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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. 15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Ive hated the cunts all my life WC. Being bashed up, verballed up, then fitted up to improve their almost non existent numbers of actual crimes solved has been standard practice in my experience. Occupational hazard, goes with the job but the prospect of ‘Dave the bastard’ walking into the cell, cup of tea in one hand and his huge throbbing member in the other has changed the game imo. 

    Indeed. I feel our scum would fare well in any commie regime, where moral conduct, accountability and decency don’t apply.
    If I had my way, the service would be privatised and sized down to small regional. Any cuntery and the sack with kiss goodbye your pension and full public disclosure would follow.
    Currently, the swamp is just an opportunistic pool of lazy, obese, overpaid criminals.

  2. On 16/01/2023 at 14:24, Witheredscrote said:

    Do blacks actually go on cruises? I think this has got to be a resounding 'yes' from me.  A modern cruise liner has between 1,500 - 2,000 toilets to be kept clean daily. Hair perfect for scouring, lips perfect for plunging a blocked plughole.

    @Eddie @Old Chap Raasclaat , tell me this ain't so.

    That’s a good question, W. One would expect some form of genetic aversion to the scheme…

  3. On 16/01/2023 at 22:18, King Billy said:

    Met Police Officer David Carrick, part of the elite Parliamentary and diplomatic protection command firearms unit, pleads guilty to 49 charges including 24 of rape involving 13 different women over two decades today at Southwark Crown Court. He was commonly referred to by his colleagues as ‘Bastard Dave’ and was the subject of 9 serious criminal complaints going back as far as 2001 when he joined up. Rather than going down the old fashioned route of looking into and dealing with these allegations the Met instead chose to tell him to stop all his nonsense, and be a good boy in future. And promptly gave him a big gun and sent him on his way to protect the MPs, diplomats and other assorted deviants who's company he’d feel more at home in.

    Alas Dave ‘the bastard’ didn’t change his ways and carried on raping and abusing numerous other women for many more years to come, despite several more allegations.

    There are currently over 1,000 of the 45,000 Met Police officers who are or have previously been the subject of serious domestic violence or sexual abuse complaints. Most of this scandal occurred during the leadership of the vile little rugmuncher cunt Cressida Dick, who’s legacy will be as the stunning and brave first ever LGBTQ+ commissioner that did away with the outdated idea of the filth investigating crime and locking up the baddies, and got on with the long overdue fight against dangerous internet hate speech, repainting the fleet of cop cars in lovely rainbow colours and of course making sure ‘climate goblin’ Greta and her army of unfuckable middle class eco trogs didn’t go without their Starbucks lattes when they’d glued their putrid unemployed growlers to the tarmac on Tottenham Court road in the middle of rush hour.


    I’m surprised Billy that you expect the filthy pigs to be pure, outstanding law enforcement agents. I view them as a compilation of thick, neurotic, power hungry, psychopathic proles, who take advantage of every person and situation. I hope the fuckers go on a perpetual rainbow strike and all get sacked. 

  4. 7 hours ago, scotty said:

    I don't think we were involved in funding the bailouts, were we? 🤔 Having declined the generous offer of allowing us into the Eurozone, I believe it was restricted to the cunts that a/ set it up, and b/ permitted entry to economic basket cases like the wops, greeks and paddies.

    We lent them fifteen billion-ish, plus what went through other lending circles. I agree it’s small change in comparison, nonetheless- still a packet. We should tell them to take a hike (sculptures) or pay up.

    And what the twits don’t understand, is the power of marketing; having a collection on display makes for great advertisement of places to see. Still, I don’t assume that the fiddling olive squeezers can grasp such simple idea.

  5. 43 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    The MSM fake news talking heads have been getting their panties in a twist today over the crumbling pile of builders rubble which is usually referred to as ‘The Elgin Marbles’ and has resided in Britain since 1801, when it was shovelled up from the ruins of a collapsed Greek hovel by a couple of Lord Elgins minions, tossed into a wheelbarrow and transported in a rubble sack back to his modest abode. At some later date this pile of shite ended up flytipped at the British Museum. It seems that ‘Boy George’ Osborne the baby faced wingman of ‘Call me Dave’ Cameron the former PM  (and well known pig fucker) allegedly, has been for some time hiding from public view, masquerading as the chairman of said museum, and to keep his enormous brain ticking over he’s been in hush hush discussions with the Hellenic greaseball arsefuckers about returning this skip load of ancient building waste back to the landfill site it originated from. 
    I suppose it’s far too much to hope for that Frank could be included as part of the deal to clear the U.K. of useless toxic foreign garbage and hope the fucking ship sinks on the way.

    Before sending back the stuff, I would call in any outstanding loans and see the feta cheese cunts shit their pants promptly.

