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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Hey thanks for that, I've amended my post.
  2. Not wishing to point out the bleedin' obvious but isn't Eire outside the Schengen Area along with those other EU economic powerhouses Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus & Romania i.e the small men of Europe?
  3. 1/ see previous post 2/ "Impetulant"? Over the years I've been called many things by disaffected punters, frankly 'fucking slag' 'bitch' 'cunt' 'whore' and worse still, 'Welsh' plus many other unimaginative pejoratives are water off a duck's back these days but "impetulant" is a new one. That said I'm not surprised in your choice of made up a word coming from a punter with a history of made up stories, the latest wheeze in conflating weather and climate patterns to create a false equivalency to advance yet another unhinged conspiracy.
  4. No thoughts to add to those previously articulated ad nauseum.
  5. That was quite an interesting vid. I think the farmer had made some salient points but he is jumping the gun as the Canadian govt have not legislated on anything. Its not clear whether the Trudeau administration have published a policy or a consultative paper. His point is that he is already reducing nitrogen based fertilizers by holistic farming i.e by growing produce that introduces nitrogen into the soil as part of a four year rotational schedule.
  6. Firstly, I'm grateful for the endorsement on my moderating and commenting skills. I mentioned the pre-war German economic resurgence debate as that was the point when I went from hero to zero with you and your mini-vendetta to interject and nit-pic. I revisited the relevant discourse and suffice to say your description of events six years ago does not bear close scrutiny. There was a subtle sub-text to my previous post which you clearly failed to pick up on. I contend there was no hypocrisy, moreover The Corner is not exactly replete with punters admitting they were wrong so don't single me out.
  7. If there is a dilemma it is one of extreme ambivalence as I don't give a toss whether you're crying or not, in any case you seem to be in a state of permanent vexation. Be that as it may, I see where this is going so you'll be returned to Special Measures. Well done you - your verbal incontinence has talked you back into a straightjacket that you'll find even more restrictive than previously. Can't say I'm surprised.
  8. Two and a half years of victim-signalling, bitching and bawling your head off, almost on a daily basis, says you do.
  9. Nope, I would attribute such behaviour to someone who repeatedly makes retaliatory comments more than five years after debating Germany's pre-war economic resurgence. Never underestimate the petulance of middle-aged men.
  10. Pegleg had password issues. The accounts will be merged when it will be appropriate to do so. Of course this should neither be a concern nor is it the business of a curtain-twitcher who is hanging on to unencumbered posting privileges by the skin of his teeth.
  11. More than a ban, it was deleted punter sneaking back in.
  12. Understandably I won't be taking advice from a cerebrally-challenged person crippled by having no more than two brain cells, one containing an instruction to move a brush upwards, the other downwards.
  13. Yet another attempt at misinformation. For reasons best known to yourself you've omitted to mention that the Health Ministry was commenting on the German equivalent of the USA's VAERS and the UK's Yellow Card reporting system, both of which are treated like a honey pot by the tin-foil brethren.
  14. Honestly, no. I must say that it ill befits a minnow who beguiles himself into believing he is one of The Corner's big beasts and spends all hours of the day picking fights and claiming victories by making out molehills are in fact mountains. On a more conciliatory note you do have a talent for The Corner but your energies are mis-directed so tone it down.
  15. By going to the National Archives quoting DEFE 24/1940 and paying £3.50 you will receive the entire 3741 files (156 PDF pages) on the incident. The only redacted data is the names and addresses of the witnesses and investigating officers as per the requirements of s.40(2) Data Protection Act. Incidentally, now that you have returned home from the Midlands (where you registered your account) I see that you are currently a CC persona non grata, consequently I have deleted your account.
  16. I have to say I feel a little bit remorseful in creating the 'propeller tip painter' trope as I did a bit of digging and found that @Ape™️ is in fact a highly qualified engineer who ensures the reliability of a crucial part of an aeroplane's systems. Compare and contrast if you will to say, a baggage handler who even with the current problems with airlines and airports has still not received his recall papers.
  17. It takes special kind of genius to come a Covid-related thread and bitch about punters debating Covid-related matters.
  18. Indeed, you sound amused... Nevertheless the penny still has not dropped, has it? Rabbiting on about litigation and FOIA requests by partisan organisations with a false narrative to promulgate is ultimately irrelevant. Its irrelevant as such judicial shenanigans by bad actors are theatre and a charade to impress and keep on side gullible saps. The fact remains that Ivermectin is not the medicinal panacea for dealing with Covid - it never has been and it never will. The bitter pill for you to swallow is that you and countless others have been conned, lied to and mugged. For the first time in your life, grow up, put on a pair of big boy trousers and eschew the weird alternate reality that has been your comfort zone thus far.
  19. Never lost a defamation case? Really? That said, your remonstrating is not only a load of hot air and deflective gibberish, its also entirely irrelevant as it does not alter the fact that Ivermectin is not a suitable medication against covid for reasons previously explained.
  20. Fuck that! All facilities afforded to you by The Corner is a granted privilege and not a self-determined prerogative or right. I've removed all five of your blocked accounts and removed your posting rights for 48 hours.
  21. Boom! @Carl Sway, you should've listened to RK, You're becoming a distraction. Undo the block facility or I will do it for you.
  22. Yet again you deflect from answering the question... You would take the Novavax jab because you indicated you would, As for the remainder of your farrago of fallaciousness I was the first punter to raise the spectre of Covid and the connection to Wuhan before it made headlines, It would be several weeks before you fully engaged in the conspiracy nonsense (Wolfie was the first to allude to a detailed conspiracy). Your immediate reaction was to deny the existence of Covid, No doubt your delay in engaging was due to you taking a few weeks to source appropriate tin-hattery from Messrs Sid Bonkers and Sid Slackjaw, both of whom have led you by the nose from the outset. As for Ivermectin you are ill served by quoting Project Veritas, an extreme right-wing disinformation 'project' with links to the Proud Boys. I can find no authoritative peer-reviewed article that says the anti-parasitic medication is suitable either as a prophylactic or therapeutic treatment for Covid. OTOH there are countless articles confirming Ivermectin as unsuitable for Covid including this one. Billy, I asserted that your hypocrisy, selective memory, ignorance, third rate mind, false facts, fake news and bogus science meant that you were pretty much done here. Its a measure of your abject stupidity that your response was to spend an hour and forty-five minutes concocting a cornucopia of crap that only served to confirm every aspect I made of your character. Marvellous.
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