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Everything posted by and

  1. It wasn't Jimmy Savile, was it? 😇
  2. Is that the one where you and your Poodle have a rabid, scatological encounter in the park, with a Japanese Tosa (obviously well named for a wanking puppeteer like you) And, while we're at it, get with the programme you cheap fuckin' cunt, it's downloads and streaming Only Fans these days, dvd's are for old people.
  3. Never mind the lack of a wedding ring on Kate's left hand, WTF is going on with Prince Louis's right hand? Is that some sort of deformity due to the usual Royal inbreeding, or is it an indication that he's now 'in da hood'?
  4. Yeah, that's what we need, preferably with bars on the fuckin' windows and a big steel door, wired into the mains supply. 🔌
  5. Yeah, that's him, the cunt's making a fuckin' mint 💰🤑
  6. Why not, ain't we good enough for you?🕎
  7. If diversity is our strength, why is the country going down the shitter? It's fucking obvious the useless Border Force is letting a shower of parasitic fuckin' criminal cunts into the country, and keeping the more useful, clever cunts, out. How fuckin' difficult can it be to find out if they have any useful skills that they can contribute to our society before letting them set foot on our once green and pleasant land? If they're here to sponge off the benefits system, deal drugs, rape women or play at being gangstas (innit) they can just be put back on their fuckin' leaky night boat to Cairo, the cunts.
  8. You always claim to be a man in the know where criminality is concerned, do you have some insider information on this unfortunate episode, Peter?
  9. Don't know about that, but he's certainly in my top five of pending vacant spaces. ☠️
  10. Those coppers would've been better employed on the east coast, with sniper rifles, popping those dinghies before they reach the mainland, if they ain't on British soil, they ain't our problem and, while we're at it, if climate change would be so good as to warm the temperature of the English channel, maybe we'd get a few sharks to clear up the bodies, win-win. 😉
  11. You're talking about dogs again, ain't you, Woofles? 🐩🐕
  12. Why is that, are they all staffed by rent-boys, or are you frightened of getting an honest one star review on Tripadvisor?
  13. What's happenin' @Ape™️? You know your narcissistic chum enjoys the attention. Look, he's getting a semi already. It won't be long before a moist patch appears down the front of his CK briefs. 🩲
  14. Oh aye, without a shred of a doubt, it couldn't be anything else 🙄
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/music/canada-considers-house-arrest-for-people-at-risk-of-committing-hate-crimes/ar-BB1jvfQO?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=460e7b263fef46089f9f6098f44fd6df&ei=30 Justine Trudeau's government has proposed a law giving judges the power to put someone under house arrest if they fear they could commit a hate crime. One of the suggested measures would give judges the ability to put people under house arrest who they worry could commit a hate crime in the future. The person could also be made to wear an electronic tag if the attorney-general requested it. Arif Virani, the justice minister, said the measures could prove “very important” in restraining the behaviour of someone who might be targeting minority groups. So, these Canadian cunts are apparently fuckin' psychic. Looks like we won't be seeing @Decimus any time soon (thank fuck)😉
  16. Are you suggesting I'm slightly effeminate?
  17. And how would they be able to do that? A date stamp, till receipt?
  18. Even if they don't live together, they regularly exchange bodily fluids with each other.
  19. And, while we're at it, hang anybody who lives, has lived, or ever visited Norfolk.
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