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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Meh, I thought it was amusing but as I'm so often reminded, I know nothing so it is what it is.
  2. In between diamorphine shots have you discovered any more non-existent rules that I have studiously and entirely predictably, ignored?
  3. ...on reflection I was probably being less than sincere and overly flippant. I don't mind admitting that I was told and now stand corrected. Girly crush it is then.
  4. I would have thought the site's Mike Giggler would have appreciated this...
  5. Ape, I feel that that an apology is in order. As you know, in the current climate of inclusivity with regards to anti-misgendering and the current antipathy towards platonic, non-heterosexual relationships, I of all people should have taken greater care in demonstrating sensitivity to the mano a mano bonding between a thirtyish council employed rubber-stamp operative and his fawning, late middle-aged, highly respected, propeller tip paint spraying friend. Such off-site assignations must be have been a beautiful sight to behold. As such, it was remiss of me to describe your friendship as a "girly crush" when the more accurate term "man-crush" would have been more appropriate. Sorry.
  6. Girly crush aside, you sound like a useful idiot.
  7. I'm guessing that you know this 'cos he told you. Sometime ago Dec's was kicked off site by another Admin because The Corner's proprietors were tired of his manipulative diva ways especially in the manner of manipulating others to pursue vendettas against people he took a dislike to. It was me who reinstated him to the site on the understanding that he stopped soliciting people to gang up on punters who fell out of his favour. He agreed to the terms. He is in effect a whole-of-life parolee. Dec's is probably one of the site's best wordsmiths, but he has a brittle ego the size of a planet and has flounced off the site more times than anyone else. Naturally, I dispute the notion that he kicks my arse on a regular basis. He can be difficult in debate and managing him requires stamina. As for his current status, his previous form was taken into account but ultimately making a noncing inference then bragging about not being worried about the consequences because he was going on holiday is taking the piss. I've already had two PM's about him and now you, all in a period of 48 hours. Feel manipulated? I should coco...
  8. Yeah, still waiting or an example of your earlier assertion. I guess you'll keep that to yourself.
  9. Firstly, I don't get my rocks off coolering punters, far from it, furthermore @Jake The Muss, right from the outset, I've always contributed to the site's discourse. If you look at this spat all was going swimmingly until Ape made it personal for no other reason than me articulating an opinion contrary to his own. Strangely enough, in my silly menopausal mind, which of course has no business in thinking of anything apart from fretting over what to cook tonight and tidying up the doily drawer, I'm wondering what the real beef is.
  10. Well, that's obvious, but the fact is I keep my Mod/Admin duties separate from general discussion and scrapping, unless you can you can show where I have pulled rank mid argument.
  11. Not really, my skills would be best served behind the scenes either as a SpAd or negotiator. I say this with the sincerity and humility I am known for...
  12. You see Ape, the difference between you and I is that I enjoy rubbing your face into sharp gravel (er...metaphorically) whereas you enjoy...oh...oh my...scratch that.
  13. You're the gift that keeps on giving... See what I mean?
  14. That's the beauty of it, the image is forever digitally immortalised by RK's art. The only thing I pull apart these days are your idiotic bandwagon posts.
  15. Bring it on - water off a ducks back as well you know. OTOH I'm told you didn't take kindly to my revealing your respected expertise in propeller tip painting.
  16. Rees Mogg quite correctly apologised for speaking in the HoC comparing Dr Nicholl to Dr Wakefield, the discredited anti-vaxer. His apology extended no further than that. Interestingly, Dr Nicholl who claims whistle-blower immunity and privilege doesn't seem vexed over Rees Mogg's comments made on LBC. "This has nothing to do with Brexit", he said conveniently forgetting his radio ambush of JRM on a talk show about Brexit...
  17. The Corner's gagmeister in residence speaks, ...he said crossly. Interesting you had time and inclination to reply and comment on something that you purport not to have read. Be that as it may, Rees Mogg made his comments during a LBC radio show, a well known venue for hiding behind parliamentary privilege.
  18. @judgetwi, currently you must be the most paranoid punter on The Corner. Wringing every last drop of victimhood rather makes a nonsense of your repeated mantra, "its only a website". Why on earth would I be finding a way to get rid of you? You are one of the site's nuggets of comedy gold and are highly valued.
  19. Which part of my post was incorrect then?
  20. Dr Nicholl's hissy fit raises a serious issue. He was co-opted into the Civil Contingencies Secretariat in preparing Project Yellowhammer. CCS is a department of the Cabinet Office, nominally a section of the "impartial" Civil Service. By coming on to the LBC radio programme he blew the allegedly bipartisan role of the CCS by his nonsensical, highly emotive "Project Fear" barb. I say nonsensical because when pressed on how many projected deaths did the CCS think Brexit would cause, the good doctor lamely replied, "we don't know, that's not part of Yellowhammer". In effect Dr Nicholl barged onto the radio show to make a political point by qualifying himself as one of the authors of Yellowhammer on an issue that the project had not considered. Rees-Moggs subsequent retort was well deserved.
  21. I wouldn't even say "most". Labour strongholds in England and Wales voted for Brexit. This why the EU question is so problematic for both Labour and the Conservatives. The Remain/Leave issue cuts across political lines, class and income levels. Both the main parties have been ambiguous in the way they responded to the referendum result. The SNP have their own agenda for wanting to remain, the Lib/Dems have made no secret in wishing to rescind article 50 and both Mrs May and Corbyn have tried to please all factions. Boris is different in that he has been unequivocal in honouring the referendum result.
  22. Brexiteers are from a broad political ideology as are Remainers. At the business end, hedge funds are stuffing money into pro-Brexit think-tanks and politicians as they will gain from taking short positions on firms who share price will drop on a clean break Brexit yet conversely some wealth management firms are quietly funding Remainer politicos as they will benefit from the share price of European business who will benefit from Labour's "surrender bill" over the UK staying in the EU in all but name. Brexiteers are not strictly "right wing marketers". The Communist Party of UK are committed Brexiteers for example.
  23. The difference is I substantiate my rebuttal.
  24. Not acute as yours evidently. You've even migrated your cry-baby antics to another thread.
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