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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Did you mean to change the first three letters around?
  2. Spare a thought for these poor cunts this morning who have now got a mountain of brown stained sheets and carpets to clean today after anal leakage from prolapsed arseholes due to this weekends pride march attendees that sullied my fine City.What a shit job.I have to go into the City later today so I hope the road sweepers have been out disinfecting the pavements I now have to walk on,I don't fucking want that Aids thingy,the dirty perverted cunts.
  3. If I told you you'd think I was talking centimetres
  4. Neil

    The weather

    Sweat makes a great lubricant
  5. Neil

    The weather

    You know why their hands and feet are pink? They tell them to stand and lean against the wall spread eagled and then the spray gun comes out.
  6. Neil

    The weather

    Yes,but you wont hear me complaining.I get paid and I get a tan
  7. Neil

    The weather

    Give me a fucking break you cunts,'do not travel unless essential' just fuck off,this country is fucking fucked.How many brits go abroad every year to get just what we are having at the moment? All of a sudden it's worth 50 % of the news.I hope every cunt that is fucking moaning at present has a fucking seizure and fucks off this mortal coil.Come December they'll be whinging like fuck about the ice.Just get fucked!
  8. Fucking hell,If sharing a plane with a load of the knob jockeys recently wasn't bad enough I arrive home and find out that this weekend my fine city is being overtaken with the full fucking spectrum of bumfoolery calling itself 'Norwich Pride'.Coupled with a festival of laughs featuring the very bent Stephen K Amos and the equally fucking insufferable Phil 'fat,unfunny cunt' Jupitus Norwich this weekend is a place to stay well away from.I hope it fucking pisses down
  9. I heard that he's still in a korma I'm 'ere all week
  10. In the words of Derek And Clive,"You fucking stupid fucking cunt"
  11. Neil


    What about that Scottish one,Rabii C. Nesbitt?
  12. Well she did agree to 'for better or worse'
  13. Let's hope the shit for brains cunt was wiped out before he had the chance to add another fuckwit to the gene pool.
  14. Was it the 5.15? You tee 'em up Gyps,I'll knock 'em in.
  15. I'm going to have to pass I'm afraid,after a lovely lunch at a local Agriturismo and a nicely chilled bottle of Pinot I'm sorry to say Mrs N rather got the hump when I attempted to fart out my gnocchi and instead followed through.I am now in the doghouse or should I say 'casa di cane'
  16. How rude,dumpster cunt?...you're even shit at insults.Cricket is for irons
  17. One of these statements is true,what time is it?
  18. Good morning,absolutely nothing lucky about the 4 runs scored off a diving Stokes in the last over?.Think before you write. Good day. Cunt!
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