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White Cunt

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Posts posted by White Cunt

  1. 5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

    You stupid, drunken, fucking cunt. Unlike you overcrowded inhabitants, here we can wash and swim in our rivers and lakes, which are regularly monitored for cleansiness by the EU inspectors.  Enjoy drinking your water that has probably passed through Dec's kidneys 10 times. 

    Have a great Coronation Day. Thank fuck I live in France.

    Hold on here, Withers. First of all, say big thank you to Syngenta, you mutated mollusk:


    Second, had you missed out on imbibing from the pristine piped supplies, enjoy the wild variety 😂:




    • Like 3
  2. 11 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    Here is the Sunak video, you ungrateful arrogant looking cunt.


    The plod will perform any circus trick if you pay them enough wage & pension money. The next lowest denominator after the royalty and scum politicos.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Just out of interest Stubbs, which other countries would you say make the top five?

    Please spare me the “well it’s not fucking Australia” etcetera. 

    I don’t think you will ever get to the truth, LC, as every patriotic cunt of every land, tends to extol the benefits of their respective shithole nation. Think of Swiss Toni on speed.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Well, just under a week to go until jug ears and his bitch get to float about London in their Gold carriage waving at the soft-minded wankers in their TK Maxx anoraks who’ll line up dutifully in the rain to kiss his ring. What’s the bill running at currently? £100m? £150m?

    We are told the coming ceremony will be fit for the modern age, which according to the TV news piece I’ve just seen, includes some dotty old Dorises’ hand-embroidered anointing screen, strict quotas on “minority representation”, and Floella Fucking Benjamin processing as Keeper of the Royal Teddy. What a Country. 

    Much amusement here though, at the notion that the Peoples of The Commonwealth will be encouraged to join their British cousins in standing in their living rooms and loudly pledging allegiance to His Royal Jugness. Fuck that, was pretty much the tone of the Newscaster, stifling giggles. I imagine he speaks for many. 

    I’ve never been more grateful to have Saturday night Dinner plans. Enjoy the show, Serfs. 



    I wonder how safe is taking a piss at a modern LCD telly from about two feet away, but it seems like a challenge worth taking. Fuck the consequences of a piss-soaked carpet.

    But make no mistake, LC; legions of psyoped Australians will perform the tv mantra ritual splendidly, buy a load of chinky Memorabilia and get pissed on a third-rate sherry.

    Show must go on!


    I just remembered we don’t have live tv.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Servile ignorami..ya deserve whats comin down the pipe..open wide..lol


    Steady on, Panz. Just to remind you some unpleasant history, courtesy of the Jug Empire. They are still  just around the corner …

  6. 10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    “They do bring in a lot of tourists, though, don’t they?”. 

    “What’s the alternative, President Boris Johnson? President Tony Blair?”

    ”They do a lot of good though, that Princess Anne works so hard”

    ”They bring the country together, like when the Queen addressed the nation during Covid”

    Vox populi, Vox dei. 

    Britons should get off their fucking knees. 

    Most of the cunts are so morbidity obese and IQ-deficient, you would need cranes and brain matter transplants to achieve this miracle.

    Apropos: what are you wankers down under doing to escape the clutches of the Adams Fam, LC?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Have you sold all the little Ukranian flags I sent you yet DC? Eurovision is almost upon us and this could be our chance to join the super rich elite and hang out at Davos later this year with Klaus and Gatesy etc. I’ll Parcelforce you another twenty flags tomorrow anyway. You know what to do.

    I feel ignored, B., you should at least ask. Though to be honest, a shitty little flag may not do much for WC Towers; I need a sizeable one to look a proper cunt a mile off.

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  8. On 24/04/2023 at 15:32, Decimus said:

    Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want a single one of these barbarous cunts in our country, the Somalians are bad enough. But you can bet your bottom dollar that there won't be any government funded schemes to house Sudanese refugees. 

    When it comes to putting up immos, parliament isn't interested unless they're white and blond. Which is fine by me, but the hypocrisy and racism from the cunts in power who paint themselves as social justice warriors is absolutely fucking breathtaking.

    They have another option:



  9. I glanced at this article from the Guardian, which goes on and on about issues in the current chief shithole fiefdom of Sudan. As the journalist drones on about some real issues, I think that apart of rudimentary corruption, low IQ and disgusting state of the majority of the population, it omits one very important fact: the fucking joint had 700 percent population growth post Second World War, and the morons are still reproducing like rabbits (tfr over four).

    It would make a good starting place for the soppy waffle.




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  10. On 21/04/2023 at 19:51, Jake The Muss said:

    I think the Abbott thicko needs a resurrection, i fancy a good laugh and you can learn some great maths skills from her.

    Rightly so.

