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Posts posted by Eddie


    Does not make them the hero's the fire brigade union would like you to believe, they are fire watchers not fighters , and there is too many of them sitting around all day and night waiting for a road traffic accident

  2. The worst ones are the cunts who ring up while you're eating or dinner or having a shit. You dash to the phone only to find a bile inducing scouse thieving liar on the line telling you that you or someone in your household has recently had an accident. One a week on average. They must enjoy getting a regular cunting from Mrs Gobbler.

    It's not to late to claim you ppi back, fuck off 

  3. Nothing against those leeches. At least you know who you are dealing with, unlike fucking politicians, Rotheram council and other assorted wankers.

    Remember a lot of politicians started off as Lawyers, realised they could be even bigger cunts in government. 

  4. With all houses now fitted with smoke alarms , and chips pans a thing of the past, home fires are so rare they actually make the news. The modern fire brigade attend road traffic accidents and get people out of lifts , any few and far between fires that are attended result in a risk assessment , followed by the fire brigade joining the crowds to watch the building burn down. They then strike on the only day of the year we might actually need them (Nov 5) , the public have wised up to these layabouts, fucking hero's , fucking cunts more like.

  5. They would like you to believe they are hero's , tell that to the family who lost a husband in a 3 feet deep lake as firemen looked on and would not help because of heath and safety, or the firefighters who refused to enter a Tube tunnel to rescue survivors of the July 7 bombings despite being shown it was safe.

    We have a part time 'hero' at work, turns up after a good night's sleep at the firehouse, in all the years he has worked with us you could count on one hand the incidents he has been called out to. These con men are just waiting out for a big fat pension , hero's ? , lazy work shy slobs more like.

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  6. These parasites are advertising constantly looking to snare a clumsy halfwit that has slipped on a wet floor or fell off a ladder. What ever happened to personal responsibility? These days if you are a complete moron and hurt yourself through lack of care or planning someone else is to blame. No wonder our insurance premiums are rising, ban these no win no fee cunts.

  7. Our ladies wear earrings.

    Those amongst us that have liver disease is none of your business.

    The circles you move in at the working mens clubs do indeed have ladies nights. The pat butcher type women who turn up do indeed like an earing, also a kebab and a piss in the alley after closing time.

  8. Then, oh large one, never EVER whinge about anything that happens during your interaction with society. If they stop your DLA, do not moan. If you cannot get your name removed from the sex offenders register, if and when they finally put you on it, do not whine. 

    Nigel doing well again tonight, despite the cock botherer not letting him finish a answer before asking another question. 

  9. Now, let me make this absolutely clear:THIS IS NOT A RACIST REMARK, but I have observed several of our colored cousins who 'appear' to have been tattooed,with fuck knows what, as they can barely be seen for love or money. What is their point?

    Mike tyson has a prominent tattoo,  looks a proper cunt, but I ain't going to tell him.

  10. On a political level you have to admire the gay lobby. Fifty years ago they were reviled and even put in prison but today they are all over the telly, getting married in church, adopting children (as long as they are rich), representing us in Parliament and even have the likes of  you and your thick mates fighting their corner. Fifty years sounds like a long time but consider the fact that blacks have been trying to find the same acceptance for centuries, the Jews for two thousand fucking years and have , by comparison, failed miserably. 

    So blacks and jews are not as proficient at being accepted by society as gays, what do you think is the cause of that?, can't be the racist mob behind this lack of tolerance, the racists hate the queens as much as you.

  11. John Snow's sanctimonious carping on Channel four news, where he trumpets like an avenging arch-angel about saving these new 'boat people' is fucking tedious. Watch him as he shouts at everyone including the poor cunt somewhere on a down market beach in Italy where these Islamic 'life guards' are landing at the rate of half a million a year. C4 seem to be banging a big drum about this development and are bollocking us all off about it, as if we were to blame somehow?

    If it seems attractive to have a little trip over the briny to EU benefit land or even eventually somewhere like Burnley for the lucky ones, there may be risks involved. What do the fuckers expect for a grand - first class cabins? Next thing we'll be giving these cunts an assisted passage to our thronging, gagging Island? No doubt that ugly Green bitch Natalie Bennett will have a story line to justify the import of these potential ISIS assassins as an unidentified benefit, as will Cameron if he works out there's a vote in it before May the 7th.

    Meanwhile these happy swimmers will just have to endure the service of their provider, complain to the Libyan H&S Executive or pack a lilo in their bags.

    After all the Titanic wasn't perfect and such events are inevitably part of the great unfolding realm of maritime statistics...

    ​can we not swap a few soppy sods from slough etc, for some poor sods from the boats, one lots lived it and cant wait to risk their lives to leave, the other cunts have a romantic idea about it and want to go, fair swap.

  12. ​No, i don't hate Eastern Europeans 'and they are all around me. I hate rich people and their politician friends who import cheap labour to undermine the pay and conditions of the working class and don't give a fuck about the burden on the taxpayer because they don't pay any tax anyway. Like the rich cunts i don't give a fuck where they come from. I have explained this a thousand times but the racists and antisemites on here like to use it as a stick to beat me with because they can't take anybody highlighting (yes, not even criticizing) their fear and disgust of the non-white skin. I have been to Poland , the Czech Republic and Slovakia twice so i know where they come from and i understand why they are here and, in their circumstances, i would be here too. I also know there are no bigger enemies of the gaylords than these people. Confusing isn't it?

    Żzzzzzz , fuck off 

  13. On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Fatty said:

    I heard he was Savilles cock slave as was his mummy

    I would have thought cyril smith was the more likely dad of our good friend keith


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  14. ​Fuck me Jizz, I'm thinking this will cause a stink as most of the cunts on here are claiming benefits, especially those two fudge packers Jazz and Keith!

    ​Keith is in a constant state of stress, waiting for the knock on the door.

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