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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. What's the point of getting up? You have nothing to contribute to society.
  2. Were you suprised to hear that Pukeape knows hunting cunts?
  3. Exactly the type of response I was expecting from a predictable turd such as you. It comes as no surprise that you "know many people" involved in this vile persuit - as you're always telling us, you move in the same social circles as these wankers. And then you go on to say how they would all "kick fuck" out of someone who has an engineering based hobby which involves infinitely more mental capacity than riding a horse round the countryside, dressed like a prick and blowing a horn (this part is the bit you like I suspect). You then go on to tell us that it's all about eradication of vermin - by far the biggest load of utter shit in your entire post. As I said originally, fox numbers can easily be controlled by simply shooting them. Sending a load of chinless wankers out on horses, with a pack of baying hounds, to selflessly rid the country of one fox, is a pathetic excuse for this barbaric activity. So, to conclude - fuck off.
  4. He's got to be somecunt playing a character. If there is real person behind this avatar, truly meaning the posts he/she/it makes, then it's actually quite sad, and I'd recommend immediate suicide.
  5. A vile, bloodthirsty, barbaric persuit, perpetrated by a breed of human I'd like to see eradicated from existence. The National Trust is allegedly allowing this illegal persuit to take place on its land, which I'm sure our resident faux-aristocrat wanker will have something to say about. Chinless, inbred, rosy-cheeked cunts. If foxes are pests, their numbers should be controlled by trained marksmen. The aristocratic wankers don't need to amass 40 other chinless wankers and a pack of hounds, simply to eradicate one fox. Cunts. Fuck off.
  6. What sort of glue do you sniff? lol. Maggot.
  7. I thought it was planes you'd become interested in? Planes are a piece of piss to fly - even a certified cretin like you could eventually learn, as long as time wasn't limited. Fuck off.
  8. As I've said before - stick to alcoholism.
  9. Why would "he" have been questioned by the Portuguese police? Please elaborate, and then fuck off.
  10. A mindless, repetitive, unimaginative load of bollocks. Maggot.
  11. Can I suggest you stop trying to do either? Stick to what you do best - drinking.
  12. You're clearly desperate for attention. Either that or you're massively thick. Whatever the reason - fuck off.
  13. As usual, you interminably thick cunt, you are missing the point. I imagine you as a translucent, maggot-like creature, that thrives on attempting to cause misery to others.
  14. Some people may be shopping at these times through necessity, rather than choice. Why should shopping after 5pm be a problem? As long as the shop is open, it's not unreasonable for someone to use it, surely?
  15. I agree completely. Not something that generally occurs on CC, unless the question is "do you think Pukeape is a vile, deformed little spastic jizz slurper?"
  16. Again, I agree, but there are people out there, willing and able to do this work. Sure, it doesn't suit everyone, but nevertheless there are people out there who, for whatever reason, are prepared to work these shifts. I wouldn't care if all supermarkets closed their doors at, say, 10pm each night. It's the 4pm cut-off on Sundays that I find ridiculous. Sunday doesn't have the same religious status as it once had, and limiting trading because of some archaic legacy laws, made in a different era, is plain stupid.
  17. I take your point, but other than Sunday it is a 24 hour society already, so why the Sunday caveat? Seems fucking pointless to me.
  18. Hello Drew. What are we on? Fourth or fifth can of Special Brew?
  19. Yes, I had a very nice holiday, thank you. Do you honestly believe that people don't work on Sunday through choice? If the laws allowed it, there'd be people working. Willingly working.
  20. What do you expect? He's a top drawer troll - it's what they specialise in.
  21. Why is it pertinent? Please explain.
  22. I'm not prepared to discuss any aspect of my family holiday with you, without a common frame of reference. Since I'm a married, heterosexual male, with children, and you are a single, weedy, semen swilling moron, it can never happen. It's best for all concerned if you simply fuck off.
  23. As you're incapable of having children, both physically and by law, you will never understand the appeal of such holidays. Stick to travelling first class round Europe, sampling semen from from all "member" states, you horrid little freak. Fuck off.
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