean , what's not to like you bunch of fucking peasants"
  9. was a cunt before cunts existed - and what a treat it would be if one of the of the bell end candidates would just lose it , leap over the desk and give him an almighty twatting then piss all over his two bitches and run from the building yelling " fire that you minge faced arsewipe - it shudda been me"
  10. colonelkurtz

    Band aid 3

    sky news 10 November 2014, 13:50 - Sir Bob Geldof has revealed a star-studded line-up for the new Band Aid Ebola charity single, which is being recorded on Saturday. and there was me thinking x factor and strictly shite dancing was the dogs bollox - i just can't wait to find out the line up - i may well shit myself from excitement before this day is out.
  11. cc - it ain't exactly "points of view" is it ? ... robert robinson was a diamond geezer
  12. ..... about news today of yet another high speed fatal crash somewhere or other and more than likely caused by tosspots racing high speed cars - well i for one am past caring about these cunts , who if they want to put their own miserable sack of shit lives at risk then go for it but when it come to putting other innocent road users in danger then you can fuck right off. As for the "grieving family" ..well you should have taken more interest as to where your family members are when the cunts are out infesting the roads at god knows what time of the night - send the fuckers the invoice for the clear up and medical treatment and copies of the incident photo gallery. Yes - i'm a callous cunt with this post but believe me i have good reason.
  13. We have been slowly and secretly radicalising thousands of southern jessies for years - you probably failed to spot all t'young 'uns walking round with gravy on their chips, earnestly reading and memorising verses from the ken dodd book of jokes while t'lasses flip expertly through the argos catalogue. Never wondered how come all the magic bus and virgin away day saver trips up north - you didn't seriously think they were for trips to the trafford centre or goodison did you ? ...Be well shitted tha'knows .. because the day is coming when your town of nancy boy streets of antique shops, lah dee daah fecking coffee, prossies and £15 cans of coke will fall.
  14. top topics brony wotsis face ...still looking for lurve IS cunts continue surge and demolish hadrians wall bill oddie insists he's innocent in swan sodomy scandal boris johnsons cock still stuck in dutch dyke disney at dignitas report record profits grumpyc opens another branch of 'birkas r us' cunts with a week off work spend hours on cc
  15. That john barrowman should've got the part but he had christmas pantomime commitments.
  16. Reporting these dirty cunts to staff is pointless because this type of theft is considered not worth the hassle. Beware however if you pay for a purchase and innocently exit a store with a security tag still atttached because some dope at the checkout couldn't be arsed to check and you'll be subject to the full force of beep,beep flashing alarms and the instore SAS trained black ops assassin leaping from behind his security station demanding a full on the spot strip search and interrogation.
  17. ....and what they mean. the safety of the public is paramount....shitting ourselves at the compensation prospects sincere condolences to the family ....who the fuck was he/she anyway that's a very good question ...I don't have a fecking clue an investigation is underway ... find some fucker to blame sincere thanks and best wishes in his/her new position ... fuck right off cunt
  18. Was that his dad , that posh bloke with a moustache off the telly ?
  19. ..... here it comes again - the children in need tv special - the annual self serving smugfest of so called celebs and gobshites crowing on and letting us all know how they do a few extra hours fer charidee don't you know [time and a half plus expenses no doubt] . Look in wonder mere mortals at how we go to the trouble of providing you with slices of easily digestible sentimental slosh in order to coax a few quid off you , although any amount you give will never come close to the invaluable contribution our presence makes to proceedings [not to mention career moves par excellence]. Yes - help out vulnerable and deserving children by all means but enough already with the "hey -aren't we just so wunnerful everybody" bollocks . So to all you 2nd rate dj's,comedians,cheeky chappies,assorted has beens and national treasures go and fuck right off cunts one and all because surely even you thick bastards can't fail to see the sordid irony in the bbc purporting to help protect children. And if that rantzen woman shows her fecking face it could well be a size 9 DM through the screen.
  20. As brian sewell might well say - "quite fucking remarkable"
  21. Oh for the days of some natty umbro striker shorts, a pair of green flash or at a push some stan smith adidas and tank top by greenwoods topped of with an ever so slightly risque m&s beret in misty cerise.
  22. I concur card - come to think of it - there's probably hundreds of posts on the russian version of CC cuntifying the uk chavs and slags currently engaged in fighting , puking , fucking and beach blow job championships.
  23. What a bunch of ignorant cunts they are with their ordering everyone around and expecting them to be at their beck and call - and they used to be such nice quiet people before all that glasnost shite - but common as muck these days. That stalin and brezhnev would have had none of this nonsense and given thatcher and reagan a fucking good twatting in the bargain make no mistake - but oh no .... along comes gorbachev and starts selling off council houses , importing tetley bitter , privatising ice cream vendors , taking our hardworking porn stars jobs , cutting off our gas and electricity , stealing the moon [they will you know .. they will!] and fuck knows what else. So now we get the fuckers largeing it all over the place from one holiday destination to the next [and mrs kurtz tells me you can't fucking move in primark for them]
  24. Me , Jack Daniels , "Roadrunner" Junior Walker & the Allstars ..... just you try and hold me back you cunts !
  25. ....cunts in their vehicles who are yet to unravel the mystery of those sticky outy things that manufacturers persist in fitting usually near the steering wheel - they are known as indicator controls and do you know what - operating it makes the flashing orangy lighty uppy doodahs on your car go on and off - and here's the exciting bit - that let's other road users know which lane you fancy moving into or even whether you want to turn left or right. Whilst on the subject - do you cunts know that that story you heard about of the inner and outer lanes of a three lane motorway being full of land mines and fire breathing dragons - well guess what .. that's all bollocks - honestly ! reginald bosanquet - news at 10 - A74[M] northbound - absofuckinglutely brassed off with sunday driving cunts.
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