    They did a much better job educating Victorian girls with one book of home economics than drilling fifteen years of state-sponsored parroting into this concrete retard.

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  11. 21 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

    I would go for Tony Cunting Blair and his stupid Blair witch bitch everytime...but in this thread, i really have no choice but to go for the great mathemagician Diane Abbott, it's a no brainer.

    The Two Tonys definitely win the long race, particularly in the war predation’ department. The lovely Diane had her fifteen minutes fame spur, but she is quite limited in quality long term casualties.

  12. 12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

    The Ukrainian/Russian woman thing is interesting. Like you say, top class when they're in their 20s and 30s, but the moment they hit the far side of 40 90% seem to go full Babushka and take an instant liking to headscarves and living in shacks surrounded by rusty corrugated metal fences.

    They don't die sooner, they're just old for a much longer time. Maybe it's the radiation?

    The first signs of those women’ premature aging are the Moonraker teeth. You know it’s all downhill from there on.

  13. On 09/04/2023 at 19:59, King Billy said:

    Dementia Joe needs to fucking wake up a bit sharpish and think about the consequences if he upsets Vlad and Winnie too much. The US economy is under enough pressure at the moment. If Hunter has to start paying for his crack and whores without the help of Russia and China it could mean Trump 2.0

    Question: How many Sloppy Joes are out there?



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  14. 1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    I’m reluctant to comment much OCR, as the continual boorish jeering anyone left of Himmler attracts hereabouts is dull as shit. Let’s just say my own junior years, while dominated by long hours and one in three nights on call, were some of my happiest. But I had free education, free on site digs, subsidised food in the Doctors’ mess, helpful and respectful colleagues, several ward sisters who made me cocoa if I was called out of bed to my ward of 24 stable patients, and the medicine was a lot easier back in the day when a stonking MI was treated with bed rest and aspirin if you were lucky. I pity modern juniors, laden down with £100k in debt, paid poorly, covering hundreds of complex multimorbid patients at night, often alone, and a high likelihood of being sued or beaten up if you so much as breathe wrong near a relative or misgender a colleague who thinks you’re an uppity scumbag only good for cannulating and writing discharge notes. Who can blame them for coming to Aus where they are paid twice as much for half as much work? 35% might seem huge, but if you freeze pay for thirteen years, you’ve got a lot of making up to do. Eight of ten GPs at my practice here are Brits. Hospitals are stuffed with ex NHS docs. The NHS is fucked, it’s been allowed to become fucked, and you’re all going to end up paying through the nose for what comes after it. If it costs a billion a year to give them 35%, I highly recommend you cough up. Good luck. 

    As for Aussie Gold hunters, come on over and give it a try. Kalgoorlie is full of people who’ll tell you all about the football sized nuggets they’ve found lying about the place. A few of them might even sell you a map, if you ask. You’ll get a tan, if nothing else. Oh, hang on….

    The NHS is indeed fucked to the moon and beyond, LC. I have quit my surgery, which has never been overcrowded and still isn’t; one with a very low number of patients on the books as compared with other regions and good (past) reputation, too.

    Under the continuing remote viewing avatar consultation practices as per the government’s dictum (even with no issues with phoning in and getting an appointment quickly), for an old fart like myself, who tended to avoid any unnecessary in person appointment (by a quick note to the docs, repeat script requests, call, etc), I am now gone fully private, as I find the new practices (with some recent experience) frankly unsafe. 

    My main worry is the lack of private emergency services outside of London and having the option of the iffier by the day facilities, stocked with increasingly more staff from Africa and Asia, my chances of dying at home are practically a dead cert.


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  15. 7 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Not content with being one of the queerest drinks imaginable, Bud Light has upped its faggotry quotient exponentially by getting some she-he monstrosity on TikTok to advertise its wares.

    I'm not surprised that yet another big corporation has opted to associate itself with the sort of disgusting, San-Fran shit that by rights should be made illegal. Turn your TV on and you will be assaulted almost immediately by a plethora of mincers, bandits and bulldykes advertising everything from kids toys to life insurance.

    No, what has taken me by surprise is the subsequent backlash and boycott which has seen Bud Light's sales plummet out the bottom of the ever more prolapsed arsehole of the market. This is after all a beer that is primarily consumed by poofters, a product where 86.% of its regular drinkers have Bad AIDS and the only other liquid that they consume regularly is spunk. You'd think they'd be all over this shit like an opportunistic fungal infection spreading over an immunocompromised set of cock and balls.

    @Frank At least there will be plenty more of it for you to drink the next time you're at the pub on your own.


    Fuck off

    I wasn’t aware of freaks liking beers of sorts. I thought they preferred ‘sex on the beach’ or ‘peach fuzz’ cocktail slush things.

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