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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. God are you OK? Sounds like you're having a stroke
  2. As 'The Dude' said to the taxi driver in The Big Lebowski "I fucking hate The Eagles".
  3. When I was an A&E nurse we were always seeing people who were suffering depersonalisation and derealisation. Mostly after chucking out time on Friday and Saturday nights.
  4. Where you entered through the tradesmen's entrance?
  5. This is cunts corner. Not "Bastards corner"
  6. I agree. But most are as funny as polycystic ovaries.
  7. If it's a Premier Inn don't worry because Sir Lenny fucking Henry endorses them.
  8. And there was me thinking it was his money that attracted all those women. How wrong I was.
  9. Well you obviously know me, but I don't have a fucking clue who you are!!!
  10. It's obviously a football song. Football's for.......ah shit you know the rest!
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