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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. John Otway was nothing before Wild Willie Barret came along. And he was fuck all after as well
  2. I wouldn't. They'd only come bouncing back to you.
  3. If he hears all these horrid things being said about him he'll be spinning in his grave. Spinning right round. Like a record baby right round round round.
  4. Dun dun duuuuuun (dramatic music)
  5. Surely being against your religion is enough. I mean if I went to a Muslim bakers and asked them to bake me a bacon pie I'd get told to fuck off. There'd be no way on gods green earth that it goes to court
  6. Councillors are a waste of space. The Labour cunts visited my house over 10 times leading up to the by election despite me putting a notice up saying not to ring as I had young children sleeping. Self important arseholes the lot of them. Don't get me started on bin men either.
  7. Sounds like my cousin Esme! Probably checking the balance of all the cards she nicked* *This is a fabricated story told for amusement. Just in case some fucking idiot calls the police
  8. They have the same problem with Gillingham and Maidstone
  9. Oh dear oh dear oh dear Bedbug. You've scored an own goal already. On making your objection to being called 'bedbuggers', you will probably be cunted mercilessly. You see, on this site you have to accept whatever name you're given. My names are gyppo, Gypps, cambers or some of Franks which usually include 'smelly, fanny, minge and rancid' to name a few. Just marking your card. Like some lucky 'eather sir?
  10. Doesn't Sir Lenwood fucking Henry come from Dudley?
  11. I understand property in Aleppo is cheap at the moment. Although you may need double glazing to keep out the noise.
  12. camberwell gypsy


    Like that dodgy haired, ropey songwriter Paul Weller
  13. camberwell gypsy


    Never been to Marrakesh but been to Agidir and that was a shithole
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