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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. A man once told me I had nice "garden cities"!
  2. Trust a frenchman to come up with this syndrome. Fuck her in the pussy!!! Ooops. sorry (flutters eyelids)
  3. Blimey you've got a googd memory
  4. I agree judge: Presta valves are shit. Much prefer the schraaders.
  5. This donut has made a name for himself by grabbing the microphone of a reporter and yelling "Fuck her in the pussy" and then running off. It has now come to the point where this is being copied by all and sundry. Tonight on Sky sports it has happened twice by young lads doing it. Now I find this midly amusing. I'd like to hear your views. Is the guy a cunt or a hero? Discuss
  6. I don't need Fu Manchu's ugly grand son to tell me I look good naked. I'm off to bed. Got to read palms tomorrow.
  7. Is that Ray Winstone in the back ground!
  8. He looks like an extra from 'I am legend'!
  9. There you go my love. Just popped in to be called a cunt by your good self
  10. I've got the full sky+ package so freeview can fuck itself!
  11. Katie Price and Peter Andre would be a dog dressing up her cunt!
  12. I agree. It saddens me that there are no funny female comedians outside of Joan Rivers. I know that she's not everyones cup of tea but when she slags the rich and famous she's hilarious
  13. Sounds like a right twat. However, bad manners isn't the speciality of the young types mentioned in your nom. I held open a door for two middle class women in their 30s at the gym last week and they breezed through chatting to each other and not one of them said thankyou. I shouted out to them "Thats okay, you don't need to say thankyou you pair of middle class retards". The look on their faces cheered me no ends. I certainly won't offer to sell them any lucky heather!
  14. "A sitcom where a northern family sit round a telly talking bollocks? Fuck off you lanky cunt and take that pissed up headcase with you"! -Controller of comedy at BBC to Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne!
  15. If I put it in my mouth will it go off?- Monica Lewinski
  16. Nice suggestion PC but cunts would find something else to fuck things up. Usually over land and property
  17. "British Justice: The best in the world" -Timothy Evans
  18. Fuck the theatre tonight Mary; lets stay in and play darts! Abraham Lincoln!
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