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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    Get a room, you pair of wankers.
  2. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    As you say, each to their own. Take your imaginary hammers and shove them up your own arse.
  3. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    I'm here for a laugh too, but not violent banter. Violent banter, or bullshit as I prefer to call it, is what wankers who've spent too much time playing video games like to spout. It's fucking pathetic.
  4. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    When you've grown up, read back the shite you have posted on CC. Maybe then you'll understand why everyone thinks you're a fucking idiot.
  5. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    Err no, actually I was taking the piss out of a couple of spackers. Can you guess who they are?
  6. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    You're like a random gibberish generator. Someone pushes your button and out it comes. Fucking idiot.
  7. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    Spack off! Spack off!
  8. Ape™️

    Craft beer

    6.56% and falling.
  9. I realise that the leaderboard is a contentious subject, but having a persons likes to post ratio is a fair gauge of whether they contribute content that others find amusing, or whether they just fire out vast quantities of utter fucking drivel. 17/258 = 6.6% = donner. Draw your own conclusions.
  10. Ape™️

    Milton Friedman

    I haven't seen such a prolific outpouring of utter, utter fucking drivel since the heady days of Jazz.
  11. Ape™️

    Milton Friedman

    Monkey talk a load of fucking shit.
  12. Ape™️

    Milton Friedman

    If ever an example of quantity over quality were needed, this Donna cunt is it, eh Punky?
  13. Ape™️

    Milton Friedman

    Confucius say: Man with no nom worth posting (due to it being utter fucking drivel) should shut the fuck up and remain silent.
  14. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    The king of the spastics is a force to be reckoned with.
  15. Ape™️

    Sunday roast

    One spastic to rule them all. Fuck off.
  16. You. You're the biggest cunt in all this.
  17. Ape™️


    And ruling over them all, the king of the spastics, sat on his throne. An emaciated, vile, brown piece of shit.
  18. Ape™️


    Whereas you have shown yourself to be non-geographical idiot. Doesn't matter where you are, you're a fucking idiot regardless.
  19. Sorry for taking so long to reply - I read your post quite some time ago, but it's taken until now to sufficiently regain my composure. Laugh? Fucking hell, I've been rolling about on the floor, absolutely beside myself with laughter.
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