  6. On 30/12/2022 at 21:47, King Billy said:

    Come on Doc. I thought you were a bit smarter than to fall for this deep state takedown so quickly. As usual nowadays the MSM are all over this because Tate has had the bollocks to stick his head above the parapet but let’s see what they have to say (nothing 🤔) when this very conveniently timed ‘breaking fake news’ story quickly runs out of clicks and the climate goblin Greta’s Twitter team have called off the hounds.

    Funny how they cooked the “offence” around Tate and served it to the masses. I had a laugh.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    I've given this a "like", even although I'm not sure it makes any actual sense at all.

    As proteins go, it doesn’t get any lower. Especially when fucked by a good dose of radiation.

    Simple protein

    Proteins that are not attached to any other elements are called simple proteins. Simple proteins consist of only amino acid subunits joined together by a bond. This bond is known as a peptide bond. When simple proteins are broken down by enzymes, they produce only amino acids. The protein that fall into the simple protein category is the simplest of all proteins.

  8. On 17/08/2022 at 22:19, Jake The Muss said:

    This snail-eating-smelly-onion cunt has to be one of the biggest lunatics i have ever seen, his feats are amazing to watch but is he off his pie-crust or is he one of the very few people on this planet that just dazzles crowds with his death defying activities. He once fell 15 meters (almost 50 feet) on his head while rock climbing but that never stopped him as he has climbed the world's tallest buildings without any safety equipment.

    An enigma Cuntbreed.


    Considering the avalanche of brown arrivals, every frog should learn the skill and consider it a priority.

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  9. 5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Hi everyone in strikeland im back after a busy tour of the country..me lips are sore from playing so ill be lookin at a bit rest n relaxation..anyway whose dead..anyone feel they couldn't go on existing in the soon to be economic wasteland that is everything outside of Londonistan or norn iron..lol



    What’s the nomination about, Panz? Seems a tad like a pile of shit. Anyway, Happy New Year you old bastard.


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  10. On 28/12/2022 at 23:20, The Beast said:

    I dunno. I was a bit fussy in my 20's and 30's, then when I hit my 40's a whole lot more of the female race seemed appealing. Now in my 50's everything looks marvellous...... female that is.

    Quality control tends to go down as we age, B. It may be down to the weakening eyesight.

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  11. 11 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    In a post-ironic installation worthy of Damien Hirst I'd like to peel off her cold, wrinkly skin, turn it into a kilt, and then wear it on my fucking head while sporting her shrivelled, newly-excised ovaries as earrings.

    The fact that she's dead will spoil it a bit, but I will somehow endure that disappointment.

    Shocking, B.;this gore production is most out of character. Any particular reason?

  12. On 29/12/2022 at 20:18, Cunty BigBollox said:

    They've included a picture of a prepared turkey, now, the question I want answered is, was the turkey alive or as the picture ready cleaned with giblets removed etc..

    The second question we should ask: was the turkey properly basted during intercourse?

  13. On 29/12/2022 at 19:50, Cuntybaws said:


    This is far from the worst picture that comes up when searching for smutty poultry-related content. I was particularly impressed with a series entitled "Man fucks hot chick", which I can't reproduce here for obvious reasons.

    That’s what a call a healthy relationship.

  14. 2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I always enjoy the news over Christmas, there’s usually a celebrity death or two to chew on through the Merryneum between the 25/12 and 1/1. Perpetual runners The Queen and Prince Phil are non-entries this year, so who’s going to drop off the perch this year to much general amusement?

    I’ll open the bidding at Sir Ian Mckellen, with a fiver each way on Jimmy Carter. 

    King Charlie’s beetroot puff anatomy is going off rapidly. Unless he joins the twelve steps club, he is done for.

    ”I must have been very, very drunk”.


  15. 5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    If I'm ever feeling depressed at Xmas, I cheer myself up by thinking about all the lonely fat cunts who'll commit suicide over the festive period. 

    Feliz Navidad, motherfuckers.

    I posit that the pork scratchings’ hoovering cunts will accidentally die by choking on skewered cheese cubes.

  16. 4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I have been, pretty much dry, for 2 years-ish. I only quit because the hangovers were getting crippling. I could drink loads and not be massively pissed, but end up completely fucked the next day. In contrast to most people I know, who get a lot more drunk than me, on the same amount of alcohol, but they can still function the next day. I’m assuming my body processes alcohol differently, I don’t get as pissed but I suffer more the next day… the whole thing is a ‘lose/lose scenario for me.

    Fucking hell, Eric. It’s part and parcel of becoming an old fart, my friend. Be assured that laughing gas can be reliably substituted and achieve the desired effect without the pain.

    Merry Christmas! 



    Careful when dependent on pumped oxygen…

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