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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Not acute as yours evidently. You've even migrated your cry-baby antics to another thread.
  2. I doubt that. Perplexed maybe, possibly horrified at the behaviour of the mother of parliaments. Anyway Lord Haw-Haw, no doubt you'll be emigrating to the People's Republic of China or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea where they take democracy a little more seriously. You'll feel at home there.
  3. There's no office in Dublin. Somerset Capital opened a second investment fund in Ireland. No staff, no premises, no lights on.
  4. Lets see if Corbyn and John "bring it on" McDonnell actually have the balls to go a general election. Under the Parliament Fixed Terms Act there needs to be a two thirds majority in the HoC to trigger an election. In an ideal and just world all MP's who voted against the people's mandate should be deselected from standing ever again.
  5. It's a pity that MP's, indignant at the usurping of parliamentary democracy, are less than impeccable over the sovereignty of the people's democratic vote. Parliament voted that the decision of Britain's continued membership in the EU would be left to the people. The people voted and Parliament's considered response is to say "fuck that". The HoC has voted to hijack control of leaving the EU from the government who are simply complying with the mandate of the people. Parliament stole my vote.
  6. Put a lid on the petulance, Billy 'cos you're spouting bollox. Aside from Rule 12 both protagonists have been requested to cease and desist though it appears @judgetwi can't move on...
  7. Yeah, this is Cunts Corner, a place to kick off with informed and irreverent comment. We don't want to become Chuckles Corner or Puns R Us - they have their place but not three pages worth.
  8. I didn't, but it was a red flag nonetheless. As it turned out he was only interested in getting everyone's backs up.
  9. Well, I query the use of the phrase "quite popular", however any casual visitor dropping in may well have thought, "what Beano comic hell is this?"
  10. The clue was in his user name. Right from the outset he went looking for fights. Deeply insecure, for *sniggers* read *snivels*.
  11. There was no problem with a few jokes in the same vein but after wading through three pages I was reaching for the Red Bull. Naturally, punters wishing to ham up their Bob Monkhouse tribute acts are free to continue with the porcine play on words by creating a thread in the Open Corner.
  12. I've been given a directive to prepare the site to be vegan and halal friendly.
  13. @Eric Cuntman & @judgetwi, you two are simply repeating the same points ad nauseum. Cease and desist please.
  14. No one springs to mind. If it is a previous punter then he's changed his style.
  15. @Betterthanyou, I've seen enough. You are clearly not for The Corner so I'm freezing your account pending removal at the next cull.
  16. Would that be the school of Advanced Door Handle Control? Anyway, your point noted and corrected.
  17. Hang on, you reported Salty via the "Report" function at 00.45 this morning! Why is it that nearly all people who holler "grass" are themselves not averse to turf laying?
  18. No quote facility amended so no rule broken OTOH... ...a violation of Rule 12.
  19. Mrs Roops


    @Cock Holster, welcome to the site. We do not take kindly to direct accusations or even mild inferences of noncery against a fellow punter. Its a strict no-no.
  20. The current Head of State has always been scrupulously apolitical and no doubt had consulted with the Privy Council. What Johnson asked for was nothing unusual in setting the parliamentary calendar though he obviously manipulated the timings for political advantage. Its becoming clear that Team Boris is a completely different animal compared to the nervous hand-wringers that staffed Mrs May's kitchen cabinet. During the summer recess they have been studying all the permutations like a team of chess grand masters whilst the remainers spent the past few weeks bickering over which has-been politico should be leader of a "unity" government. Boris has also ensured that the perception of running the country is key with countless policy initiatives to do with the domestic agenda. The nature of the game is that everything is high risk but like or loath him, you can't fault the way he's played it.
  21. Well, it would depend on who's making the suggestion, nevertheless I would never think or say that. Its foolhardy to think otherwise. Witness the hapless punter who alluded to "thinking out of the box" and when having to deal with possibilities as well as absolutes, undertakes "quite a bit of research" before committing fingertips to keyboard. Events transpired that far from "thinking out of the box" he was only capable of thinking in straight lines and ended up dunking his head into a freshly stirred saucepan of scrambled egg...
  22. A dastardly slur against my good name, I'll file that under unsubstantiated assertions.
  23. Interesting...whaddya got to back that up?
  24. An inference can be drawn from your post, Eric - Whilst you escaped censure by the skin of your teeth, others chose to capitalise on the post. @judgetwi, you are overplaying victimhood, @Eric Cuntman you are becoming hysterical and are in need of a slap to calm you down. Both of you should move on.
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